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Everything posted by wegner

  1. You need a closer, how about Rob Dibble.
  2. The truth and Bryce Harper are both out there.
  3. This is just a move to push Manny Banuelos to be the pitcher he is destined to be. Manny is out of options and now will be lights out in Spring Training with Ervin breathing down his neck. What a genius move by Rick!!!
  4. Hey looking at that Bobby Bonilla contract...How about offering Harper a 500 year 5 billion dollar contract?..his family would be set for a long time and it would not tie up too much of Jerry's money,
  5. That is a terrific Preller sucks argument. I was shocked when that deal went down.
  6. Hey didn't Shields teach Dunning a new curveball? That's got to be worth something, right?
  7. Yep that was an awful signing. But I think worse was the mind numbingly dumb contract for Prince Fielder.
  8. What do the Sox have to lose by offering a front loaded contract with an earlier opt out than Machado got to Harper? They have the money now to spend and if he walks after 4 years, they still had a marketable superstar for a time that should be the start of their windown of contention with the young guys. Harper and Eloy back to back...that will sell some tickets.
  9. Machado might have been the 1st choice because they thought they could get him cheaper with the friends and family discount. But Harper is now the only choice and a much more marketable star. Stay under the radar and save him from having to sign with the Phillies!!
  10. Prayers to him and his family. That is much too young.
  11. Since I have an unreasonable hope for Harper, I guess I'm in the denial phase.
  12. I was a long time lurker here and joined in the discussion a bit because of the pursuit of the whales. Have I been spending more time here than I should lately? Maybe. But it has been for the most part fun. I look forward to discussing White Sox baseball with real fans because without a doubt this is the best place to go to find a whole lot of them. Thanks to all here.
  13. The battle for the opening day starter begins. Let's Go!!!
  14. I too enjoyed the boat metaphor. I really like Anderson. He plays with intensity and really seems to enjoy playing the game. That can be infectious. With the life perspective he was given with the tragedy a couple years ago, I think he can grow into a real leader on this team going forward (a real captain of this boat).
  15. What I got from that interview and the following rest of Lawrence Holmes show was my dream that Lawrence be named General Manager for just enough time to sign Harper. Like he said towards the end of the show, Bryce wants someone to come in and save him from having to sign with the Phillies. I am just going to hold out for the hope that the Sox are now working under the radar and have not actually taken themselves out of the Bryce Harper sweepstakes. Go get the bigger whale Rick and all is forgiven.
  16. Hey I would listen if they would do the interview and then have Chris Rongey come in to take calls from Sox fans. I would give his about 2 minutes before he blew a gasket.
  17. I'm not sure that I can listen to this interview without yelling back at the radio so I will miss have of it anyway. I'll get the soxtalk recap later, thanks.
  18. Yes!!! Preach Ray Ray. I love it!! I am with you all the way.
  19. I know...Manny Banuelos is already warming up to try to keep the game close.
  20. The problem is on the way home from the meeting I will turn on Ed and DJ and be sucked right back in. "If you are just joining us, Covey has looked really good in the first 2 innings folks."
  21. I am tremendously disappointed right now but I know myself and I will watch more games than I should and watch post games too. I am sure I will be very happy when John Jay gets that game winning RBI against the Royals. Help me. I have a problem.
  22. You chose San Diego after what they did to us. For Shame...Just kidding have fun!!
  23. Maybe everyone has misunderstood what the Phillies mean by spending stupid money. Let's say they offer 5 years 100 million, Boras says "hey that's stupid" and the Sox swoop in.
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