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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:44 PM) If Illini barely touches a guy, foul. Purdue can hit a guy, no foul. I really feel like Illinois has been the better team tonight. And what really drives me nuts is that if they had played with this type of focus (except for that one two minute stretch in the first half) all year they would be looking at a top 4 or 5 seed right now but their effort and focus has just been so spotty all year long. B
  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:46 PM) Dakich your an idiot. Moore and JuJu were guys Wisconsin wanted bad. They were pretty damn good recruits if Bo Ryan wanted them. Moore was a top 25 player in the greatest HS bball class of all time and Johnson was in the top 50. Those were big time players.
  3. Bill Cole is just awful lately. He was valuable early in the season when he was making 3s but he just has no business being on the court lately.
  4. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:33 PM) Watching a Purdue game is impossible, they foul so many times that the refs just cant call it. As for Kenpom, you can hate his numbers, but they are just numbers based on his system. I think that they are pretty good. I knew that would happen coming in so my problem with the refs tonight were the 3 ridiculous (well 2 ridiculous and one that was a pretty clear block) charge calls on Paul and the two questionable moving screens on Illinois that just coincidentally happened when Illinois was making runs.
  5. Huge shot by DMac and the stupid shove by Smith so either Davis is shooting FTs to get Illinois within 2 or Illinois has the ball after the TO.
  6. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:30 PM) Well purdue fans, this is your last year of being relevant for a long time, enjoy it I also love Purdue's garbage ass role players talking s***. We will see how much s*** Smith and Barlow talk next year when they don't have Johnson and Moore to draw all the defensive attention and get them wide open looks and then bail them out whenever their role players play like crap which is frankly pretty often.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:28 PM) Well there's no way Purdue doesn't win this one with some of this bulls***. Yep, Illinois up 2 with the ball so they call a bulls*** moving screen on Tisdale and then call Tisdale for the same handcheck Purdue does on every possession on the other end. I wish Illinois got anywhere near this many calls at home.
  8. GTFO with that moving screen call. That was so freaking weak.
  9. By the way, if I was Big 10 commissioner my very first move would be to never let Sanzere or Burr ref another Big 10 game. And lol, that was the closest of Paul's 4 charge/block calls and the only one Purdue gets called for a block.
  10. Refs finally starting to call Purdue for their constant hacking on the perimeter. But it doesn't matter much if every time Illinois drives a Purdue player can slide over late under the basket and draw a charge.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:09 PM) Nice charge, standing directly under the hoop All 3 of the charge calls against Paul have been wrong but that last one was a f***ing joke. Byrd was standing under the net and Paul was in the air. Just an absurd call. Does the Big 10 even grade these refs?
  12. And a third charge on Paul that wasn't a charge. You can't take a charge under the f***ing basket you stupid f***ing refs.
  13. Another charge called on Paul that definitely wasn't a charge. Add the freaking semi circle since college refs are so freaking incapable of making the right call.
  14. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 07:47 PM) Purdue just gets away with constant holding on defense at home There literally isn't a possession during a game against Purdue where they don't commit a foul.
  15. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 07:47 PM) Keep McCamey in!!!! 31-18 Illinois before he picked up his 2nd foul, lucky that the game is still tied at halftime. Should have brought him back once Purdue took momentum back. You can't let them come back and tie the game at halftime like Illinois just did. And that is why Crandall doesn't play more by the way. He makes some great plays and is a phenomenal athlete but he is careless with the ball and that year off because of the ACL tear really slowed down his development.
  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 07:39 PM) Come on Illinois, no lapses! Impossible for this team, although with DMac finally playing well again the last couple of games the fact he is out with 2 fouls has really hurt the team in the last few minutes. Get into halftime with the lead and I'm feeling pretty good. Also, I love the momentum charge call on Paul, that was a pretty clear block on Purdue but with the building rocking and momentum on Purdue's side there was never a doubt Purdue was getting that call. College refs are so easily influenced by the home crowd.
  17. QUOTE (hitlesswonder @ Feb 27, 2011 -> 03:01 PM) I pretty much agree. If Illinois doesn't beat Indiana and win two in the B10 tourney they should be out. Knight said the Big 10 will have more undeserving teams in the ncaa tournament than any other conference and I think he's right. The B10 should get 4 bids max and that's pushing it. I just saw this post now, but how on Earth should the Big 10 only get 4 bids when it is the #2 RPI conference, #1 Kenpom conference and the #2 Sagarin conference? Just so we are clear, when Big East teams beat each other that means the conference is deep and awesome but when the Big 10 teams beat each other the conference isn't really that good and will get undeserving bids.
