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The Grinder

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The Grinder last won the day on September 23 2023

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  1. Its called multi tasking Next question is can you play RF ?
  2. When I think of my tax money spent on lining the pockets of billionaires, I feel a movement
  3. IIRC old Comiskey had a shower in the outfield bleachers. A swimming pool? Where else can you catch a game and work on yr breast stroke? 🤣
  4. I'd like to know too. And how does it differ from bench coach? IIRC wasn't Harold bench coach,? When he wasn't sleeping 😁
  5. Dylan Covey? I could have swore I saw him working at a seven11....
  6. Jerry boo Chris lukewarm booo Will yeah!!
  7. Reminds me of the book called Career Misconduct by Mark Weinberg. It documents all the sketchy doings of Dollar Bill Wirtz of the Blackhawks. Great idea. I'm in and will give it thumbs up
  8. My fan experience is quite simple. Just win the f****** game.
  9. Be nice if the Wirtz family estimated worth of 11 billion or the Crown family established worth of 15 billion would show interest
  10. So is Dave Stewart that influential that he can get a group of investors together to make a bid? He couldn't have made THAT much money during his playing days
  11. The article nailed it. Rarely does CNN get anything right. We gave a long arduous journey ahead of us
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