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  1. How is pollack defensively ? I know he used to be a good runner but wasn’t sure now. Thanks
  2. We should blame Bummer, Marshal, Foster and Heuer for the Madrigal trade. If they were doing their fu$%$#ing jobs we wouldn’t have had the need to trade for Kimbrel.
  3. And please don’t waste your time bringing up Conforto. He hit 232 last year and is a 255 career hitter. I’ll take my chances with Vaughn and sheets.
  4. This years free agent debacle? What was wrong It? I thought we did pretty good seeing we didn’t much.
  5. Kenny always get his guy and Coop will straighten him out, lol
  6. Dick Allen Allen not making the hall is afucking joke. Didn’t he have the highest ops from 1964 to1974 of any player? . And for the racial crap he had to put up with he should be a lock.
  7. Did you ever watch Pederaon throw? No fucking way that guy can play right. He stinks!!!!
  8. So you have to pre pay? I’ve always had parking passes but not for this game. Thanks for the heads up
  9. Question for the board did anyone go to the game last night and if so how was parking? I’ve been to a few games this year and parking was brutal a few times. Wha time do recommend getting there and if not driving how difficult is it to get an Uber after the game? Thanks much appreciated
  10. The TEPARA trade looks pretty good so far. He has done a very good on for us imo.
  11. I was indifferent about the trade and didn’t want to lose Madrigal but if Bummer and Hueur were having better seasons we would not have made that deal. Those guys struggling like they were was the reason it was made.
  12. I’ve had a couple buckle bunnies in my day, lol. Women who follow rodeos riders in case anyone wanted to know.
  13. Trade Madrigal and Vaughn. Oh sorry that was the talk during the winter and spring around here. My bad lol
  14. As a packer fan I’m probably biased but even some of my Bear fan buddies admitted they thought Rogers was pretty damm good as host. He was smooth for sure.
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