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Everything posted by wegner

  1. It takes 2 to tango. I don't think Lucas wants to re-sign here.
  2. Would've been nice if he had a nice series....I mean they actually had Mookie at SS last night.
  3. Yeah yeah you wanna pitch on the West Coast....we get it Lucas.
  4. Giolito looked like a true ace in Game 1 against Oakland.
  5. I put on the game with my wife reading on the couch. She always reacts negatively when she hears Beckham. Tonight she heard the ESPN announcers and said "whats this now??!!"
  6. Or his defen.....whoa nice play Jake
  7. Remember when the Sox killed lefty starters?
  8. Here's hoping tonight's bottom of the 1st is not another game ender.
  9. I am happy to learn that such cruel and ununusual punishment was used for good... I also think Jason should be sent to Guantanamo for it's continued abuse.
  10. It occurs in 3rd innings, is cursed, involves awful singing, and forces me to use my mute button. And will not happen this evening.....one of the only things I like about ESPN.
  11. Tim's fiery positive attitude left on the train with Yoan's sweet LH swing.....I miss them both.
  12. I have a long contended that there should be a warm up inning to get everyone acclimated to the day. Those 4 runs should not have counted. I have a message in to Manfred's office....maybe they will call me back this time.
  13. You know, I was actually a little encouraged by Luis' long at bat in the 1st inning where he drew a walk and then stole 2B. I cannot remember anyone after that at bat making the Dodgers starter work much at all. This offense is tough to watch most days.
  14. I don't know why I stayed up for that entire crapfest. Never again. See you tomorrow.
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