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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Boogua @ Feb 5, 2012 -> 05:09 PM) The problem is money. Thomas just had to fire Zook and had to pay the buyout (although I heard a booster covered a lot of it). I just have to imagine that it would be hard to fire both coaches in the same year. I hope to God it happens though. Khan (Jaguars owner) covered the buyout. Problem is I've heard Khan is actually friendly with Weber.
  2. Weber should be fired today. Let McClain take over and try to salvage the season. If Mike Thomas doesn't fire Weber after the season I want him gone already at well. There is literally no reason for Weber to be coaching after this season. The talent differential in the game today was remarkable, Illinois scored at will and still lost to Northwestern at home. Thanks for your first three years now GTFO Weber.
  3. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Feb 1, 2012 -> 08:37 PM) That's what he does. He fattens up on the cupcakes of the league. Legitimate teams? Shadow. I've been wrong a lot on these boards. But I have never been more on the money about a basketball player than I was about Boozer before the Bulls signed him. I absolutely despise Boozer as a basketball player.
  4. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 27, 2012 -> 11:49 PM) He went back to being bad in the second half. He and Stephen Jackson are terrible chuckers sometimes. Wait, Jackson's a terrible chucker all the time. Skiles took Jennings out of his rhythm by sitting him on the bench so long after he got off to that ridiculous start. If you are the Bucks and you have a player rolling like that against the Bulls why not ride him until he stops making shots?
  5. QUOTE (Felix @ Jan 25, 2012 -> 03:32 PM) Knights of the Old Republic is different that Star Wars: The Old Republic. KotOR is/was/will always be an amazing RPG made by Bioware back in 2003. I strongly recommend playing both KotOR and KotOR2, as they are both superb games, but they aren't the game that was just released SWTOR is the MMO that was just released and it's pretty fun. You can play it as a conventional RPG (which I've been doing for the most part) and it's still a lot of fun. I've really liked the RPG elements of it, and I've never played an MMO before this one. The fact that you're playing online with other people hasn't been relevant to me unless I specifically want it to be relevant, which is nice. I'm still pissed that KotOR3 never got made.
  6. I'm disappointed, all this talk about basically meaningless comments from Rose and no discussion about how Boozer is so f***ing terrible on defense that he got removed in the final minute of the game against the Pacers for Brian Scalabrine.
  7. Boozer got taken out of the game on defense for Scalabrine. SCALABRINE. God he is f***ing awful.
  8. Unless Illinois wins its next 3 I may actually root for Illinois to have a bad finish to the season so that there is no doubt at all in Mike Thomas's mind that Weber should be fired.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2012 -> 12:10 PM) Round Two is about to begin OzzieGuillen Ozzie Guillen People want me to look bad but I so honest i wiil saynthe real true put u seat belt on I will kill peoples fellings no mercy i turn the page but they no let me a long then get ready going to be bad Iam out the country now but i never quit in anything yes be ready when i talk going to be fun When i get to chitown lets make one thing clear what happen last day whit the sox stay tune Seriously, how could anyone possibly like this guy or want him as part of your organization. What a piece of s***
  10. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:41 PM) Yes. Time for the wings to take over the offense. At least Abrams can play D and is part of the future. Let Abrams continue to play around 20 minutes and then let Paul and Bertrand initiate the offense so Henry can get some minutes since he has shown over and over again that he can put the ball in the basket.
  11. 27 f***ing minutes for Maniscalco. 27. What a f***ing joke. It isn't like he plays defense or is a good distributor either.
  12. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:28 PM) That's the worst part. I don't give a f*** about that. The worst part is that a talented team that could be much better than it is continues to have these type of performances on a consistent basis.
  13. That last play should get Weber fired on the spot. Maniscalco shouldn't have even been in the game let alone the 2nd option. So f***ing sick of this s***.
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:13 PM) Wow, can't believe they didn't get Paul the ball. I would have preferred literally every other player on the team to get the ball than Maniscalco there.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:10 PM) Illinois better put the ball in Paul's hands here. If Maniscalco touches the ball I'm going to go f***ign nuts.
  16. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:07 PM) Yep. Paul needs to be pg. Sam and Abrams are just brutal players What is frustrating with Abrams is he was a big scorer in high school and now won't even look at the basket. I really don't get it.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:06 PM) Can no one make clutch FT against Illinois this year? Hey Penn St., you think you might want to guard Paul? That kid was a 39% ft shooter. Illinois would have been unlucky if he made that.
  18. QUOTE (SnB @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 11:01 PM) maniscalco makes my eyes bleed. There is literally no reason for him to be out there. If you don't want to play Abrams than just put Henry or Egwu out there and let Paul run the point.
  19. DJ Richardson just got raped on that rebound and instead PSU gets the ball and shooting fts. Such f***ing bulls***.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 10:55 PM) They anticipate that play every time. Just like the charge call (as we discussed during the Illini/Ohio St game) I also wonder if a lot of these guys even played the game at any level above grade school. Just from playing high school basketball you should be able to officiate better than these jokers.
  21. That steal by Paul was completely clean. Do refs even watch the game?
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 19, 2012 -> 10:43 PM) Isn't he dating Max Biefeldt's sister? Yes
  23. Such a typical performance the last few years against PSU or coming off a big win. Can never maintain momentum.
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