  18. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 05:01 PM) Yes, they are more talented than the team that won the NIT tournament. Koufos was garbage, Turner couldnt dribble or shoot yet, Diebler was in a slump, and Lauderdale barely played. And how exactly do you know that these freshmen are better than and more talented than those freshmen when those freshmen were ranked comparably and in Koufos's case much higher than anyone in OSU's current class in the greatest HS bball class of all time? Unless OSU's freshmen significantly outplay their ranking (possible, unlikely but possible) OSU won't be a Big 10 title contender next year (unless the Big 10 is last year's Pac 10 bad).
  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 04:30 PM) Lighty was not awful as a freshman, he was a defensive stopper on the outside for a team that was in the national title game. I agree with Diebler as he went into a shooting slump the minute he touched down in Columbus. I think you are underrating not only the talent coming in, but the talent that is already there as well as the coaching staff in place. I fully expect OSU to contend for the conference title again next year. David Lighty was an awful offensive basketball player. He was very inefficient scoring the basketball, and he turned the ball over at an incredible rate for a guy who wasn't very aggressive on offense. What talent am I underrating that is currently on campus? I think Craft is very good. Thomas has been awful in Big 10 play this year but he is clearly talented. Smith wasn't a top 100 player and hasn't seen the floor. Sibert has barely seen the floor and when he has he has been awful. They might end up good, but there is little to no evidence to support that. Let me ask you this, minus Sullinger do you think next years team is more talented then the team with Koufos, Turner, Diebler and Lauderdale as freshmen, Jamar Butler as a SR and Lighty as a sophomore. Butler and Lighty are at worst comparable talents to Thomas and Craft. Turner, Diebler, and Lauderdale were all fairly similarly ranked recruits to the guys in the 2011 class for OSU (a little lower but the 2007 HS class is quite possibly the greatest class ever when it comes to basketball) and Koufos obviously was a much better recruit than anyone in the current OSU class. That team made the NIT, I think next years team would make the tournament but if they compete for a Big 10 title I would bet it is because the Big 10 is bad.
  20. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:04 PM) Hmmmm..... @SpearsNBAYahoo Free agent forward-center Troy Murphy has agreed to sign with the Heat, sources tell Y! Sports. Murphy also turned down Celtics. @STEIN_LINE_HQ Troy Murphy HIMSELF confirms to ESPN.com that he is going to Boston. B-O-S-T-O-N Murphy is signing with Boston. I'm actually a little surprised by that because I thought he would go to Miami where more playing time was available and that would have been big for Miami if Murphy can still produce like he did prior to this year. Mainly because it would have given them a very good rebounder and another guy to stretch the floor when Wade and Lebron drive.
  21. Avatar (not a single decent thing about this movie other than the visuals) Reality TV Harry Potter Also, I don't get why people are putting down Twilight. Is that really that loved? Outside of teenage girls and some older women does anyone actually like that crap. I seriously know 2 people in total that actually like those movies and books.
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 02:32 PM) What about Nebraska! I expect they will be terrible with PSU. Nebraska loses their PG and best player but they return basically everyone else from a team that has been respectable this year so they should be at least decent next year as well.
  23. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 02:20 PM) No one will know what the Big 10 will be like until a few games into the regular season. I feel that Wisconsin is going to be weaker, but Jordan Taylor could prove me wrong. I think it could be a wide open year, and that any team could click and win it. This is pretty much what I expect, I think the Big 10 is deep next year in that PSU will be the only truly terrible team, but unless Sullinger and Taylor stay in school there is a decent possibility there is not a legitimate top 10-15 team in the conference.
  24. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 02:08 PM) I dont think Mediocre is a good description at all. Even though YOU have no faith in Amir, he is the #2 C coming out of HS, he will play right away and is surrounded by 3 more 4 star players (including 38th ranked Scott) and another 6'9" guy (Williams #42, Ross #60, Thompson #51). This is also with the already good base of Craft, Thomas, a healthy Lenzelle, and Siebert. Without Sullinger they are still a big player for the conference title, and that alone is better than mediocre. And since you are using RCSI as your indictaor Thompson #40 Ross #41 I only use RSCI because a consensus of opinions is a much better indicator of a players true talent level than one rankings site. Amir Williams is ranked in the 70s on Rivals for instance. Mediocre might be the wrong term but while that team will be very talented it has a lot of question marks outside of Aaron Craft. Thomas has been awful in Big 10 play this year, I expect him to make a big jump (similar to Brandon Paul from last year to this year) but it isn't guaranteed. Siebert and Smith haven't played at all so who knows what to expect out of those guys and while OSU has a very good class coming in, it doesn't appear to be full of instant impact type guys like they have typically had under Matta. Outside of about the top 25 kids in the country, unless it is a particularly deep class like 2007, it is pretty hit or miss if kids make big impacts from day 1 (don't forget that guys like Diebler and Lighty who were highly ranked were awful as freshmen). If OSU is competing for the Big 10 title without Sullinger next year, it will most likely be because the Big 10 is down, not because OSU is a great team.
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