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Everything posted by ChiSox1917

  1. That does not mean that having a disagreement makes someone a racist. What a moronic take
  2. Lmao at bernstein. Talk about throwing stones in a glass house. Guy is so much more disgusting than la russa. media just love to tear people down to generate clicks. Lets ignore all the black players that thrived under la russa throughout his career as a manager
  3. Not really. All the analytic guys even said before the game, you pull snell before his third time through the lineup. This was a decision made prior to the game, prior to seeing his stuff that day, and prior to seeing how in the zone he was on the mound. A better manager would have called an audible there. A good organization would have allowed the manager to do so and not force decisions based solely on analytics.
  4. No they dont. Rickey renteria was trashed by both groups.
  5. But the stats above all guys say it was a good decision
  6. He hasn't enforced anything. Jumping the gun here bud
  7. I can't wait to bring this thread back to the front page when La Russa wins the World Series and him and Tim Anderson hug each other holding up the trophy
  8. In the real world, people with political differences get along and work with each other day to day just fine.
  9. Imagine being an adult and thinking that having a different opinion on an issue means that the other person doesn't care or acknowledge your feelings. You sound like a child.
  10. I don't think he "has" to say anything to the fans. Who he has to explain his positions to are the owner, GM, and players. I highly doubt the organization is going to hire someone they have concerns about working with their players. Just really comes across as a non-issue being pushed by posters on this board that personally take issue with his politics.
  11. Your posts and analysis of baseball would be a lot better if you actually watched games
  12. moving goalposts. is it MAGA loving people you're concerned about or people against kneeling? These are not the same thing.
  13. This myth that la russa is anti-stats really needs to stop as for the rest, just admit youre a liberal and hate conservatives. Most people get along just fine with political differences. Only nutjobs dont
  14. But you dont watch the games so when would you ever see him?
  15. Lets hire a computer to be our manager, and make similar decisions like the rays did last night pulling snell out when he was cruising and his stuff was electric.
  16. Uhmmm did you really just jump to someone supporting hitler?
  17. As safe as it is for most people without underlying conditions...pretty f’n safe
  18. Are we hiring him to be buddies with the players or to manage them?
  19. Last nights rays game was exhibit #1 for why larussa would be a good hire. Listen to the nerds, but dont be beholden to them
  20. The nba has gotten incredibly boring with their changes to defense to the point the game is stopped every 20 seconds for a foul shot.
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