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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. RAUL f***ING IBANEZ!! Suck it Valverde
  2. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 08:00 PM) Refs in the ND-Stanford game were PAC-12 officials. Whining about the refs is for losers. Yeah, when the refs decide a game like they did for Notre Dame it is isn't whining to point out that they were a joke.
  3. Yankees get screwed by the umps. Cano clearly safe at first that would have scored one and the Yanks would have had the bases loaded with 2 outs still. I am so sick of terrible umping/reffing etc. in sports lately. Also, that really needs to be reviewable. No reason why we should have to live with umps getting that type of call wrong.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 06:14 PM) Still thought it was pretty clear Taylor was in on 2nd and goal. He scored on second and 4th down.
  5. That is clearly a touchdown. LOFL at that not being overturned. Refs at all levels are an absolute joke.
  6. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 11:25 PM) HOW CAN YOU NOT BE ENTERTAINED BY THIS CARDINALS TEAM?! ANSWER ME That's one of the best comeback's ever. E-V-E-R. I'm bummed the A's and O's didnt make it too, s*** I wanted to see the Reds.... but come on, the Cardinals are just awesome to watch. Cardinals fans are insufferable. It really is the only reason I was hoping they wouldn't win.
  7. Pathetic effort by Drew Storen tonight. Terrible pitching with 2 strikes and you simply can't walk two batters in the 9th inning with a 2 run lead.
  8. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 12:10 PM) I was referring specifically to game 5. And at the end of game 6 when they played the clock out with 2 1/2 minutes left, that was pretty ugly too Lebron has made his amends in my eyes. I thought he was amazing last season They didn't play the clock out with 2 1/2 minutes left. They basically let the clock run out in the last minute when they were down by 9. I would prefer playing that one out to try to get a Reggie Miller against the Knicks or T-Mac against the Spurs type miracle but the narrative that he quit on his team in that game is absurd.
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 11:57 AM) Wade flops, LeBron doesn't. LeBron flops but no more than any other player. Also, the LeBron "quit on his team" narrative is ridiculously overblown. You can maybe make the case in game 5 but that game was just an absolute beat down by the Celtics, the entire Cavs team was brutal. He didn't play well but in game 6 he grabbed 19 rebounds had 10 assists and scored 27 points. He also held Paul Pierce to 13 points on 4-13 shooting. You don't put up those types of numbers, particularly the rebounds, if you have quit.
  10. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Oct 6, 2012 -> 10:00 PM) Can we re-hire Ron Zook? It can't be worse. At least Beckman actually has a recruiting class with talent (well right now anyways, who knows if those kids stay committed with the way this season is going). Even being generous Zook basically recruited only 2 good offensive players in his last 4 recruiting classes.
  11. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 6, 2012 -> 06:06 PM) Stupid because we would owe a lot of money. He's clearly in over his head. Sure looks that way but the only thing I can say in his defense is that there isn't a coach in the country that could make this offense competent. Zook's recruiting his last 3 years was absolutely atrocious, especially on offense and we we are going to pay the price for that. This is exactly why a competent AD fires Zook in 2009 after he goes 3-9 with a bunch of NFL talent and then the next coach would have had an opportunity to build momentum by having winning teams the next few years. But instead we hold on to an incompetent coach for two extra years and while those seasons were respectable we put ourselves in a position where Beckman's staff has no talent on offense and very little young talent on defense.
  12. Well Illinois almost definitely loses anyways but that game was materially changed by the referees.
  13. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 6, 2012 -> 04:39 PM) Bulls*** 3 points for Wisconsin. How does the ruling stand. Brutal. And a poor 15 yard penalty The ref involved in that call is either so incompetent that he should be fired on the spot or he is on the take.
  14. And that is 3 tainted points for Wisconsin. Illinois clearly forced a turnover there. Refs at all levels and in all sports are so unbelievably bad.
  15. Wow, Illinois just took one up the ass from the refs. This is a f***ing joke. That was a clear fumble and recovery by Illinois.
  16. QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ Oct 5, 2012 -> 07:47 PM) No, if you want a full series, win the division. So why should Detroit benefit from being in a crappy division and winning less games than either of the teams playing tonight?
  17. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 5, 2012 -> 06:59 PM) He was under it. By the book its the right call. He was still drifting back on that and in no way should that have been called an infield fly.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 5, 2012 -> 03:49 PM) He's also be close to home, and Izzo has a good history with Chicago recruits. Izzo has had very few players from Chicago. The only one I can really think of is Shannon Brown and he didn't have near the career he was expected to coming out of high school as the #3 player in the country.
  19. So can the Bears finally acknowledge that Kellen Davis is garbage and acquire a real TE this offseason?
  20. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Oct 1, 2012 -> 04:24 PM) I wouldn't write off the Thunder this year, though if Harden goes somewhere else, yeah. The Thunder actually match up pretty well with the Lakers still. Perkins is worthless against teams like Miami but he still plays good low post defense and has given Dwight some trouble in the past. Add in the fact that the Lakers are very slow defensively on the perimeter and you have a pretty good matchup for the Thunder. Nash guarding Harden or Westbrook will be laughable.
  21. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Sep 29, 2012 -> 02:08 PM) I'm shocked at how bad Illinois looks. I don't think their talent level is any less than Penn St. I just think they were completely out-coached. That doesn't bode well for Beckman. The talent level on offense is non-existent. Scheelhaase is a bad QB, our offensive line is really bad and banged up, and the receivers are below average. The offense was always going to be bad but there is no excuse for the defense to look this awful.
  22. Illinois is a terrible combination of a bad defensive coaching staff and no talent on offense thanks to Zook's recruiting being a joke his last few years at Illinois. Zook needed to be fired but Beckman is looking like a terrible hire. He is no different than Zook as a coach. I am sick of having "football guys" as our coach. Find someone with an actual brain to be the coach. At some point ADs will realize that the coaches that win the most tend to also be the most intelligent. They aren't just rah rah guys like Zook and Beckman.
  23. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 27, 2012 -> 03:17 PM) Groce will get his guys, give it time. I already have a ton of confidence in his recruiting. Getting Kendrick Nunn was a huge get for the program. 2nd best player in the state for the 2013 class, plus his dad is well connected in Chicago. Throw in the Simeon connection and that was a big recruit for the program. Plus while he may not land any of them, the fact that he was able to make the top 2 for Jackson, top 3 for Tyler Ennis and top 3 for Xavier Rathan-Mayes who are all top 30 recruits despite only being on the job since April is really impressive.
  24. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 25, 2012 -> 12:14 PM) I keep thinking of Goodell as Officer Barbrady: Nothing to see here, the correct call was made. Yep. The NFL was never going to admit that call was incorrect even though everyone knows it was. Also, the fact that they can actually use replay to confirm that call just makes the replacement refs look even worse. It is literally impossible to watch a replay of that play and think there was simultaneous possession.
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