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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 9, 2014 -> 01:14 PM) I don't like that idea. It is a big risk. If you have a good year next year you are probably happy you made the move. If Cutler gets hurt and misses a bunch of time the trade becomes absolutely horrendous.
  2. So apparently the NFL is considering pushing the draft back another two weeks next year. I f***ing hate Roger Goodell. Because I want another 2 weeks of the media rehashing the same s*** over and over again about players that have already been talked about for 3 months. Sounds thrilling.
  3. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ May 7, 2014 -> 12:01 PM) Pau Gasol/Kobe, Tony Parker/Brent Barry, those Villanova players I'm forgetting, Steve Nash/Lenandro Barbosa, Lebron/Delonte West, and now Hibbert/George. It's like the new my dog ate my homework, although I do believe a couple of them were true. I'm sure some of the rumors are true just because these things sadly do happen but it is hilarious how there are rumors like this nearly every year now.
  4. After an amazing first round the 2nd round could not have gotten off to a worse start. None of the 4 games has been particularly competitive and 3 were total blowouts.
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 5, 2014 -> 12:23 PM) Drafting a RB in the first is a fireable offense these days. There are exceptions but you better be damn sure you are truly getting an elite level back if you are going to take one before the end of the first round.
  6. That was a fun game. I was hoping for a little bit more dramatic last minute but still very entertaining.
  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ May 3, 2014 -> 07:52 PM) Pistons in '04? Heat in '06? Mavs in '11? The 2006 Heat wasn't a surprise. They had lost in 7 to the Pistons in the ECF the previous year and had Shaq and Wade. The other two I agree with.
  8. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ May 1, 2014 -> 09:07 PM) Yes, he was hyped. That's not an argument. But if he didn't live up to it, people would have moved on by now like they do with plenty of other people. I'd also argue that Yao, Oden and Wiggins had relatively similar levels of hype (the last two before they got to college). That's a subjective thing obviously though. Edit- If we're going back 30 years, I'd also include guys like Sampson, Ewing, MJ, Olajuwon, Shaq, probably Duncan. I wasn't really following the draft at the time though, and if media attention is your biggest factor the newer guys have an edge. Oden was close. Wiggins didn't have anywhere near the hype.
  9. Amazing comeback by the Nets. Down 22 to start the 4th quarter and they have tied the game with 3 minutes left.
  10. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 11:55 PM) Should have just thrown the Heat in the West and gotten rid of the Eastern playoffs. So true. I can't believe we are very possibly looking at a Wizards v. Hawks semi-finals. That is just awful.
  11. The Western Conference playoffs really have been as entertaining as any postseason I can remember. The east is garbage but even in the east the Hawks/Pacers series has been surprisingly fun and while the Nets/Raptors series hasn't been great it is at least competitive.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 11:31 PM) And his gf got into a fight in the stands. Is that what happened? I was at the game and was wondering what was going on. I knew it was a fight but that is pretty crazy.
  13. Boozer left without talking to the media tonight. f*** that guy. If he isn't amnestied I'm not watching a single minute of the Bulls next year.
  14. So was Boozer ignoring Thibs when Hinrich fouled out? At the game it looked like Thibs was staring at him for a long time before Boozer left the bench.
  15. Hawks will have chance to close it out Thursday at home. Awesome.
  16. This is beyond pathetic by the Hawks right now. They've completely stopped playing. Every single possession is just an isolation and they are getting just awful shots every time down.
  17. Hawks have completely lost their focus. They have let the Pacers get kind of back into this game.
  18. The Pacers have now taken to just b****ing about every single call no matter what.
  19. This is amazing. 25 pt lead now and boos are raining down in Indy.
  20. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Apr 28, 2014 -> 08:19 AM) I don't get why people hate Zach Snyder. His movies suck.
  21. There has been a remarkable amount of fouls on 3 pt attempts in key situations in this playoffs. This game has been really fun.
  22. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 27, 2014 -> 11:26 PM) Ya I'm with ya. First round usually isn't overly entertaining, this year? Wow. The East doesn't have much drama but all the West teams are so good it is making for fantastic basketball. How do you not hammer Dwight there?
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