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Everything posted by wegner

  1. He seems to struggle in his 1st innings but he's got good stuff so I have no problem with keeping him around and see if he can figure it out. I would guess he's more of a middle reliever though in the long run. I also love your enthusiasm, Dick. 3 or 4 save opportunities seems a little high with these clowns.
  2. Didn't watch any of the game last night. Just saw this. It is embarrassing even for these clowns....
  3. Touki Terrific is fine as #8 or #9 starter, unfortunately he is currently our #2 or #3. Ok, fine might be a bit strong. How about passable in an organization thin on starting pitching.
  4. I may have thrown up a little in my mouth.
  5. You forgot Scholtens and Touki the Magnificent
  6. Just checked the score. What in the hell kinda starting rotation are they gonna be able to put together next season?
  7. I know he owns the team but damnit the White Sox are ours.....and I wish he'd stop screwing them up. Unfortunately with the tax laws the way they are, I don't see anyway they get sold until he is gone.
  8. Is Jerry reading Soxtalk? We just had that thread about a new stadium.
  9. I always hate Hinz' takes on business and politics whenever I hear him on the radio so no surprise. Oh, and Jerry.....interesting timing & piss off!!!
  10. I'll be able to sleep well tonight....because I'm very tired.
  11. Elvis playing 4D chess....he figured he would force Pedro's hand to get Lenyn in there.
  12. It would go 17 innings and Manfred would call the lead umpire to end the game before someone got hurt....but it would be too late because Eloy 1 & 2 would have both already been injured
  13. Boy would it be nice to see that left handed swing again.
  14. Hey, the Sox once had a Koch that sucked too. Let's win one for Elvis, boys!!!
  15. Nice try Jason trying to sneak the jingle in to the 8th inning, but I got to the mute button in time.
  16. I don't see how they can be much worse, but I'm confident they will get there.
  17. Aaron Bummer has the body language of someone who is wondering why the season is not over yet.
  18. Attending a White Sox game is punishment enough imho.
  19. Nice to see Lenyn having some better at bats.
  20. At least Eloy still shows flashes of easy power. Moncada has zero power any more.
  21. Ooh. that might be a new low for the White Sox Limbo....stay tuned. These clowns really have had a pretty easy schedule for awhile and they've gotten even worse.
  22. Wow, really showing a lotta fire there Pedro, Useless POS. At least Sosa gets some playing time. Did it take a few innings to get a Soxmath answer because noone is watching?
  23. About to get swept by one of the worst teams in baseball....only thing more embarrassing would be someone getting swept by the White Sox.
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