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Everything posted by wegner

  1. Billy Pierce, a Sox legend in my opinion and a man who you only hear terrific things about. Minnie Minoso is the same way. I never had the pleasure to meet either of them but my wife met Minnie at her work one day and she said he was the nicest man. Plus she brought me, her then fiancé and now lucky husband Minnie's signed autograph and I was thrilled.
  2. I do love that the Sox have so many players that are easy to root for. It makes it more fun for me. Thanks for starting this thread. It has been a great read
  3. I'm sorry to say that I totally forgot he was in the organization. Think I'd rather see Mendick get the call.
  4. I must say this team is frustratingly entertaining. Even with all their fundamentally bad baseball and lack of starting pitching, they are much easier to watch than last year's product.
  5. My father's favorite Sox player of all time. I would love to go to that game with the ghost of my Dad and bring him a Heineken and a "hot dog with the good onions" as he called it.
  6. How about a go fund me to get him a plane ticket to San Diego. I hear he really likes it out there.
  7. It was just a matter of time that the Palehose would win with Sale vs Lopez as the starters.
  8. If they change the rules and let us DH for multiple positions, we can call Engel back up and DH for the P and CF spots.
  9. He does tend to go on streaks so we might see good Jose for a week or 2.
  10. Ok, who gets the bottom of the 9th to close this crazy one out?
  11. Thanks and I'll take that Yeeeessss for the Jose bomb as well!!
  12. I had to step away and missed most of the bottom of the 8th...is it safe to say that they get out of that inning with the lead if Rondon doesn't screw up?
  13. Yes, it was. That is all I have to say. Yes, it was.
  14. This is actually terrific forward thinking by Rick Renteria. Not only is there the interleague games, there is the future World Series matchup where we will be dealing with no DH. It is down the road but something we have to be prepared for.
  15. He eventually became a terrific return for Alex Rios!!
  16. No one who watched that first inning. Nice battling effort from Reynaldo today.
  17. Thanks Tom. I missed the Thompson signing. Interested to see how much Dahlquist gets...he was asking for 2 Million from what I've read?
  18. The ball explodes off his bat in the highlights I have seen. Very excited to see how quickly he can move through the minors. Now that he is signed, let's take care of the 2-3 picks and get some young big upside arms in the system.
  19. Carson the opener...that is his future with the Sox if they choose to try it. Why not?
  20. He did indeed. I have hope that he could be a nice 4-5 option in the starting rotation going forward. And that would be a good thing especially with how Lopez has looked.
  21. I came here looking for some Jack Parkman enthusiasm for Reynaldo Lopez to give me some future hope....I guess I will leave now
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