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Green Line

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Everything posted by Green Line

  1. Everone except for Robert and Moncada took the first pitch. Good to see them taking a more patient approach.
  2. ? try neither. Now Im going to enjoy a beautiful W.
  3. Putting vaughn 9th means we have our best 4 hitters up consecutively. Tonight its going to bare a lot of fruit.
  4. Abreu is unmoveable so that is never going to happen. This is the second best option.
  5. I already explained this line of thought. It makes perfect sense to try and string some hits together. Otherwise, the bottom half of the lineup is just a black hole.
  6. You cant move Abreu though. No matter how bad he gets… he wont stand for it.
  7. Its about finding the right mix to spark something, not just the number of at bats. The ideal lineup has been failing miserably.
  8. Vuaghn is hitting last to add diversity to the lineup. That way somebody will be on base for Tim to knock in.
  9. Firing the hitting coach would be a performative move that won’t change anything. I called for it weeks ago.
  10. He’s not a leader, folks. Lets not forget game 3 of the 2020 A’s series where he failed with the bases loaded.
  11. Leaving Kelly in wasn't that bad. He's getting paid a lot of money to perform in high leverage situations. He should have been able to get out of that inning when the bases were loaded. Once he (really, Abreu) failed and it was 9-7 he should have been pulled immediately.
  12. The players are getting injured every time they run to 1st base.
  13. So glad theyre banning the shift next year. Its ruining the game.
  14. They can start by limiting the buffet hours.
  15. The real question is how long does he last on the team before reinjuring himself.
  16. Thank you and fuck Naylor and the city of Cleveland.
  17. What will they do tonight to make these remaining two innings unenjoyable?
  18. He had what, 6 pitches last night? Thats probably enough for Tony to give him another night off.
  19. A lot of sox players are bordering on obese. Again, the trainers’ fault.
  20. The players dont respect TLR because they are entitled and were told the division sucks and this is a coronation, not a competition.
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