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The Grinder

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Everything posted by The Grinder

  1. Id be afraid Perez would be another Grandal. Its the way the baseball Gods treat us
  2. When El Duque came in and put the Bosox down like he did I knew at that time we had something special
  3. I think him and Ray Nitske (sp?) Were 2 of the baddest MF in their day
  4. 13.50 ERA. Makes him a top pitcher in our organization
  5. MLB.com must have been hacked, they had us winning 3-1 Anyone know the real score?
  6. We don't exactly have a lot of household names.
  7. The fallout of KW, JR & RH has far reaching fingers
  8. I went to a small rural school where we all (K-12) were in same group of buildings but had relatives that went to Catholic School. Whats the saying, for every 4 Catholics you'l find a fifth? (insert Jack, Smirnoff etc)
  9. Not to mention the travel time, almost have to be 4 game series min.
  10. Brooks Robinson 3rd Base Baltimore O's hay days
  11. If I lived in Idaho, Id be fly fishing for trout 7 days a week and elk hunting every chance I got.
  12. Still like to know who going to pay for all these proposed moves, I remember when the new park was built, all the displaced residents and IIRC there was some protests to go along with the eminent domain thing I dont think the Sox are leaving the Metro Chicago area, JR just doing some sabre rattling to advance his interests
  13. The topic of moving to near the UC, I used to attend Hawk games back in the day of the old stadium and I dont recall a lot of available real estate, I know JR bought was is 40 acres recently? Im not sure that would be a good move, how many acres does GRF occupy now?
  14. I wish my last name was that easy to spell and pronounce
  15. I saw Boomer on I think it was Hannity the other night. He actually seemed quite likable.
  16. Isn't he hitting like .075? We'd be better off having our pitcher hit
  17. Damn I thought you were going to tell us that we had forfeited the remainder of the season due to lack of talent
  18. Im no cub fan but Dave Ross seems like a good guy
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