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Green Line

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Everything posted by Green Line

  1. No, we both responded to the "coded shit" tweet directly after yours. Don't pat yourself on the back just yet.
  2. Jeez, you guys are seeing ghosts around every corner now it seems. Too funny. When did he ever say Yermin DIDN'T grind? He wasn't talking about Yermin - He's talking about Vaughn, probably because he had a great game last night. Coded language? ? ?? I guess he can't compliment anyone else on the team now or its a sleight to Mercedes.
  3. Aside from the fight in the bleachers there were apparently multiple other brawls that broke out in the late innings last night. My friend was there and said he'd never seen so much drunken nonsense and belligerent fans at a baseball game before. Not a good look hope they tighten it up I'll be going tomorrow.
  4. Bring in Michael for the 8th. No messing around need to secure the W
  5. Its just a hate boner they have for TLR that transcends all logic and understanding. Trying to make sense of it is like beating your head against brick wall. Great play by AV.
  6. Its ridiculous that you need a 100 level ticket to go to that revolution bar. The sox are always hating on the upper deck fans. Pre Covid they were the only club I know of that restricts upper deckers from moving about the rest of the park. The royals coach incident was 20 years ago, move on!
  7. Need to get back on track tonight - I think it will happen. Tony will be emotional going against his old team. Hopefully that doesn't affect his thought process!
  8. Youre asking about a lot of hypotheticals which I dont think I implied. I think hanging gold chains look trashy. Thats it. Nothing more or less.
  9. You are completely correct and don’t let anyone shame you into thinking otherwise. Amazing that saying this is somehow a race issue. Pathetic.
  10. These 3 games in New York will likely be our toughest series of the season. On the bright side, we've already gotten 4 in Boston out of the way as well as 4 in LA. The Oakland, Houston, and Tampa series will also be tough but look on the bright side. Win tomorrow and things are ok.
  11. The Yankees are pretty damn good. Winning tomorrow is important and I don't see how anybody could be angry with 1/3 in New York if that were to happen. I'll save my anger for tomorrow if they lose.
  12. You seem to get more enjoyment out of seeing your own team lose than any fan I've ever seen in my life. If you've already pre-determined the outcome of tomorrow's game please do youself a favor and don't watch or bug everyone else.
  13. Because it was clearly a triple play.
  14. Outside of the 16 run explosion the offense has been pedestrian for a while now.
  15. I said yesterday would be an easy W with a bad lefty on the mound. I'll take the opposite approach and say we're screwed.
  16. Let it never be said that White Sox fans aren't petty - because we are now FIVE days removed from one 3-0 count that will apparently be referenced in every single thread on every single day. I mean, think about how insane you people sound. You're going on a rampage over ONE SINGLE 3-0 call in a 15-4 game that you disagreed with. I'd offer you all therapy but I can't afford to pay for the entire message board and I'm honestly not sure if it would help fix your broken brains.
  17. There was nobody else to pitch. The bullpen is so hopeless right now. Bummer just lost a game earlier this week; Heuer is a disater, Hendricks can't pitch in a tied game - the list goes on. Had no choice but to keep going with Marshalls. Hopefully Hahn gets some help for this sad bullpen soon.
  18. Prepare to get personally attacked and have your integrity questioned.
  19. Calm down sparky, Im out with my buddies lmao Ill respond on my own time. I have fun posting here but Im not going to leave my friends to research.
  20. Oh please. My point was you can pick out any decision a manager makes and place the blame on him but its so hard to do the opposite. They never get the credit for the lineups for example, which most people here shit on every day (until they win).
  21. Now do all the managerial wins, please. Starting with Wednesday (bunt).
  22. Marshall is a joke. Talks a big game on twitter and then blows the game. Should send him to Charlottle tomorrow.
  23. The bullpen is so bad, nobody they put in would have prevented that. Blame Hahn!
  24. Nobody is talking about your lame fake tweet bruh
  25. Wow. So after all the vitriol, the lies, the hatred, we learn that TLR is a beloved father figure to the team and everything is fine. A lot of people have to do some self reflection.
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