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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. How the f*** is this not reviewable? f***ing absurd, this makes no f***ing sense at all. 49ers get completely f***ed if that is true. So stupid.
  2. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jan 19, 2014 -> 08:58 PM) Someone update me please. Score? San Francisco is up 17-13 after 3. Seahawks in San Francisco territory.
  3. Dear god Kaepernick has a missile launcher for an arm.
  4. So happy to see the Patriots go down. It is so much fun watching Peyton Manning play football.
  5. That drive was just massive for the Broncos. Go up 3 scores and use up half a quarter worth of time. Patriots are in huge trouble.
  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 19, 2014 -> 04:07 PM) This is a big 4 minutes, Im not sure Patriots can afford to get down more before half. If the Broncos go down and get a TD the Patriots are in huge trouble since the Broncos also get the ball first in the 2nd half.
  7. This Illinois season is just depressing. They are slightly underachieving (mainly just the NW loss) and that is mostly on the defensive end lately but this roster is just really bad. That is what happens when you have no 2010 class, a 2011 class with only one good Big 10 player and no 2012 class. How nice would Fred Van Vleet look on this team? Weber took f***ing Michael Orris who averaged about 6 pts a game in high school over that guy. Thankfully they have 3 good players sitting out this year and Hill and Nunn look like players so next year's team will be good. Groce really needs to start giving Hill more minutes as he is probably the third best offensive player on the team already and the defense needs to get cleaned up. This team has almost no offensive talent but the defense shouldn't be as bad as its been the last couple weeks. Part of that is having a starting frontcourt that can't rebound at all but the rotations haven't been good and the pick and roll defense has been atrocious.
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 17, 2014 -> 12:59 AM) His value is in something you don't really measure and has been one of if not the best defensive player in the country his entire career. That's the sum of his value. Great complimentary piece. With a team that can't score his value is quickly diminished since offensively he is below average. That's nice that he is great defensively but he isn't a top 10 or even top 20-30 player in the country like much of the media builds him up to be. I mean Dan Dakich says he would take Craft over every other player in the country which is so laughably stupid it makes me question everything else Dakich says about basketball. I also find it funny that for all the talk about what a hard worker Craft is (and he does play exceptionally hard) that his offensive game hasn't really improved at all from his freshman year to his senior year.
  9. I'm having a really hard time thinking if there has ever been a more overrated college basketball player than Aaron Craft. I realize that isn't his fault but I always just laugh when he is listed as a top 10 player in the country or when Dakich says he would take Craft over every other player in the country.
  10. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 16, 2014 -> 04:59 PM) True but they've made some great hires there too. I think it's somewhat like Nebraska football. You have to recruit out of state. You cant even recruit the surrounding states much. So don't hire the wrong guy because the program will struggle to sell itself. luckily for them they haven't done that. They've had good coaches and have been consistently dirty in recruiting. Good combination for maintaining a winning program.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 15, 2014 -> 11:05 PM) The next 5 games will not be fun, but with an upset it could be a signature win. Silver lining? This season is over and the non-conference was fool's gold. Our bench is all freshmen and while they are pretty talented none are impact players. Our starting lineup contains an awful center, 3 guards/wings that can't shoot and a PF who is an ok stand still shooter and brings nothing else to the table. The only thing I care about for the rest of the year is the freshmen (and really only Hill and Nunn). If those two show they can be good Big 10 players Illinois will be well positioned to be a solid team going forward with the transfers being eligible next year and hopefully a really good 2015 recruiting class. If Groce doesn't hit that class out of the park I think we probably have the wrong guy unfortunately.
  12. I posted this earlier this year but it is still remarkable to me just how bad Illinois' 2011 recruiting class turned out. Djimde, Langford and Shaw weren't anywhere close to being high major players (and at a minimum Djimde should never have even been recruited), Henry was completely unproductive for two years and then transferred and Egwu is a terrible offensive player who is also a bad defensive rebounder. Abrams is a solid player but he can't shoot and isn't a good distributor. This class was supposed to be a foundation type class for Illinois and instead it produced one legitimate Big 10 player. Yikes. As to the game tonight, Groce should have definitely played Hill and Nunn more but this team just has so little scoring punch it is ridiculous (especially with Rice banged up). No shooters except for Ekey and no one who can score in the post. Just a really bad roster. I hope Groce starts giving Hill and Nunn a lot more time because they seem to be coming along and both have a lot of potential. I thought we would be bad coming into the season but then they got my hopes up by playing better than expected in the non-conference. Other than the NW game none of this has been shocking to me.
  13. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jan 14, 2014 -> 08:15 PM) Depends on how you classify "slam dunk franchise player". I don't see a Lebron/Duncan/Durant level prospect, but I think all of the top-4 are on the John Wall/Blake Griffin level of prospect where they would be an easy #1 in most drafts, and possibly Exum. There may not be a guy that I would bet a significant amount of money on to make an All-NBA team in his career, but there are a lot of guys that look reasonably safe to be capable starters, obviously with the potential for a lot more. I meant the former.
  14. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jan 14, 2014 -> 09:19 AM) If you just watch his highlights, he looks like the best prospect out there. He also makes more mistakes and disappears more often, but that's to be expected at this point in his development. Semi-related because of the draft: Parker is in quite a funk recently. His shot selection leaves a lot to be desired. In general while this draft is deep in potentially really good players and there are multiple guys who could become stars in the league there doesn't appear to be the slam dunk franchise player that people expected there to be a few months ago.
  15. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 14, 2014 -> 11:02 AM) They've done that a few times this season. Bizarre. Probably because they stupidly decided to do an entire season that takes place over one weekend. So very dumb.
  16. Completely inexcusable loss tonight. That NW team is absolutely horrendous and it wouldn't surprise me if that is their only Big 10 win this year. They should have been pressing much earlier on to change up the tempo with NW walking it up the court every possession. 9 years of mediocre at best basketball with no signs of that coming to a stop anytime soon. So depressing.
  17. So PSU follows up the Sandusky sex scandal by hiring a coach who may have instructed his players to delete a video of them raping a girl. Brilliant.
  18. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jan 7, 2014 -> 05:04 PM) Warriors interested in Hinrich? If you can get ANYTHING for Hinrich, do it now. Bring back team tank captain Teague! I'd give give him away and I'd also look into trading Dunleavy.
  19. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 7, 2014 -> 12:05 AM) Glad SEC lost but not a fan of Winston. I'm not sure how you could be unless you are an FSU fan.
  20. FSU is in huge trouble now. Looks like the SEC domination continues.
  21. I wonder if this loss costs Marvin Lewis his job. He is obviously a solid coach but this will make it 11 years as head coach of the Bengals without a postseason win.
  22. Absurdly conservative play calling by the Chargers in the first half.
  23. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 4, 2014 -> 07:38 PM) What's 2015 look like for Illinois as far as schollies? Charles Mathews should be their main target. 2 open scholarships but I would guess they would take 3 more if it is the right 3 (i.e. Charles Matthews). They will want a PG and big with the 2 open ships and would obviously take Matthews as well.
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