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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Boogua @ Nov 3, 2012 -> 03:50 PM) Yeah, real close so far. This was never going to be close. You have a team that looks incredibly poorly coached that also has no talent. Thanks Ron Guenther for not firing Zook when you should have in 2009.
  2. James Harden is a stud. What an awful trade by OKC.
  3. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 2, 2012 -> 10:19 AM) The big 12 has gotten f***ed even when they DO have a title game. No reason Kstate should not be in the title game if they win out. What the hell are you talking about? The Big 12 has never gotten f***ed when it comes to getting a team in the title game. I'm not sure you can point to a single season where the Big 12 didn't get a team into the title game that deserved it.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 1, 2012 -> 05:09 PM) ILL just has this effect on OSU where its always close and surprising. OSU also blows against "spread-like" offensive teams. If the Bucks can run the ball with ease then it will be a blowout but I still think they wont cover. I personally think it will be a close game. Yeah, but most of those spread teams either have a dynamic runner at QB, a QB that can throw the ball or wide receivers that don't suck. Illinois has none of that. There is a reason that Illinois hasn't been able to score against a real defense the last two seasons.
  5. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 30, 2012 -> 03:31 PM) Ha this is in the catch all thread, my comment was: Obi-Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. I'm not bothered by this at all. Even if future movies are crap they won't ruin my enjoyment of the original trilogy and I actually really liked Episode III. Episode I has issues with Jar-Jar and the kid but that movie is fun otherwise. The only one in the series I don't really care for is Episode II. But the Star Wars expanded universe is awesome and if those can be brought to screen with good directors and creative teams I want to see them. And hell, Episodes VII-IX without Lucas could be awesome, give him some story input but leave the writing and directing to others.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 30, 2012 -> 03:24 PM) This could be absolutely amazing with the write creative team in place with the amount of stories that can be brought to the big screen from the Star Wars universe. Obviously there is the possibility of oversaturation but Disney's acquisition of Marvel has gone well so far.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 11:16 PM) And Beckman has turned around a program before mostly with a dominating offense. Right now he has zero offensive difference makers, and no, Sheelhouse or whatever isn't one of those. Give him some time. The problem is that he isn't an offensive coach and the guy who ran that offense at Toledo is now Toledo's head coach. There isn't a coach in the world that could make Illinois' offense good so I give him a pass on that end. But the defense went from being a top 20 unit last year to a disaster this year. Mercilus was a stud and losing him hurts but that unit returned 7 starters and Williams is a better player than Trulon Henry so losing Henry hasn't really hurt. There is simply no excuse for the defense to be as bad as its been. The key now is holding on to what is a decent first recruiting class and hoping Aaron Bailey is the real deal. If he isn't Beckman won't last long at Illinois.
  8. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Oct 28, 2012 -> 12:01 AM) Ron Zook was the first coach in almost 20 years to take Illinois to back-to-back bowl games, but he wasn't good enough and now we get this. And f*** Oklahoma, now we have to deal with all this bulls*** for longer Are you really arguing Zook should have been retained? We finished 10th in the Big 10 last year, lost 6 straight games without being able to score and Zook recruited literally one player from 2010 through 2012 that looks like a high level Big 10 football player. Hell, Mason Monheim is the only freshman or sophomore in the program who looks like he is worth a damn. This team should be better and Beckman's coaching has been lousy but we were heading for the bottom again with the incredible lack of talent Zook was bringing in. Pocic is the only offensive linemen with any talent and he is pretty limited athletically, the RBs are ok but not game changers and really no different than what every other team has, the WRs other than Millines are absolute garbage (and Millines is always hurt) and the QBs are arguably the worst in the Big 10.
  9. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 11:52 PM) In my opinion it shows you how weak the AL was this year, that's why I wanted Sox to get in and play the Yankees so bad. IMHO. It shows nothing. The AL was better than the national league this year despite the fact that the Giants are likely going to win the world series. There are no dominant teams in baseball right now and when you have a short series anything is possible.
  10. Also, wasn't a catch by Teo. The ball hit the ground and he didn't maintain control.
  11. Notre Dame just got away with the most obvious pass interference ever on Teo's maybe interception.
  12. So just saw a report that Lattimore broke his femur and tore all 4 ligaments in his knee. Just awful.
  13. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 04:34 PM) I should have been more specific, yeah, I meant on defense. Because obviously the last 6 games last year where we averaged 7 points a game didn't leave much to be expected. It's not quite as depressing to watch the offense struggle (though there have been some terrible play calls), but the defense makes no sense. Never thought we'd get absolutely blown out in some of these games. Bailey SOS. Beckman absolutely has to hold his recruiting class together or this program is heading back to the end of the Turner era/beginning of Zook era depths. Should be fun. I hope Ron Guenther burns in hell.
