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  1. I am legitimately worried about that yes
  2. Which is even more maddening when you look at how Tony is calling shifts…they’re playing the 2B up the middle while righties go the other way. It makes absolutely no sense.
  3. We have to stop talking about this as bad BABIP luck against the pen. The shifts and pitch calling has been atrocious all season. You cannot run the shifts the Sox had on for Bummer there and have your catcher calling outside sliders all day. They had Cesar pinching up the middle! What did they think the Jays wouldn’t take the ball the other way??
  4. Fair on the cold, was happy to see him hit 96 there that inning. Encouraging thing to me is outside of the occasional batter Cease doesn’t seem to be missing as drastically as last year. Nothing quantitative but felt like he would totally lose the zone for long periods of time.
  5. That AB he had against Bieber was by far the best Sox AB of the night. He didn't look overmatched at all.
  6. I’ll go as far to say that Tony is the worst manager in baseball. Crazy you say? How many other managers do you think would give significant playing time to Nick Williams despite being 0-13. The guy hasn’t had major league success since 2018 and it wasn’t that great. 13 at bats isn’t a small amount of chances at this point in the season - that’s a lot in the first 10 games for a bench guy!
  7. He’s an absolute idiot at this stage unfortunately.
  8. I’m actually worried about Tony’s brain. Comparing Gio to David Eckstein...what dude??
  9. Stop justifying the insane lineups of a deluded old man that’s going to run the team we love into the ground. We get that it’s early. But we’re entitled to be concerned as fans. If you can’t see why these moves make no sense then you’re way too blindly confident in this team.
  10. Fuck Tony La Russa. And fuck anyone justifying this stuff. He’s cost us at least 2-3 games we could have had a chance in with some competent managing. He is much worse than Ricky.
  11. Especially unhittable if you have Nick Williams batting 5th.
  12. Honestly though guys...if I have to see another Nick Williams soft groundout. Like come on man.
  13. Hahah yes. Sorry just frustrated with this man and find that name way too funny. Won’t happen again. Or maybe it will idk.
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