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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ May 27, 2011 -> 12:38 AM) If you watched this game start to finish and think LeBron in the best player in the league you're out of your mind. Half the points he gets are just gift wrapped from the officials, and this amazing LeBron defense? When you cant be called for a foul it makes it pretty easy. Bosh beat us, Wade killed us... and we lost again. This series, and all of LeBron pandering to the refs and all that BS just made it obvious he's really the 3rd best player on that team. I'm not sure there has ever been a more incorrect post in the history of this board. Congrats, you should be proud.
  2. So some thoughts while I'm sitting on the train on my way home from the game: 1. Wow that was freaking painful. 2. Lebron is by far the best player in the game and lol at the people who thought he couldn't close. 3. The Bulls were better than I expected them to be this year so overall I'm not disappointed but what a brutal way to go out. 4. I hated the Carlos Boozer signing at the time and I hare it more now. He is unbelievably bad defensively and he struggles offensively against good defensive teams. I'm thrilled we have four more year of that s***. 5. Forgot to add that anyone who still thinks that the Heat are Wade's team and not Lebron's are freaking nuts. Wade just got carried into the NBA finals by Lebron, the job Bogans and Brewer did on Wade this series was remarkable. As an aside I wish I'd love to find all my old posts ripping boozer and dreading him ending up on the Bulls. I f***ing hat everything about him as a player.
  3. QUOTE (Nokona @ May 26, 2011 -> 11:46 PM) The NBA is the worst league in sports. Can anyone honestly say they didn't see what was coming after the T on Gibson? And yet the bulls were still up double figures in the 4th before they stopped running offense and Lebron showed why he is easily the games best player.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 26, 2011 -> 04:18 PM) "The Heat" is not comparable to three individual players who played on several different teams. It also doesn't hold for 2008, 2006 or 2004. Shaq was on the Heat when they won it in 2006.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 26, 2011 -> 04:00 PM) But it's on another level compared to the regular season. It definitely has been but that is standard for almost all NBA teams.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 26, 2011 -> 03:35 PM) None of that has much to do with how he takes plays off on defense. You mean like every other player in the history of the NBA? And LeBron has been nearly Pippenesque on defense in the postseason, I don't give a damn if he takes off a few plays defensively in the regular season.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 26, 2011 -> 03:22 PM) Worth noting that you can say the exact same thing about Dwight Howard as well. They're clearly the most physically gifted players in the game, but they get by entirely on their physical skills, not on their technique. You mean relying on physical skills like being able to make jumpers with people draped all over him, being an incredible passer for a wing and an exceptional ball handler for his size?
  8. So my takeaway from this discussion is that there are people that think the clear cut best player in the NBA isn't working hard enough? Interesting.
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 26, 2011 -> 01:33 PM) Bulls had a chance, and they have played pretty poorly outside of Game 1 and a few stretches in the other 3. That has been almost entirely because of the level of defense Miami plays. It isn't like the Bulls are getting and missing a ton of open looks, just about every offensive possession lately has been a struggle for the Bulls to get a good look at the basket.
  10. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 23, 2011 -> 10:10 AM) And I know there is a lot of haters, but I think Transformers: Dark of the Moon has the potential to be the best one yet. I love watching the trailer It sure as hell wouldn't take much to be better than Transformers 2. That was easily one of the worst movie going experiences I have ever had and I've seen a lot of bad movies. I refuse to watch another movie directed by Michael Bay after that piece of crap.
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 23, 2011 -> 09:35 AM) I really just want a level playing field. That out of bounds call on Luol Deng was inexcusable. I just can't get over it. Also, on the news this morning they showed 5 baskets that LBJ scored on where he took FIVE STEPS! Five! It's just depressing... on a level playing field, the Bulls are up 2-1 at worst. Anyway, I hate being that guy, but it's f***ing true. I have no problem at all complaining about officiating but complaining about travels not called in the NBA is just ridiculous. They happen constantly, get over it. Rose travels an incredible amount just like every other star player.
  12. QUOTE (daa84 @ May 22, 2011 -> 10:17 PM) i hope someone else just saw sosa...what a creep What the f*** happened to him?
  13. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 17, 2011 -> 05:05 PM) Because Ozzie will not have a leadoff hitter. This is the way most mangers want their team constructed and there would be no one capable of filling this role if Pierre is not in the lineup. I'm not sure why you don't understand this from past tendencies with Ozzie's lineups. Whoever hits leadoff would be as much of a leadoff hitter as Juan Pierre has been. It would be damn near impossible to suck as much at getting on base and stealing bases as Pierre has.
  14. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 17, 2011 -> 02:52 PM) I never got the love for How I Met Your Mother. In the episodes I've seen, I didn't find it funny at all. With the added problem of them constantly teasing who the mom is but never revealing it and dragging it on forever, I don't know how people deal with it. The concept of the show has always been kind of annoying but I thought the first few seasons were really funny and that is why I watched. The last couple of seasons haven't been funny for the most part and I think most people are getting sick of the show and just want to find out who the mother is so it can end.