  14. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 04:28 PM) No, I know the recruiting classes were bad, and he doesn't have a lot to work with. But he's not doing a good job with the little we have, or showing signs of football intelligence, for lack of a better term. There was a lot of returning "talent" from last year's team. Zero reason they should be this bad, or this stupid. Also, you said it's going to be a dumpster fire soon? I'd say we're there now... Yes, Zook should have been gone after 2009, would have saved this before the fall go to ground level. I think Beckman is doing a terrible job but there is zero returning talent on offense. The offense was absolutely abysmal last year and the only two legitimate players from that team are in the NFL. I thought this team could get to 6-6 or 7-6 on the strength of the defense like last year but only a handful of the guys on the offense are legitimate Big 10 players. No excuse for the defense to be this bad.
  15. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 04:03 PM) Especially since no one could pass block. Snap it, have a guy immediately on you, run around, either chuck it or get caught for one of the 7 sacks. Repeat. Every pass play was a fire drill. I'd love to say we've reached rock bottom, but I don't know if that's the case. We just lost to Indiana. At home. On homecoming. After a bye week. To a team that has won 6 road games in 17 years and hasn't won since Nov 2010 in the BT. But let's keep hitting guys out of bounds and fumbling. Good times. Zook also recruited absolutely no talent in the 2010, 2011 and 2012 classes. Seriously go pull up the commitments from those classes and the only guy who is an a very good Big 10 player is Brown. The RBs from last years class are ok but they aren't difference makers and I've heard good things about Caldwell and Davis but they haven't shown anything on the field. It is obviously early with the 2012 class but all of the guys actually getting playing time form that class are guys Beckman brought in late. Zook's recruiting in that class was hilariously bad before he got fired. The program is going to be a dumpster fire soon. It really is too bad Zook wasn't fired in 2009 like he should have been.
  16. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 02:22 PM) Tim Beckman may be the worst hire in the Big Ten in 30 years....................2 weeks to prepare and still nothing new today FN horrid! I also loved that they were running the ball on Indiana easily all day but they consistently dropped back to throw on 2nd and shorts and either threw incompletions or lost yards and then when they get the ball back down 7 in the 4th quarter they drop back to throw three straight times? It takes work to do a worse job coaching on gameday than Zook but this staff manages to do it.
  17. QUOTE (farmteam @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 10:36 AM) I had a dream the other night that Illinois won pretty easily. I actually think Indiana is the slightly better team, but that might be my bias. Doesn't really matter, since both teams are terrible. Well Illinois is clearly the more physically gifted team and is dominating the game except for their numerous expected stupid decisions and plays.
  18. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 21, 2012 -> 09:39 PM) I know Beckman has been nothing short of a disaster this season, but can anyone explain to me why it was so outrageous that he used dip on the sideline? Against NCAA rules.
  19. So any chance the guy in my league with both Robert Griffin and Peyton Manning accepts a trade where he gets Rivers/Cutler (his choice), Donald Brown and Vic Ballard (both so he gets Indy's starter no matter what), and Maclin/Bowe (his choice). This is a 14 team league with little depth and he is currently starting Robert Meachem at flex and Ronnie Brown at RB2. So while Maclin and Bowe are not amazing they are huge upgrades for him and sadly the Brown/Ballard combo would also be a big upgrade. Would leave me with a team of Manning, Peterson, Leshoure, Welker, Megatron, Bowe/Maclin, and Heath Miller.
  20. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 12:04 PM) I still think the Bench will be awesome, but I said that it'll be awesome when D.Rose comes back. In Game 3, Deng and Rip didn't even play 1 minute. When D.Rose comes back, our bench will have 3 starting caliber players on it...Kirk/Deng/Taj with possibly a 4th being Nasty Naz. How is that not awesome? ONE OF DA BEST BENCHES IN DA LEAGUE BRO Ok, now you are just trolling. Nazr Mohammed as a starting caliber player? One of the dumbest things ever posted in this thread and that is saying something. Also, I would like to know who is starting for Deng that allows you to add him to the bench and why Hinrich wasn't good enough to start for a "terrible" Hawks team but is a starting caliber player.
  21. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 11:37 AM) I see Kirk as a Kyle Orton(yes I compared him to a QB) type, someone who will manage the game just enough to give us the chance to win. Not a great player or a game changer but good enough to get the Bulls by until Rose returns. I don't think a career high in assists (which would only be 7, what I'm calling for) would be an unrealistic average for the year... A 31 year old on the decline averaging a career high an assists when he is going to play less minutes per game than he did early in his career is by definition unrealistic.
  22. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Oct 15, 2012 -> 11:01 AM) Being injured and on terrible teams for 2 years may have something to do with that. He's a smarter and better PG now than when he was last in a Bulls uniform. And Thibs is gonna ride him hard. So in the two years where he was injured and on terrible teams he became a better point guard than when he was last in a Bulls uniform? Based upon what exactly?
  23. Another unbelievably awful call goes against the Yankees. Add f***ing instant replay. It is inexcusable to allow umps to continue to blow play that aren't even close.
  24. For all the talk about A-Rod (and he has been awful and benching him would be deserved) the guy who really needs to take a seat is Swisher. Gardner makes the two plays he missed easily and he can't do any worse at the plate.
  25. Nick Swisher sucks and Jeter's lack of range probably ends up hurting the Yankees here.
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