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Everything posted by SonofaRoache

  1. And some high powered offenses are coming up. This can get bad if guys don't start hitting the ball with authority. And in the case of most of them, hitting the ball at all. Let's go!!
  2. I think he meant good news compared to what it could have been. I think he misses the month of May but it beats a badly torn muscle or ligament. Or a break.
  3. Yeah but we are getting a big dose of the Twins and Yankees this month. Those offenses will get it together soon.
  4. Robert will probably miss the month of May. Sadly healing a hip flexor is mainly done by rest.
  5. That's my point. Engel will need time to get into the swing of things and Eaton/Vaughn have 3 home runs combined. That can't be the standard moving forward longer than two weeks max.
  6. That outfield has a combined 3 homeruns right now. That outfield will probably hit less than 30 home runs combined this year.
  7. He ain't gonna have a choice. We now have the worst outfield in baseball offensively.
  8. I didn't get that either. Mercedes ain't playing the next few games anyway so let it slide and make him do push-ups or something.
  9. I haven't been happy with some of the moves but I've had in Rick and this organization overall. But an apology thread isn't warranted until we win the division or a playoff series.
  10. The good thing is the Twins are well under .500 now and still are the biggest threat. They are gonna spend at least the next month and a half trying to get over .500 if we at least split with them. This would almost guarantee us being in the division race all year.
  11. Great win today and hopefully we can win the series tomorrow with a Gio Gem. 16-11 would look real nice after our slow start.
  12. They got a big dose of the Padres and both teams looked similar. Milwaukee threw some great arms at them as well. Still by far the most complete team in baseball.
  13. Getting stale only matters when players can play. You start your best players, period. The Sunday lineup is okay if it is just Sunday to give players rest in a long stretch. There aren't 3 Sundays in week though.
  14. Don't think those guys can play more than 2 games in a row now. They may get tired.
  15. Can we stop putting Lamb/Hamilton and Garcia in the SAME lineup please?
  16. Whatever it is, Mets fans hate him with a passion.
  17. Yeah. It's very concerning that we aren't hitting as many homers as we should. Does our entire outfield even have more than 5 HR's combined?
  18. The booing is fans letting out their frustration. Like fans talking shit in game threads during every loss or poorly played game. I've never booed as it ain't my style.
  19. Giannis is out and we are at home. No reason to be worked by 20 so quickly.
  20. This is sports. If you are paid big money or cost a high draft pick you better not completely suck. If you do you will hear from the fans.
  21. The Bears stole Justin Fields and got a real good RT. This game and the Bulls game were bound to happen.
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