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Everything posted by wegner

  1. Can the Sox trade him to the All Star Game?...they could use him for the home run derby
  2. How long do the Sox keep sending Nova out there?...he makes me long for the days of Derek Holland
  3. How about Colome for the Cubbies top hitting prospect and top pitching prospect...that worked out well for us last time
  4. I was looking at Tim in the 2 hole and it just hit me at how much improvement he has made with plate discipline. He has been laying off so many pitches out of the zone that he used to flail at. I know he won't hit .400 but man how exciting it is how much he has improved and he is still so young!!
  5. It would be nice to get 6 or 7 strong innings from Ivan. Keep up the offensive pressure and light up Cashner!!!
  6. It's a better topic than when is Jay coming back from the DL, sorry I meant IL
  7. The "wait why aren't we cutting McCann" option is not aging well.
  8. Hey. Adam Engel was MVP of the Arizona Fall League. Your precious Mike Trout never won that award.
  9. It seems like the pitchers like working with him as well and he has done a nice job blocking balls in the dirt (something that Castillo has not done at all)
  10. It is exciting to see Hansen succeeding at all this year. If in the end, he ends up being a good reliever, then fine. He was a total mess last year. Lock down bullpens are very important these days in baseball, if that is how some of our young "starting" pitchers develop that will work too.
  11. Might as well..."the money will be spent"
  12. If he keeps playing well, is it a stretch to actually say James McCann is one of Rick Hahn"s better free agent signings? Sad I know but true?
  13. When Engel is in center, he should be like the kid in the original Bad News Bears who would run over and catch every ball over the other outfielders. ?
  14. Might have to bring back Palka so he can be a defensive replacement for Eloy in the late innings
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