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The Grinder

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The Grinder last won the day on September 23 2023

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  1. If you've never heard of him, he plays for the Chicago White Sox
  2. I had just heard he was in the advanced stages of cancer and was in hospice. So sad. RIP sir
  3. Maybe JR can multi task him doing maintenance around the park
  4. Me thinks California leads the world in weird stories
  5. So happy we got this rather than that bum Soto
  6. Great day! My football team won and my fav Sox player is a HOF'er
  7. RIP Bill. Growing up in my neck of the woods, most boys on my baseball team were admiring Ron Santo. Not me. Belton Melton all the way
  8. Dick is my all time favorite Sox. I read his bio many yrs ago. A great read. Hope he gets in
  9. Its called multi tasking Next question is can you play RF ?
  10. When I think of my tax money spent on lining the pockets of billionaires, I feel a movement
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