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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 10:34 PM) Dirk is clearly hurting, but the rest of the team is stepping up. Lets see if Lebron/Wade fall in love with iso to end the game. Miami has done exactly what the Bulls did in game 5 against Miami and what Oklahoma City did against Dallas when they blew a big lead. The focus and intensity let up and they stopped running any real offense. Miami hasn't ran a good set for the last 4 minutes. This is what I like to call the Illinois special.
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:52 PM) Pretty sure both guys were going for the ball, but whatever I'm not sure what you mean. LeBron was dribbling the ball and then stopped. Dirk reached in and ran into him.
  3. Brian Cardinal is playing in the NBA finals right now. You have to be f***ing kidding me.
  4. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:48 PM) It's the finals man. If dirk hit him with the body, lebron hit dirk with the elbow. Gmab He reached in and hit LeBron on the arm and then ran into him. That is a foul and it is ridiculous to say otherwise.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:47 PM) Horses*** call on dirk, horses*** tech on Carlisle Agree on the tech but that was an obvious foul on Nowitzki. Not even debatable.
  6. Awful close to the half for Dallas. They can't be feeling good about where they are with the way they played that half.
  7. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 08:54 PM) Christ, that basket interference wasn't even close and they still refused to call it. I know people hate the Heat but Dallas is getting more than their fair share of calls in this series. Hell, if anything the calls have gone Dallas's way.
  8. Also, slightly OT but LOL at Jabbar's open letter to Pippen. You have to love a guy chastising another player for lack of perspective when he has no perspective of his own. He cites Chamberlain's stats as an argument in favor of saying Chamberlain is greater than Jordan but failing to take into account that Chamberlain's stats were incredibly inflated due to the fact that games had 30 to 40 more possessions in that era and the players sucked and shot a lower percentage than they do now so there was a lot more rebounds to be had. He then proceeds to use Russell's rings as an argument against Jordan being the GOAT. Ignoring for a second that Jordan was a statistically superior player to Wilt over the course of their careers, you can't have it both ways Kareem. Jordan had 6 rings to Wilt's 2 so if you want to make an argument based on rings then Jordan blows Wilt out of the water. Also, against he cites Russell's rebounding totals as a reason Russell is an all time great. As I already pointed out, rebounding numbers were incredibly inflated due to inferior players and an incredibly faster paced game. Bringing up Russell in a greatest ever discussion is so laughable I don't even know where to begin. The guy was a great defender and obviously won an incredible amount of championships. But he played on teams loaded with all stars and hall of famers and was an average offensive basketball player. If Jordan played in that era he could score 50 in on a bad night.
  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 11:45 AM) Though his efficiency has always sucked. That simply isn't true. For his last 3 years with the Bulls his FG% was around 45%, he shot over 40% from 3 and over 85% from the line. His true shooting percentage He was a more efficient scorer each of his last three years with the Bulls than Rose was this year. His career TS% and eFG% are comparable to Kobe Bryant. He has some serious flaws, but efficiency as a scorer wasn't one of them. If you are getting the Ben Gordon from the Bulls you are getting a guy who is so vastly superior to Korver as a player that it is an insult to Gordon to even compare the two. Whether that guy still exists though is obviously impossible to know. Gordon in a 6th man scorer role would be a big upgrade for the Bulls.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:46 AM) Really? It looks like the same old crap to me. I thought that looked like one of the worst TV shows ever created based on the commercials and previews for it.
  11. QUOTE (Felix @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 11:25 PM) ¡Olé! (there are massive, impossible to ignore questions about whether he's worth the hype, but damnit, there's no time for negativity) I would be shocked if he is more than a marginal player. No jumper to speak of and he isn't a good athlete. He makes some flashy passes but from what I've seen that is all that he has going for him.
  12. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 04:54 PM) Good for him but... I don´t get why players would turn down so much money for a ring, especially considering that they are role players and probably didn´t make a ton of money in their prime years...I hate to sound greedy but I´d make as much money as I can as a player especially since we know a sports career is essentially over by your mid to late 30s.Guys like Barkley and Malone chasing rings I get, they made top dollar in their prime, but Bibby? You are seriously underestimating how much NBA players make. Mike Bibby's career salary is over $100 million dollars. Marginal players like Darko are making $4 or 5 million a year. Good veterans that want a ring will see Miami as an incredibly desirable place to go. Especially if said veteran is a PG or big man.
  13. So people are seriously complaining about a hitter taking a walk to load the bases with only 1 out in an inning? Dunn has been beyond awful this year but complaining about him taking a walk in that situation is absurd.
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 12:30 PM) But the Mavs have guys that actually hit a lot of open shots on a much more frequent basis. This is true, but the Mavs also shot over 40% from 3 yesterday so it isn't like they shot particularly poorly. They just had an extremely difficult time finishing inside the arc against the Heat and that problem likely persists throughout the series.
  15. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ May 31, 2011 -> 11:05 PM) And the NBA seems to back them all the way. The refs are assuring them a championship. S**t! Did people even watch the game tonight? The Mavericks shot 6 more FTs and had shot 10 more before a couple of late fouls that put the Heat to the line. The Heat were simply the better team tonight. The Heat got the benefit of the calls in the third quarter of Game 5 against the Bulls (and the officiating in that quarter was beyond ridiculous) but the Bulls still had a 12 point lead with 4 minutes to go and choked that away. Would they have been up more than 12 if it wasn't for the officiating maybe, maybe not. Did the officiating cost them game 5? Maybe, but they would have lost Game 6 anyways and there is not a chance in hell that the NBA wanted that series to end in 5 games with the ratings it was getting.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 31, 2011 -> 10:21 PM) It's unreal how the refs keep calling everything for Miami. LOL. Dallas has shot more free throws than the Heat and both teams have been called for the same amount of fouls.
  17. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 31, 2011 -> 09:46 AM) Critics 35% based on 188 reviews AUDIENCE 94% based on 45000 reviews. Screw the critics. And over 75% of the audience based on a much larger number of reviews also liked Transformers 2 which is a movie I can't fathom how anyone over the age of 12 could possibly like.
  18. QUOTE (TitoMB @ May 29, 2011 -> 02:24 PM) It's too bad we didn't trade Beckham a few years ago, when people thought he was good A better solution would be to fire our clearly incompetent hitting coach and see if we can salvage Beckham.
  19. Illinois is currently destroying MSU in the Big 10 title game.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ May 28, 2011 -> 02:28 PM) You're ridiculous. Keep blaming Thornton when our idiot coaching staff had the 2nd baseman covering when a lefty was up. This. That was an absolutely ludicrous coaching decision.
  21. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 28, 2011 -> 10:00 AM) Yeah, the Hangover Part II was just decent. It was worth a viewing, although it might just be better to catch it on DVD or TV. I didn't laugh out loud really at all. Same, wish I didn't pay to see that. That was really lazy film making.
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 27, 2011 -> 10:06 AM) Dallas can shoot and I really see no reason to believe that Miami is going to play a drastically different style of offense against Dallas. Dallas will watch the Bulls tape and may even go into zone to further force Miami to shoot jump shots. Their perimeter defenders aren't anywhere near as good as the Bulls though.
  23. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 27, 2011 -> 09:34 AM) NO NO NO...and I´m not a LBJ but he is no doubt the best player in the world. It´s true that if you breathe on LBJ, it´s a foul nowadays but that´s not his fault, that´s the f***ing refs helping him out when he doesn´t need it. I never complain about the refs but some of those calls in the second half were atrocious. The reffing the last five minutes of the 3rd quarter was laughable.
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