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Posts posted by kgrittenburg

  1. On 2/2/2023 at 5:50 PM, Lip Man 1 said:

    The Sox have his rights from what I was told for this year and next season and that's it without an extension. And I'm guessing you are right...I'd be very surprised if he is still around after 2024.

    wow, light at the end of the tunnel dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out Jason

  2. On 2/15/2023 at 1:07 PM, chitownsportsfan said:

    Pretty much. He hasn't had the desire forever. Probably the last time he was really engaged was like '08 or so imo. Since he replaced KW with Hahn the org as a whole has just been stuck in neutral.

    KW is still in the org and never left, and KW continues to be the problem that wont go away

  3. 3 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

    If Montgomery continues to look llike the reincarnation of Cory Seager, and the Sox struggle, TA is definitely trade bait. But if they are winning, I doubt they trade him.




    on what planet is Montgomery looking like the reincarnation of Cory Seager?








































  4. 8 hours ago, TheFutureIsNear said:

    This team isn’t as much of a dumpster fire because the dumpster fire that was/is TLR finally got put out. 
    Im not going to pretend like the sky is falling because of the Clevinger situation. It’s unfortunate, but life goes on (for the team, hopefully Clevinger gets what he deserves). I still believe this team is firmly in position to win the Central. 

    this team is a dumpster fire and you haven't figured that out yet

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/16/2022 at 1:16 PM, chw42 said:

    Here's something to think about when it comes to Benintendi and his power.

    In 2021, Benintendi hit 17 homers while playing half of his games in KC's giant stadium. His expected HR if he played his games at GRate was 29. 

    Last year, Benintendi hit only 5 homers while playing mostly in KC and a month in Yankee Stadium. Despite a career high BA, his ISO while in KC was only .078. Half of his career ISO. Once he moved to Yankee Stadium, his batting average dropped but his power went back to his career norms with a .149 ISO.

    It's very evident that Benintendi altered his approach in KC to play to its spacious dimensions. I don't think the drop in power last year was because he lost his power. It was just him tailoring his approach to fit the ballpark he was playing in. I think he goes back to being a 20 home run guy if he plays half of his games at the Rate. 

    i think you are overthinking things

  6. 16 hours ago, Kalapse said:

    Really liked this. Maybe the most maddening thing about the '22 team was the uncompetitive ABs due to weak contact early in the count, they were up there protecting in 0 and 1 strike counts and it led to a fuckload of weak groundballs.


    Robert will spend most of his career swinging at pitches low and away on 1-0 counts

  7. On 12/25/2022 at 1:37 PM, vilehoopster said:

    (Sorry this is in bold. I didn't mean to do that or do it for emphasis. I was a couple paragraphs in when I got called to help with Christmas dinner and so saved it to google docs. When I pasted it in and continued typing, I could not get rid of the bold.)

    I put my vote with yes.  I still think there is a real chance for this Sox team to win a World Series. 

    First, I never saw the "window" as a guarantee that the Sox would be so powerful that they would be in a couple World Series, no doubt. I saw the idea of a window as something where the Sox would be a strong team, make the playoffs every year for five or so years and if things came together, they could win the World Series.

    Well, in my definition of "the window", it's still very much open, and I think the Sox, if things go right, can absolutely make the Series and win it. Were the Phillies one of the best teams in the NL this year? I would say no. Was Washington, the year they won it all, a top-eight team in baseball that year? No, both teams made the playoffs and just got hot at the right time, and I think this Sox team is very capable of that. 

    The main reason for my optimism is one simple thing that everyone seems to have forgotten. For all the complaining about needing this or that move in the off-season, everyone seems to have forgotten one HUGE area where the Sox will be much improved: La Russa is gone. 

    I absolutely believe 100% that La Russa being gone will make the Sox, at least, ten games better, at least. 

    The depth of Jerry's mistake in hiring La Russa cannot be understated, how it wasted two years of Sox talent.


    I don't think you can overestimate the drag mentally and emotionally having La Russa as a manager must have been on this team. The players are professionals and were able to deal with poor leadership (I'm being nice here) for a while; I'd say well into the first year. But the mental and emotional anchor of every day going out and playing for a manager who was completely unaware and a total goofus has to have taken it toll to the point where it affected the mental approach of the players, and baseball, as much as any sport, is hugely mental. 

    I think this mental anchor showed itself in lingering injuries (why rehab hard or hurry back from injury for an insano manager with his not knowing the rules, stupid/ clueless lineups and in-games moves, and obsession with playing a total non-offensive threat every chance he got), and players not being mentally into games, either offensively with horrible at-bats and lunkhead base running and terrible defensive plays. 

    Posters on this board keep talking about how it is unrealistic to think that so many players who underachieved last year can bounce back with good years this year. Well, to that, yes and no. Of course not all of them will have good years this year, and some injuries will happen. But I am stating that I believe many, a large percentage, of the players (everyday and pitchers) will show clear improvement over last year. And  I think a large part of that will be because La Russa is gone. Like I said before; this emotional and mental anchor is taken away.

    Again, I think the window, with its chance to get back to the Series and win it is still open. I think the talent is there to get back in the playoffs, and from then, anything can happen, again, think of the Senators. 