  15. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 17, 2011 -> 02:49 PM) Yeah this is Wisconsin's year to lose, doesnt mean I wont hope for a miracle. Someone in the Big 10 had to be the sacrificial lamb for UNC, I'm just glad it wasn't Illinois.
  16. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 17, 2011 -> 02:20 PM) Damn Wisconsin gets UNC, not the most preferable match up with a Wisconsin team that is going to need some time to figure out its rotation. Wisconsin has absolutely no shot in that one.
  17. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ May 17, 2011 -> 02:20 PM) And we almost always play Maryland, Clemson or UNC We have played UNC 4 times (3-1), Clemson twice (1-1), Wake Forest once (1-0), Duke twice (0-2) and Maryland 3 times (0-3). W
  18. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 17, 2011 -> 12:41 PM) One other thing to point out, since this is an offday, is that the new CBA talk is indicating the NBA wants a hard cap at $45M with a 3 year exclusion period (to allow teams to get there cap situations in order) and it sounds like portions of NBA contracts would not be guaranteed. That is a pretty drastic reduction in overall player/salary expenses given that right now there are numerous teams with upwards of 80 to 90M in player payroll (Lakers @ 94M). The luxury tax would also go away. Now that is obviously not a settled upon reality but holy crap, this is gonna be one tough labor negotiation. Makes the NFL problems look small (well, NFL really doesn't have problems other than figuring out who gets to make more money since everyone is pretty much raking in profits). NBA, on the other hand, has tons of franchises losing money. If the NBA is set on getting a hard cap of $45 million we aren't going to be seeing any NBA games next year.
  19. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 17, 2011 -> 09:12 AM) The second Lilly started puking, I called that she was pregnant. It's signed on for two more seasons, so it's gonna have to last somehow. It was a great show for a while, but I think it's definitely run its course. Just show us who the f***ing mother is already! The Zooey arc pretty much killed my remaining interest in the show. I will continue to watch but I just anticipate each episode being bad. I still have no idea what they were thinking with bringing in the Zooey character. That entire arc was absolutely brutal. The show has run its course, I really wish next year was its last.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 16, 2011 -> 12:48 PM) To be fair, last year's Bulls weren't bad on the defensive side of the ball either, for example they were #3 in the league in opponent's FG %age They were 11th in the league in defensive efficiency so they were solid for sure. But they weren't great and they weren't able to lock teams down like they have been able to at times this year.
  21. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 16, 2011 -> 12:05 PM) The dude hit 2 3s in the second half on a dislocated finger. He's a real warrior. His change in style of play on the floor and his change in attitude has been shocking. Thibodeau is working some kind of weird magic on these guys. The amount of intensity Thibodeau has gotten this team to play with on the defensive end on a nightly basis is pretty incredible. The fact that the Bulls went from an average defensive team to the best defensive team in the NBA in one offseason is a remarkable coaching job and if they do take out the Heat and win the NBA championship that will be the biggest reason why. The Bulls played at an incredibly high level last night, that level probably isn't sustainable, but if they can sustain that level of play they will definitely beat the Heat (and they don't have to play quite at that level to have a solid shot). As for the Heat, I just assumed all year that their talent would eventually take over and they would win the championship (and they still might) and I still think their supporting cast is good enough to win the championship but it is amazing how little they do on offense (whether it is because the big 3 aren't listening to Spoelstra or Spoelstra has no offensive system or both) to put their players in a position to succeed. I understand that when you have 3 players of that caliber you are going to have a lot of isolation in your offense, and frankly you should. However, if you look at the Lakers with Shaq and Kobe or the Bulls with Jordan and Pippen, etc. those teams still had a significant amount of off the ball movement and cutting which got their role players easy looks at the basket that weren't just created by their stars. Did the Heat have a single half court offensive possession yesterday that wasn't a pick and roll or isolation? The Heat's role players like Jones and Chalmers literally pass the ball to LeBron or Wade and then stand at the three point line and never move from that spot.
  22. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 11, 2011 -> 11:52 AM) I'm not arguing that it'll be EASY, but I think defensively the Bulls matchup much better against a team that basically just runs the "Wade/Lebron dribble around and everyone else get out of the way" offense versus teams that actually run an offense and get contributions from all 5 guys. Have you watched Atlanta play? Their ball movement isn't good at all the vast majority of the time. They iso a ton and shoot a ton of jump shots. That is much easier to defend than Miami.
  23. Jamal Crawford has killed the Hawks tonight. When he isn't scoring he just absolutely kills teams. Hopefully Drew keeps him in.
  24. It helped the Bulls but it was ridiculous that they called Smith for a T a little while ago. That clearly should have been a T on Boozer and Boozer alone. I hate Boozer with a passion, he is such a b****.
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