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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 02:08 PM) Never know, there are some young big men coming up through the college/HS ranks. There isn't a single great center prospect in college basketball right now and that include the 2011 class. And while it is obviously very early there doesn't appear to be the next big thing at the center position in either the 2012 or 2013 HS classes either.
  2. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 03:18 PM) Well, a jury can pretty much go any way they want. You're not supposed to go solely on circumstantial stuff, though. Not true. Circumstantial evidence alone is sufficient for a conviction as long as you prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Don't believe everything you see on TV.
  3. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 02:55 PM) It seems that a lot of the evidence was circumstantial. It sucks, but you can't convict someone because of that. I have a feeling people are so up in arms about this because of the media coverage, which is blatantly running it as though there is no doubt that the mother did it. That sells. That isn't true. You absolutely can convict someone based on circumstantial evidence.
  4. What makes the verdict even worse is that she is probably going to get rich off of killing that little girl because our society is full of a bunch of f***ing idiots who will watch her interviews, buy her book, etc.
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 12:01 PM) I know Rosie is a terrible actress in Transformers 3, but goodness, she's good looking in some of those outfits. Which is why she should stick to being a model and never be cast in a movie again unless she takes all her clothes off. Also, I watched Transformers 3 last night. I enjoyed the first Transformers but the last two have been unbearable. Even ignoring the hilarious amount of inconsistencies between this movie and the previous 2 installments, the plot was still a mess. The nicest thing I can say about the movie is that it isn't as dreadful as Transformers 2. I really wish a director with even an ounce of talent made that movie. Every human character is awful. Shia LaBeouf and Rosie's characters are so bad that I was actively rooting for them to be killed. Turturro's character got more annoying and ridiculous with each film. The human villain was laughably bad. Was there even a point to John Malkovich's character being in the movie other than being a horrible failure to add comic relief? At least Bay didn't f*** up the action scenes like he did in Transformers 2 (and frankly even the actions scenes occur for no rhyme or reason and are clearly just Bay thinking up some cool set pieces and throwing them together even if they don't really fit together). Also, I nominate Rosie's speech to Megatron as a top 5 worst movie scene of all time (although it would also be in my top 5 unintentionally hilarious scenes ever and was the only time I laughed during the movie). And can someone please explain to me why Shia continues to get rolls in big movies? He is an awful actor and just seems like a complete dick of a human being as well.
  6. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jun 29, 2011 -> 01:51 PM) I'm so happy that this gets brought up after every good start! Otherwise, how would I, or anyone, know what people's opinions of this trade are??? I swear this topic never gets brought up or talked about enough here, so fortunately the constant bumping of this allows us to all remember it! Rather than b****ing about what other people post you could just avoid this thread which is clearly about Hudson and the Hudson/Jackson trade.
  7. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 28, 2011 -> 05:01 PM) Ebert is a snobby movie douche. Coming from a guy that hates these movies (and most of the recent comic book retreads) I recognize that these movies are made to entertain, not win Oscars for best film. It's supposed to have load explosions, cool robot battles, hot women, etc. It's not designed to make us reflect on the morality of robots or existence of alien beings. Clearly a gazillion people are entertained since these movies make a s*** ton of money year after year. f*** Ebert. It doesn't need to be deep or existential but it isn't a lot to ask that there at least be a not utterly ridiculous plot, characters with any depth whatsoever (or that at least are somewhat likable or hateable), and humor that wasn't apparently written by an 8 year old. Not to mention how about not creating two characters that make Jar Jar Binks look like a cinematic masterpiece. The 2nd Transformers was complete garbage and while taste in movies are subjective I can't fathom how anyone over 12 can like that movie. There is nothing snobby about ripping on piece of s*** movies. He shouldn't dumb himself down just because the public makes something popular.
  8. As an aside, it is too bad that they don't have someone with even an ounce of talent directing these films as opposed to Michael Bay. Michael Bay's films have great effects but fail on every other level. Hell, even the action in Transformers 2 was horribly done.
  9. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 28, 2011 -> 08:43 AM) The reviews aren't as bad as the previous one. Plus, my brother's been bothering me to take him since this past weekend. The reviews are getting more horrible by the minute. This will end up at around 30% at best on rottentomatoes and it is made by Michael Bay so the best you can hope for is a mediocre movie.
  10. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 25, 2011 -> 11:04 AM) Come on, would anyone have got a maximum effort out of Jereme Richmond? Guy is an ass bag, plain and simple. That's not a good example. Agreed on Richmond. The guy missed workouts for NBA teams. If you can't show up for what are essentially job interview you are hopeless. There might not be a coach on the planet that can get through to him.
