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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 23, 2011 -> 04:56 PM) Am I wrong in thinking Grace is absurd for thinking that was an error? Yes
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 23, 2011 -> 04:56 PM) At this point, you fire Walker with the hope of salvaging Beckham's career. I don't care if hitting coaches don't make a difference, but why not try before you eventually give up on Beckham after another 1,000 ABs. I'm not sure they make much of a difference either but it sure as hell is clear that Walker sucks at helping hitters make adjustments.
  3. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 23, 2011 -> 04:00 PM) Bulls have looked horrid all series. Rose is being too much of a hog and the offense is way too stagnant. This is just disgusting. I hope it is just Indiana matching up well agains the Bulls because if they play like this, they won't make it much furhter in the playoffs. And while people are acting like the Pacers are playing the best they can possibly play it isn't like they are really playing over their heads. They aren't making a lot of tough shots and they haven't shot a high percentage throughout the series. They have played good defense and been very physical and the Bulls haven't really done a great job responding until very late in games.
  4. I f***ing can't stand Carlos Boozer. He is awful. And I love that he yells give me that s*** as Foster rips the ball away from him. And we have 4 more years of watching this garbage. Love the rest of the roster but I can't stand him.
  5. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 11:03 PM) Lol. If you say so. You don't have to be the best player to win the MVP. If that's the case then give it to LeBron. And please for the love of the devil don't tell me you think Rose is or has had a better year than LeBron. I don't think you got the point of that post at all. It is ridiculous to base an argument of who is a better player based on being in the "MVP discussion."
  6. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 10:35 PM) Lol, yes it's legitimate that someone who hates the bulls would not like their best player. But arguing that a guy who isn't even in the MVP conversation is better than the 22 year old clear favorite is moronic. Steve Nash won two MVPs. In neither season was he the best player in the league or even close to the MVP.
  7. Finish this one and get an early lead in game 6 and the Canucks are going to start pissing themselves.
  8. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 08:40 PM) How bad were Foster's fouls? I didn't see the first 47:30 of the game. The foul on Deng was an incredibly dirty play. The foul on Rose wasn't really that bad but players take exception to any foul that is even remotely hard these days.
  9. Now that last foul by Foster was a legit dirty play. How that wasn't a flagrant I have no idea.
  10. Thankfully Deng and Bogans have stepped up today because Boozer has been a complete waste of space yet again. And it is truly remarkable how worthless he is on defense.
  11. Current NBA players would not be able to play if you put them in the late 80s or early 90s. The Pistons and Knicks laugh at these fouls by Foster being called hard fouls.
  12. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 02:24 PM) Per everyone's Twitter, Brewers sign Ryan Braun to 5 year, $105 million extension for the years 2016-2020. There was absolutely no reason to do this deal right now. Braun will be 32 before the 2016 season starts, who knows what type of player you will be getting at that time.
  13. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 09:06 AM) I have never seen this much talent on a roster, and UK could match them talent wise if they return Knight and Jones. Hyperbole much?
  14. Early reviews for Thor are really good. That will probably be the first movie in a really long time I actually go see at a movie theater.
  15. Carlos Boozer needs to spend a little less time yelling give me that every time he grabs an uncontested rebound and a little more time concentrating on his D so he doesn't get punked by Hansbrough every time Hansbrough gets the ball.
  16. QUOTE (Felix @ Apr 15, 2011 -> 09:58 PM) I actually have the windows open. It's really quite nice. Do you even know how to read? That post was clearly aimed at Kalapse for giving me a warning for no reason at all.
  17. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Apr 15, 2011 -> 09:29 PM) Hate to break it to you but his OPS is now .926. Big blow. And lets ALL quit it with the personal attacks, no need for this discussion to get nasty. I'm talking to you specifically, ws99. I'm not sure how saying that Adam Dunn told Felix he is a f***ing joke is a personal attack but duly noted. I would suggest that you need to get out of your parents' basement and get laid every once in a while though. It might lighten you up.
  18. Adam Dunn just told you that you are a f***ing joke Felix.
  19. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Apr 13, 2011 -> 04:28 PM) i agree w/this - let Matt get his confidence back. And maybe learn an effective secondary pitch. They're just sitting dead red. Matt has been dominant with basically just a fastball for 3 years. Teams haven't suddenly figured him out just because he is pitching in the 9th inning. He isn't locating the fastball as well as he has in the past and his velocity seems down a bit. His slider is also worse than usual and it isn't surprising he is getting hammered.
  20. QUOTE (Wedge @ Apr 13, 2011 -> 04:28 PM) I may not have done so here, but I definitely first guessed losing Jenks. Jenks was terrible last year and his WHIP and ERA had gotten worse for 3 straight seasons. The only positive sign at all for him was that his K rate was up lst year from the previous 2 seasons. I don't fault the Sox at all for not bringing him back especially at that salary.
  21. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 13, 2011 -> 04:18 PM) They can have him he is worthless as a closer and NEVER should be in that situation anymore. He is an 8th inning setup guy period! Anyone who defends a guy 0-4 in saves must love losing. What makes you think he would be pitching any better in the 8th inning? He isn't locating his fastball and his slider sucks right now which means he is going to give up runs. That wouldn't change in the 8th and obviously didn't change in the 10th inning of a tie game, a scenario Matt has pitched in plenty throughout his career.
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