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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Yeah, im looking at more than just result of this start because a mediocre strikeout rate and giving up tons of hard hit contact isn’t going to get it done game to game.
  2. Kopech continues to benefit from hard contact right at people today
  3. Kopech is trash throwing 95. Unless he finds 98+ he isn’t a legit starter
  4. Kopech just hasn’t fooled people at all this year. Pure luck to not give up a run in the first.
  5. Yep. But Diekman also should just not be on the roster. He’s trash and only still on the team because of a terrible trade.
  6. Walking a batter per inning eventually is going to catch up to you. This team just sucks
  7. Those guys aren’t going to stay healthy, particularly Eloy.
  8. I mean other than his stretch with the Sox last year he’s been a bad hitter for like 6 years now.
  9. It was close. I’d love to see them it when Vaughn was actually stepping on first with control of the ball.
  10. Feels like it is luck when he gets out of an inning unscathed. Gordon’s ball was an absolute rope. Very lucky that wasn’t a hit.
  11. It’s insane any team willingly has Velazquez on their roster at this point. He’s been horrible for years and he also kills your bullpen so it isn’t like he at least eats innings.
  12. It is early but the approach at the plate is extremely concerning because it is identical to last year so far. Hopefully it changes and it is a very small sample size but it isn't promising that the offensive approach has not changed at all even if it is early.
  13. And led the league in completion percentage and in lowest off target throw rate. Remains to be seen if he can duplicate it but he was legitimately great last season.
  14. All depends on how real last year is. If he repeats that season if anything that contract is below market. If he regresses then it is an overpay but given it a short deal they will pretty easily be able to pivot away from him.
  15. He gave up the winning runs to the Cubs in 2016 and he’s terrible and has been bad for a long time now.
  16. Without significant nationwide gun restrictions this won't ever change. No where else in the world has the type of gun ownership the USA does and other Western Counties like Canada that do have pretty high gun ownership (but no where near approaching the USA) at least actually place restrictions on the types of guns that can be owned and make it a more rigorous process to get a gun. Add in that our healthcare system and access to mental health care services are trash and this is what you get.
  17. Coby White is the same player he’s always been. Basically zero improvement from his rookie season and same with Williams. Williams hasn’t improved his ability to create, rebound, etc.
  18. Getsky and this whole coaching staff have done an incredible job. And amazing how Fields has looked the last 4 games or so once they really started to run him. He’s making awesome decisions and his legs draw so much attention play action is just crushing it
  19. This show is just absolutely awesome. Both of those moments were incredible. I’m sad there is only 2 more episodes in this season.
  20. It was money. And they have been clear the rebellion, like any guerrilla force or army, needs cash to stay afloat and get supplies, equipment, weapons, etc. Essentially they are funding the rebellion.
  21. Russell Wilson looks totally cooked. He’s absolutely horrendous
  22. This team is the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked
  23. Huge reach to suggest the Texans defense is good. We will see but I would bet heavily on them being in the bad category this year. The Colts moved the ball easily against them (and the Colts offense has looked like s%*# in their other 2 games) and the Broncos just suck on offense this year and still had 350 yards against the Texans.
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