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The Grinder

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Everything posted by The Grinder

  1. I can understand the OP's negativity but the sky isnt falling Chicken Little
  2. Dick is spot on. Unless we win 20-0 its over. Time to rebuild
  3. Dear Dallas You seem like a nice enough guy, please resign yr position as a pitcher as your not good at the sport of baseball. I hear baseball player are good at Golf. Thank you for yr consideration The Grinder
  4. Have we had anyone on this roster who hasn't been on the IL yt this yr? Who's next, Rick Hahn?
  5. Kuechel pitching arghhhhhhh I bet KC is thinking batting practice
  6. I admit he's no hall of famer but his versatility frees up at least one roster spot for a better hitter
  7. The Sox injury Merry Go Round continues, that being said, it doesnt look serious, better AUg 31 then Sept 30......
  8. The 2021 Chicago White Sox. Where relievers come to die
  9. Should he be? No, will he be? Likely DK couldnt make an American Legion team as it stands now
  10. I really hate it when my job interferes with my baseball watching? Looks like Kopech got lit up pretty good. But all in all we fared pretty good the last 2 wks
  11. Wasnt the last Wright we had Dan? In the early 2000's? What a bust he was IIRC
  12. Agreed, not a bad heist considering we werent putting out our A lineup
  13. I wonder same, I would think the latter at least to keep him on his toes to motivate him, but what the hell do I know??
  14. IIRC the magic numbers will start to post soon right?
  15. True, I was at a huge home improvement store recently, stood by the paint desk for some time w no one around, ended up calling the store and had the receptionist page someone for me. Arghhhh
  16. Here in NW Illinois, many the A teams are going to 8 man football which I find different, but the smaller schools are lacking the sheer numbers to field a 11 man squad.
  17. Great analogy , these guys went from a could have been, to a has been without ever being an is
  18. Isnt that the Black Sox legacy , throwing games? Who says you cant go back?
  19. The bad guys are only averaging 6200 more fans a game to date, is it possible we could overtake them by yrs end??
  20. Lets hope the cubs didnt fleece us! They getting even for the Eloy trade?
  21. Just saw the lowlights, I really dont think even this team can piss away a 9 game lead no matter how dismal their offense can be on any given day So time to get off the ledge folks. Do I think this team can go deep in the playoffs? Now thats very questionable, I'm not betting on it at all
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