  11. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 11:22 AM) I didnt care about or care for the first movie, but it still made bank at the box office. I wouldnt count pixar out, there are millions of little kids who love those movies Cars is incredibly popular with kids which is why Pixar made Cars 2 and I'm sure Cars 2 will be successful financially as well. And from what I've read that it looks like they really just aimed this movie at kids since unlike the rest of their films, Cars didn't have as much cross over appeal.
  12. So it looks like Pixar's run of perfection will end with Cars 2. If it had to happen I'm happy it ended with a movie that I don't care at all about and not one of their original movies.
  13. QUOTE (OilCan @ Jun 13, 2011 -> 08:37 PM) Can't wait to see Green Lantern. I'd put a substantial amount of money on that being an awful movie.
  14. A few things on Russell in support of Jordan although the Wallace/Russell comparison is freaking absurd. Russell was a mediocre offensive player. His efficiency wasabout average for his era and given his size and athleticism advantage that is pretty damn poor. He also never led the Celtics in scoring and almost every year of his career he was either the 3rd or 4th leading scorer on his team. As far as his rebounding and defense goes he was was obviously phenomenal in those areas but his rebounding rate is greatly inflated by the era he played in. Guys were vastly inferior basketball players and shooters which means they shot lower percentages and there were a lot more rebounds to be had. When you also account for the fact that the pace was drastically faster (just a random year but in 64-65 the Celtics has about 108 FGAs per game (41% from the floor) and over 30 FTAs per game, the Timberwolves who played the fastest in the league this year shot only 85 times per game at 44%) you have numbers that are greatly inflated. He was still a great rebounder but there is a reason 3 guys averaged 20+ boards in 64-65 and another one finished at 18 rpg whereas the year Rodman averaged over 18 boards his teams were only getting a little over 90 possessions a game and he was leading the league by about 5 per game.
  15. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 11:30 PM) Lebron's gonna feel great tomorrow? At some point you wonder if that guy even cares at this point. No doubt you'll see rumors of Spoelstra being thrown under the bus coming out from Lebron's crew over the next 24-48 hours, pretty inevitable really. Spoelstra should be thrown under the bus. The guy's offense is about as complex as my rec league team's offense.
  16. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:14 PM) I now realize how weak the eastern conference really is. The Mavs totally exposed the Heat as frauds. Not really true at all. The Heat blew a 15 pt lead that would have put them up 2-0 and basically guaranteed them the championship and then blew a late 9 pt lead in game 4 which again would have basically guaranteed them the championship. The Heat didn't close and Spoelstra is an atrocious basketball coach so he never made any adjustments which is why they aren't the champs.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 09:38 PM) Not really his fault IMO. This series came down to effort/heart, not execution It came down entirely to execution. Miami didn't execute late in games and that is why they aren't hoisting the trophy. They close out a giant lead in game 2 or a big lead in game 4 they win this series. Spoelsta is a garbage head coach. If LeBron doesn't go nuts and dominate Rose every 4th quarter the Bulls would have been playing for the championship.
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 11, 2011 -> 08:50 AM) It sounds crazy by Hakeem is my all-time favorite player. Even saying that, i would rank him behind all of those guys. Those guys are first tier elite centers. The Dream was in the next group. He had a game that was completely different too. I have never seen a big man so comfortable and easy with the ball. I would take Hakeem 100 times out of 100 over Russell and never think twice about it.
  19. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 9, 2011 -> 11:57 PM) Cmon now... Don't get me wrong, LeBron needs to play better but he didn't disappear in the 4th quarter tonight like he did in game 4. He still needs to be more assertive and attack the basket more when his jumper isn't dropping like the last couple of games but he was really good at creating easy looks for his teammates in the 4th quarter tonight. Completely different performance from his complete no show in game 4.
  20. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jun 9, 2011 -> 10:53 PM) Lebron fails to show up again. I know he had a triple double but it was an unimpressive fashion. Unacceptable for your only 4th quarter points to come on a gimme layup with 20 seconds left when the other team is just trying to not foul, enspecially when you are the best player in the game. He no showed the 4th quarter of game 4 but he didn't tonight. His passing was exceptional in the 4th quarter as all of his assists lead directly to layups or dunks and the Heat were running everything through Wade not LeBron tonight so he wasn't going to score a ton.
  21. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 9, 2011 -> 10:36 PM) Really? Or is my sarcasm meter broken? That was a really clear block by Chandler.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2011 -> 10:35 PM) What a terrible charge call on LBJ. Yep, that took at least 2 probably 3 points of the board for the Heat.
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