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Everything posted by wegner

  1. Is Yonder trying to make his life more difficult here or is it his way of demanding a trade?
  2. I'm venting, Dick. Now let's go sign Bryce and I'll be doing a happy dance, haha.
  3. From the beginning, I did want Harper to be the main target so if we get him I will be over the moon happy. Yesterday was bad when it was announced that Manny signed with the Padres. The problem is that it got worse and quite frankly infuriating when Kenny Williams opened his month and said things that he should have known were going to piss off Sox fans. And then Hahn tried to spin it that the Sox offered a better deal when they did not to further piss Sox fans off. If the front office doesn't understand or like that people on Soxtalk are calling them out...tough shit!!
  4. Are you willing to offer Jennifer an opt out if she is not happy after 5 years?
  5. I went from I don't want Manny he doesn't hustle even in the world series, Harper is the marquis player to shoot for to The Sox traded for Alonso and Jay because they think they can sign Manny, Ok he is the better overall player anyway and we have plenty of outfield depth in the minors to San Diego, wtf, plus the Sox won't go to 300 guaranteed plus they don't believe in Opt Outs!! Ok I always wanted Harper more anyway and the Sox certainly realize Harper is a face of the franchise type player who will make them relative again so they will pay him. I know I don't really believe this but one can dream right??
  6. I cannot believe that the front office is trying to spin this thing like their offer was actually better than the one that Machado took with San Diego. Just Stop. Fans are pissed and feel duped. If they think that their organizational philosophy of not offering opts outs is going to work than they are just a ship of fools.
  7. I was told recently that outside of Chicago, more rare even than deep dish pizza is a good italian beef sandwich. My nephew said that when he had a semester away in Germany in college he tried to explain what an italian beef sandwich was to someone from the East Coast and the guy responded "Oh you mean like Arby's?" ?
  8. Hey remember that talk that Bryce's favorite city for food was Chicago! Send him over a contract for 10 years 320 million and a Lou Malnati's pizza and wrap this thing up!!!!
  9. Damn, I had penciled in Basabe in right field in a couple of years. Is there anyone on the market now we can get to play there ?
  10. Kenny says 300 million is a number that they could not go to and yet they float out that the deal could have been 320 million? Pick a lane, you cannot have it both ways. It seems ridiculous to say they went cheap with a 250 million offer but it's true. Don't bother if you are not really all in on a 26 year old top talent.
  11. Now what?....buy more Gatorade for Yolmer to douse Alonso and Jay with because that is what we have to look forward to in 2019.
  12. I think they want to have 2B open for Madrigal who some people feel has gold glove ability at that position as his ceiling. So why not move Moncada now I guess is the thinking.
  13. It seems to me that they will get the pitching that they need by trading surplus outfielders for example. It might just be because of today, but I do not see this team paying for a top of the rotation type starting pitching.
  14. What Kenny Williams meant to say was that the Sox just couldn't go to that 300 Million level....for Machado. Let's turn this around and sign Harper by this evening.
  15. What was it with Kenny saying that Jerry really stepped up?!!?? Just shut up Kenny!!!! You need to stop talking.
  16. I want to be able to root for Alonso and Jay but honestly I just cannot wait until they are gone.
  17. Does Kenny Williams have any clue how that statement pisses off so many Sox fans? Why oh Why oh Why did they ever pretend like they were in the running. You don't try to bargain shop 26 year old very talented free agents. Just plain stupid!!!
  18. I love the White Sox too. I will be upset if do not get one of the Whales but I root for the team and will do so whether Machado or Yolmer is at 3rd this year. Same for Harper or Palka. White Sox, White Sox, Go Go White Sox!!!!
  19. This guy is worse than Marge Schott. Punishment?...I am all for Contracting the Cubs.
  20. At Soxfest...and now your 2019 Chicago White Sox...Manny (gasp from the crowd) Banuelos. I just hope they don't boo the poor guy.
  21. I agree with this. No way we get both of the Whales. Go get Ottavino and definitely have a killer bullpen. Shorten the games and give us a great shot of being much better this year.
  22. The real question is are the Machado and Harper camps monitoring us? Just in case they are: I have always considered Scott Boras to be a wonderful person.
  23. Unfortunately, Roller Coasters always made me sick. ?
  24. Can you get pitchforks into SoxFest or do you have to check them with your coat?
  25. I'm confused. Is this bad for getting either of the Whales?
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