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Everything posted by wegner

  1. wegner

    What Now?

    Baseball is supposed to be entertainment, so although there have been some nice developments from the "future" guys, this product has been awful tough to watch so far this season. I love listening to and watching White Sox baseball but this crap they are putting on the field is tough to spend much time on.
  2. Meh...it's not like the Sox need any pitching help...at least we've got Covey stretching himself out again in AAA
  3. wegner

    What Now?

    Palka was a nice little story last year but I see no reason to not give Cordell his at bats at this point. I think I'd rather even see Tilson...Skinny Palka seems lost in the field and at the plate.
  4. I thought Fry would be sent down first
  5. If the Sox continue to pitch like they have this homestand they might allow them to have the 1st and 2nd pick in the draft
  6. Well Hahn said the money would be spent, but did he ever say it would actually be spent on the White Sox?
  7. I know that his Dad never played for the White Sox but maybe we hire him as one of those "ambassadors" then he can go around with Thome to recruit.
  8. It's just a ploy to help sign his brother when he hits free agency.
  9. Looks like the White Sox signed another Tatis...who are the Sox going to trade him for?
  10. Cuban players are remembering they aren't supposed to hit until it warms up
  11. Let's go..this is Bear weather, I mean White Sox weather!!!
  12. Thanks for the tip...just played pick to click for the first time thanks to the rain delay letting me get it in
  13. Can I pick the entire bottom third of the lineup and win it if any of them gets an RBI?
  14. This is exactly the type of weather it always was whenever I went to game with my wife when we were first dating...why the hell would she marry someone who would take her to a game where the best option was hot chocolate?!...I am a lucky man
  15. Look into that crystal ball, Rabbit...can you give us your take on the starting rotation in 2021?
  16. Who's the next left hander up from the minors? Fry needs a trip down to clear his head and re-learn how to throw strikes.
  17. Hahn has gone too far this time!!!
  18. Back end of the bullpen looking good!!!
  19. Need Cordell for that late pitch hit home run to win it!!
  20. Yoan is locked in and it is not even warm weather yet...I will go with Yoan but I think it will be close once Eloy heats up, which he will!!
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