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Everything posted by Ducksnort

  1. This is what I am afraid of. Even if they do stop being absolute dog shit, eventually the hole will just be too deep to get out of. And there is no end in sight to this losing. It's not even that they can't hit, they are getting absolutely no breaks. It's astonishing.
  2. There is just no bite. Not even a threat.
  3. This has got to be the worst team in baseball
  4. If Rendon gets ahold of one, TLR is gonna get it.
  5. White Sox aint winning SHIT (reverse psychology works)
  6. I know...but we'll see. The republicans presented a bill that would, if passed, deny him the right to extend the pause further ot cancel debt. So I think there is real reason to move this forward if he's gonna do it. I'm just tired of not knowing what's gonna happen with this. Like do something just quit kicking the can.
  7. So, why can't they just have the umpires watch the same damn video feed we are and call balls and strikes from there. Why is that such a hard thing to do? Why even mess around with robots? Just watch the game telecast
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