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Green Line

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Everything posted by Green Line

  1. A sac bunt was the best possible outcome of a Billy Hamilton AB. I'll take it.
  2. Do the Sox compensate the fans for parking etc if this happens? They should be giving refunds. I've criticized the Cubs in the past for jumping the gun and cancelling games super early because of sketchy weather forecasts that don't pan out, but this on the flip side is kind of disrespectful to the fans. Don't take their money and cancel last minute unless it can absolutely not be helped.
  3. Nobody should be wishing death on anybody, period. I don't think that is considered normal sports bar banter. I like the game threads and think all the back and forth, moaning, and anger is pretty entertaining even if its directed at me! Death and injury crosses a line though. Nothing fun about that.
  4. Tonight will be a good night! A team this good is not going to lose to the lowly Tiggers two nights in a row, I refuse to believe it. Everyone will be happy and we can move on from the bad day.
  5. I'm sad McCann left too but there was never any other option. No team in their right mind is going to pay for two highly paid starting catchers. And why would McCann want to stay here and share playing time with Grandal when he's clearly earned a full time starting role? It sucks that we were blessed with two above average catchers last year. Now we have 1 bad catcher. Sad.
  6. Ace of the staff says he is out of gas after 6 innings. Dont pay him 200 mil!
  7. It was a bad loss but its not a big deal everyone calm the heck down. They had won 6/7 before today. Ill be concerned if they lose the next two games. Some of you seriously need to chill - its a long season and they’ve looked good lately. TLR is making some questionable calls but he manages from instinct so its bound to happen.
  8. ? Im just calling it like I see it. Everyone needs to stop babying the “ace” of the staff!
  9. Evil tony put him in the 7th inning with a reasonable pitch count against the worst team in baseball. That bastard.
  10. Well, they should. These pitchers are so sad and its only getting worse.
  11. Its all true but hard to accept.
  12. Thank you. Have the expectations for a starting pitcher.. let alone the ace of a staff, fallen so far in 2-3 years?? This is not on TLR so much as its on the garbage pitcher that Giolito has been for half of his starts this year. It begins with him.
  13. This is supposed to be our ace? He needs to be better than this. He’s been sub par for most of the season now.
  14. Wow. Bench grandal and sub in Collins!
  15. Also grandal is trash and I think Collins actually had a higher average now.
  16. The baseball gods are gonna punish the sox in the late innings for this RISP trash.
  17. Garcia ruined a productive LAMB at bat. He will be in Tony’s doghouse now for sure ?
  18. Maybe Vaughn didn't want to play today.
  19. I don't know. Maybe I dreamed it.
  20. Is it? That would be good. I just read he was having back issues.
  21. Back issues are hard to overcome and seem to constantly reoccur once they first start up. Not a good thing for Engel going forward.
  22. If you ask they're gonna say no because that is technically the rules, but I was able to walk the length of concourse without anyone asking for my ticket. They have these gates up but the employees standing at them don't do anything.
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