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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 17, 2011 -> 11:30 PM) You did what I did a few weeks ago. Stay away from ESPN tomorrow. He still f***ing sucks. He didn't make a single good throw on that drive and if it wasn't for Sanchez being brutal and the Broncos defense standing on its head two weeks in a row we don't have to hear a f***ing thing about a terrible player.
  2. LOFL at the announcers. "There is something magical about this kid." He f***ing sucks. He is lucky Sanchez has played even worse and their defense has stood on its head the last two weeks.
  3. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Nov 14, 2011 -> 04:56 PM)
  4. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Nov 12, 2011 -> 07:16 PM) I hate Ron Zook and Petrino. How did we win 6 games again? The defense is legitimately great and teams didn't double team Jenkins earlier this year.
  5. Boise State actually lost this game but the refs just kept them alive on an atrocious pass interference call.
  6. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 10:31 AM) PSU could help this situation out by handling it correctly, and they are clearly dropping the ball. You need to clean house of anyone who knew anything about this. The university is morally bankrupt if they allow Paterno and McQueary to coach another game for PSU. And if I was an alum of Penn St. I would be letting the school know that if they didn't fire Paterno and McQueary immediately I would never be donating another penny to the school. I'm actually surprised one of their big money donors hasn't stepped in and basically mandated that these guys be removed.
  7. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 10:11 AM) not good enough Not even close to good enough.
  8. Bears can thank the refs for that TD. Terrible call on that roughing the passer.
  9. QUOTE (Cali @ Nov 7, 2011 -> 04:54 PM) So here's my issue, I have Heath Ledger's particular performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight ranked pretty high on my list, but it seems like it just has to be The Joker in general, and not being a comic book fan or Batman comic book fan in general I wouldn't rank the Joker character that high on my list. The ONLY REASON it's on my list is specifically because Heath Ledger knocked it out of the park, I would not include just the generalized Joker from 50+ years of the comics, so now I have to remove him from my list? I think you are really over thinking this.
  10. Those are two of the most remarkable defenses in NCAA history. Both those teams were averaging 39 pts a game going into tonight. The size and speed on those defenses is like watching NFL teams play.
  11. The Big 10 really needs to start recruiting better in football. The conference is just awful right now.
  12. If they follow the comic (which they really haven't been very closely so far this season or the end of last season) the Walking Dead will get much more interesting once they leave the farmhouse.
  13. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 01:35 PM) Useless is too strong, but the offenses that Illinois have played aren't exactly world beaters. I'm just pissed about the last drive in the Penn State game. I dunno how you let them score a TD in that situation. You are asking for perfection and you just aren't going to get that. The defense has been great, any criticisms of Koenning this year are utterly ridiculous. Not to mention that during his career his defenses have been ranked: Illinois 2011: 9th Illinois 2010: 38th (up from 91st the year before) K State 2009: 39th (up from 117th the year before) Clemson 2008: 18th Clemson 2007: 9th Clemson 2006: 13th Clemson 2005: 20th Troy 2004: 16th Troy 2003: 39th Koenning is a great defensive coordinator and really the only coach on the staff I care about retaining.
  14. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 10:56 AM) Rodgers was a consensus top 10 pick (alot argued #1 overall) but unfortunately pulled a Roethlisberger and slipped to the Packers lap with elite mechanics, a strong arm, and good foot work. He has very little weaknesses (in fact I think his only main weakness was his size at 6'2 and was a late bloomer so some scouts questioned his true upside). It's not his fault others teams passed on him. I do agree that having him digest that playbook was crucial to his development. Might have been over-ready actually. Kyle Boller is so awful at football that he not only wasted 3 or 4 years of some of the greatest defenses of all time, but he also cost Rodgers about 20 spots in the draft.
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 11:16 AM) I really hope he gets demoted to Recruiting Coordinator. I'd be fine keeping him at his current salary in that position too. Lord knows he can recruit (even if he doesn't get the flashy top 15 recruiting classes, it's pretty clear he has an eye for talent that others simply don't see. He's pumping out a couple of NFL caliber players a year from a pretty s***ty program). Let someone else take over the game management decisions. The problem is I'm not sure who you hire. You'd have to scrap the entire coaching stuff (unless you promote Koenig or Petrino, but really both of them have been pretty useless once Big Ten play started) and start all over again. Hopefully they can finish 2-1 and end up with an 8-4 record and go to a decent bowl. How anyone can say Koenning has been useless is mindboggling. Koenning has been awesome this year. Illinois is 9th in the country in total defense and out of the eight scoring drives the defense has allowed in the last 3 games, 4 of those drives have been 25 yards or less. If the special teams and offense wouldn't have completely f***ed up the last 3 games this team would be 8-1 or 9-0.
  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 09:31 AM) True story, definitely a very down year. But PSU wouldnt show very well in a bowl game, they just arent very good. Agreed. PSU can't move the football against any defense with a pulse and if they play a team with some talent on offense they are in big trouble. There are some good defenses in the conference this year (MSU, PSU, OSU, Illinois, etc.) but the offensive talent in the conference is just horrible. The QB play has been dreadful, there are only a handful of good wide receivers and while there are some solid backs in the conference, none of them really seem to be special.
  17. LOFL at Wisconsin's defense. They are bigger failures than the Texas Rangers bullpen.
  18. I hope Mike Thomas gets rid of the entire Illinois coaching staff except for Vic Koenning although he s*** the bed on that last drive (and even then if it wasn't for that weakass pass interference call Illinois stops PSU). Zook needs to go. I'd also like to point out that I'm looking forward to Illinois getting yet another apology letter from the Big 10 offices for the officiating today. Two turnovers by Illinois that shouldn't have been turnovers. One interception where Jenkins was clearly down by contact and only after he had been down for a couple seconds was the ball ripped away and on another there was as obvious of a personal foul that as you will ever see not called. On both those possessions Illinois was in good position to score. And then you add in the questionable PI call at the end any it makes you wonder.
  19. If PSU wins this game they should send a nice present to the officials.
  20. And Illinois gets f***ed over by the refs again on a terrible "interception" call when Jenkins was clearly down by contact before the ball was taken away.
  21. Illinois moving the ball for the first time today and the officials mindboggling miss a clear as day personal foul on PSU that caused the fumble by Scheelhaase. Unreal.
  22. Alexi Ogando is terrible right now. Awful decision to bring him in.
  23. Why the f*** would you bring in Ogando? He has been horrible the entire series.
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