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Everything posted by LostInBoston

  1. Bullpen warming. Singleton should shut up. Just have Farmeo on there.
  2. two seasons in chicago - winter and traffic....
  3. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 04:37 AM) I was actually pretty composed. I just sat there, smiled and took it all in. Me too - I was so shocked I didnt know how to react....
  4. Cheers to that - it was an emotional win for all of us. We share it with everyone from our past and our present. I never want to forget this moment..... Cheers to all those Sox fans in the past that never got to experience a White Sox World Series WIN! I'd love to share a beer with everyone of them tonight.....
  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who called in sick today...
  6. Who's that jackass with the sign behind homeplate - someone should tell that person to put the sign up when the Angels are pitching - not Buerlhe.
  7. Nice win Angels - we put up a big F.U. to the moneybags of the AL East. Now, prepare to lose.
  8. I jumped up off the couch and screamed at the top of my lungs, then for some unexplained reason dropped down onto my back and shook my arms and legs like a dead bug or something screaming taaaaads! Then I got up and looked out of my window and saw silence fall over Cambridge, Mass.
  9. In SoxTalk League 6 it was 1st: The Giant Arms (me) 2nd: Shakes 3rd: Credepopsup Punks
  10. QUOTE(WSox30 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 01:21 AM) I'm just a little anxious for this red sox series as I am in Boston and attending friday and saturday night. I would just like to see everyones thoughts on this series. I personally love how we have our top two pitchers going the first two days to get things started. also on a side note, I was eating outside and DJ walked by and I yelled hey DJ and he kindly gave me a big smile and wave so if you read this DJ thanks for being kind. Sorry you're in Boston - I recommend getting out of there as soon as you can. (Enjoy the games though).
  11. Is that true that some fan punched Pods? I didn't see that - prolly because I was way up in the nosebleeds down the third base line...
  12. Yeah, I was at the game too - upper deck behind 3rd base. The guy was definitely drunk and definitely jumped. That guy is so damn lucky, cuz had that broke he would've definitely been dead. Anyway, despite all that it was a great nailbiter of a game....
  13. I'll be at all 3 Yankee games and the Sox record with me in attendance is pretty darn good. So at least we got that going for us....
  14. As a man of experience, I can honestly say Boston and 90% of the people that live there suck.
  15. Speaking of T, anyone ever checked out this site - it is absolutely hilarious: Mr T vs Everything
  16. JB was picked up by Texas, FYI. Good for him!
  17. He's been a chump all year and hopefully will continue to do so....
  18. If you're staying in the city, you should consider taking the water taxi up to the stadium. You can catch it from right under the Brooklyn bridge on the Brooklyn side or 42nd in Manhattan (I think?). Its definitely a cool way to get to the park. I'll be at all those games (my nick should be LostInBrooklyn now) so perhaps I'll see ya there... If you need any suggestions for places to check out, msg me.
  19. After seeing El Duque his past few outings, I'm starting to wonder whether or not we shouldn't move Garland up a day or two in the rotation. What do you guys think? If yes, when do we have a couple off days in order to do so?
  20. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylc=X3oD...ov=ap&type=lgns Oh how the mighty(?) have fallen....
  21. I don't mean to be rude here, but this drives me crazy when I read these boards. Its spelled DEFINITELY, people, not definately. Everyone here seems to spell it definately here (sorry - I am, in fact, an English teacher). Here come the flames....
  22. Anyone know how many he has? It seems like every time I turn on the Sox game, Uribe hits a sac fly... All I have to say is - I'll take it...
  23. Kinda funny - also in the Mariners starting lineup: M. Olivo J. Reed Mariners are becoming a poor man's Sox.
  24. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 05:38 AM) That was the point... Whenever I refer to prior, I try to work in a "Ducky" reference You mean Pretty in Pink?
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