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Posts posted by kgrittenburg

  1. On 5/29/2022 at 6:00 PM, Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm said:

    Jerry Reinsdorf gonna pull the "bite of the apple" bullshit this offseason, and we all know it.

    "The fanbase spoke and we listened. We signed two major free agents and they didn't pan out, so we won't be signing anyone that isn't a 34 year old reliever with TWTW."

    I'd say, let these guys play out the rest of the season and fire everyone who isn't a player. Literally, everyone else. Fired. Except for Jason Benetti

    Benetti would be the 1st one I'd fire

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  2. On 5/15/2022 at 7:11 PM, brijames1957 said:

    Something has to be done to shake this team up. It's not just the total lack of hitting it's the lack of any change whatsoever in their approach to hitting. No one is even attempting to work the count, or shorten their swing, or maybe try hitting the opposite way. It's just doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Which I do believe is the definition of insanity. 

    The team is at or near the bottom of every offensive statistic. 5 of the 9 starters today are hitting sub .200. The only reason your not 10 or more games out of first is because you are in the worst division in baseball. 

    well, this team was over rated to begin with

  3. 29 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I'm sure it's right . I think they were 2 games over .500 after the ASG last year and combined with 2 games under .500 now  gets you at .500 in the last 92. Might've been some games in the 46-46 that were pre ASG.

    exactly, an overrated .500 team

  4. face it, it's hopeless, yhey sre the better team that does ali phases of the game better, pitching and defense win in the post season, however they are not exclusive


    wecan match their pitching, but our defense drags it down, and I wont even start to go in to fundamentals



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  5. On 7/4/2021 at 12:37 AM, ron883 said:

    This topic came up during the game today. The umpire blew 2 big strike calls while Burr was pitching. Burr got robbed of 2 strikeouts. Ethan Katz got thrown out for complaining from the dugout. TLR talked with the ump, but didn't get thrown out. 

    Some people in the game thread were angry that Tony wasn't defending his guy much. Some even thought that if Tony would complain to the umpires more, the Sox would get more borderline strike calls. Do you think Tony needs to lay into the umpires more, and possibly get thrown out of some games while defending the team? 

    It won't make one freaking bit of difference, what are you, like 4 freaking years old

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