    Also, I think it's hard to overestimate what a stupid move it was for Jerry to hire La Russa and completely waste two years of talent. I think this year (I hope) will make that very evident. 



  8. On 12/26/2022 at 10:19 AM, tray said:

    I never heard cub fans question team loyalty after over 100 years of futility. Ask yourself if you are a fan of  winning or a fan of the team.  Ask yourself if you are a fan of baseball only if your team wins. 2023 Sox will be competitive. Line-up is good, pitching staff is decent, and I am sure Hahn is trying to make a trade to improve. Relax. It's Dec 26.  Go return some shitty gifts .

    if they don't fix the defense. they will not improve all that much, it drags down the pitching and we don't have enough hitting to compensate, don't even have the heart to get into the fundamentals suckage

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/3/2022 at 9:03 AM, Tnetennba said:

    If they weren’t crying poor all off-season, I would love to see them dump Yaz and find a decent replacement.  Sadly that’s not the reality we are living in.  As much as I loathe Grandal, Catcher is not an area they should address with their very limited resources. 


  10. On 12/5/2022 at 6:59 PM, CWSpalehoseCWS said:

    Absolutely agree. Cheap-ass JR. I love Liam, I would hate to see him moved. I also don’t see the reason a contending team trades their closer, and still has the intention of competing - ask the Phillies how well that worked for them not having a shut down pen.

    Phillies are doing just fine

  11. On 11/11/2022 at 6:28 PM, chw42 said:

    I'd imagine the A's would want Vaughn and Montgomery for Murphy. If you're gonna trade those 2 away you might as well get someone like Reynolds. 

    I can also see this as the Sox trying to drive up the price for Cleveland. The Guardians were in on Murphy at the trade deadline last year. Cleveland may not have money, but they have a ton of prospects to trade from. 

    the Cards engaged for Murphy, but the asking price was so high, they settled for Contreras, A's want MLB ready players so I imagine Vaughn would have to be a part of any Sox deal, probably a starting pitcher as well, probably Kopech

  12. On 9/29/2022 at 12:20 PM, greg775 said:

    So many guys had bad seasons it'll be tough to deal them. Please get rid of Grandal and Moncada and Pollock and start from there. Maybe try to build up a team strength in one area. That area should be pitching. Cease is a legitimate star to top a rotation. Build a strong starting rotation, make sure you have two reliable relievers on the team to go with a closer.

    I'd say improve all facets of the team but that'll be impossible to do in one offseason. Hitting, defense and pitching are all laughable. But Sox allegedly have a few good pitchers for a pitching coach to work with: Cease, Giolito, Kopech, Liam and I guess Lopez. Rehire Coop to work with those five pitchers and find next year's Cueto and some other guys. Put all the FO efforts on pitching to try to get back to respectability. Too many holes to work on everything.

    Building a lights out rotation and bullpen would give the fans SOMETHING to get enthused about again. Going into ST with the same guys pretty much assures a rotten April unless the new manager is a miracle worker.

    p.s. I can understand people wanting to let Abreu go. It just seems like a failed argument when he was one of the only reasons to go to a game this year. Kind of a "fan" thing to want to get rid of the team's most reliable player, though I understand it's nothing personal. Just seems weird to clamor to get rid of the one guy who wanted to win more than others and actually hit .300 in the year of the decrepit batting averages.

    if they dont improve this team defensively building around a rotation is silly

  13. 11 minutes ago, Tnetennba said:

    Let us all be stricken with baseball amnesia and be freed from the memory of this wretched season.  Good goddamn riddance. 

    this is Soxtalk, replace the manager and hitting coach, and let the alternate reality begin

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/16/2022 at 4:26 PM, chitownsportsfan said:

    Could be but the impression I get is that he's thinking about his family and is tired of baseball a bit, maybe climbing the mountain so many times but not quite summiting has gotten to him.  Quite the contrast from "I'll sign myself" a couple years ago.

    my bet is he signs with the Guardians or Astros

  15. On 9/29/2022 at 1:16 PM, South Side Hit Men said:

    If Hahn stays, no trades of consequence. Let him keep doing stupid s%*# and keep signing expensive middle aged relievers and let the team fall in the 50-60 win range until there are under 10,000 attending games and Jerry finally shitcans his worthless ass.

    If Hahn leaves the organization, and a competent person is hired (longshot, I know), then shoot for 2024/2025 and trade, don't resign (if FA) or keep in AAA the following:

    Players to keep (14): Abreu, Burger, Cease, Crochet, Giolito *, Gonzalez, Kopech, Lambert, Lopez, Mendick, Robert, Sosa, Vaughn, Zavala.

    Core to trade for value (3): Anderson, Jimenez, Moncada (* Keep Giolitio for walk year bounce back season, trade at the deadline if tanking).

    Might get something in return (6): Bummer, Graveman, Hendriks, Lynn, Martin, Sheets.

    Won't get something in return - Keep for organizational depth or DFA next season (16): Banks, Bilous, Crick. Diekman, Foster, Garcia, Grandal, Haseley, Kelly, Padilla, Payton, Perez, Pollock, Ruiz, Sousa, Stiever.

    Free Agents to go, thanks for the memories (5): Andrus, Cueto, Engel, Harrison, Velasquez.

    WHERES Colas?

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