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Green Line

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Everything posted by Green Line

  1. Tony needs to shut up. He was in the right initially, now he just sounds like a jackass. The point was made and he should have stood up for his player being thrown at. Inexcuseable.
  2. Change the Game is a marketing slogan thought up by a bunch of corporate suits, nothing more. It doesn't mean, "Fuck whatever the manager says and do what you want".
  3. People were freaking out wayyyy before he spoke to the media about it. Just the thought that Tony could have an issue with it was giving some on here a heart attack. I'm not exactly crazy about his comments to the media, but he was asked about it and it was hardly throwing him under the bus. The spanking comment clearly was meant to show that it was not a big deal, it was silly.
  4. Guess what guys: Tony doesn't have to shrug his shoulders and act like a wallflower if he disagrees with something his player does on the field - ESPECIALLY if that player directly defies an order, which happened here. Its just flat out disrespect to swing if he was specificially told to take. Whine about muh stupid old person rules that nobody cares about anymore all you want, its not just that.
  5. LaRussa should have said nothing. But he was asked a question and had to be honest. It will all blow over, stop being so dramatic everybody.
  6. Now the players are publicly disrespecting the manager. Not good. Mercedes should be given a formal warning.
  7. Lots of times when teams bring up random guys from the minors they do great in their first start because there is no book on them. Seen it happen to and with the sox plenty of times over the years. Hopefully not tonight.
  8. Remove gioLito from the banner and replace him with TLR. Preferably a shot of him with his mask below his nose, half asleep for the haters.
  9. Grandal has the 3rd highest OBP on the team (excluding Mendick). Doesn't seem possible, but walky walky is not a bad thing.
  10. The unwritten ones are the best. They're so sacred they don't even need to be in writing to understand them.
  11. Sox must respect the unwritten rules. I am being serious.. I don't like it!
  12. Damn the Sox are really showing up the twins today. I know everybody says "fuck the unwritten rules", but ya really gonna swing 3-0 in a 11 run game against a position player pitcher... But still - LMAO!
  13. Okay Madrigal.. now bunt him over w/ 2 outs. Tony will approve.
  14. Stone would for sure block him for a light comment like that. He doesn't do criticism lol.
  15. Stone is an asshole but he's still one of the best announcers in the game and is incredibly knowledgeable. I don't want him going anywhere. I just wish he wasn't a dick, but what can you do. Expecting Jason to call him out in the booth in the middle of the game is just not going to happen. No professional is going to do that.
  16. Leave Steve Stone alone. He has a twitter and he's not afraid to call you out.
  17. Yesterday at his postgame press conference, TLR said of Abreu's injury: "You can bet your fortune he's playing tomorrow in Minnesota". We can't trust Tony LaRussa, and he should never gamble!!!
  18. When do tickets for next week go on sale? Tryna buy some tix but nothing is available on the sox website
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