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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 8, 2011 -> 03:59 PM) I thought it was excellent, the plot isnt really why I watch it, the parts with Jason Segel living at home were priceless. And I watched the first episode of Shameless last night, Wow. The Segal parts were funny. I am just so freaking sick of Ted and I thought the parts with Katy Perry and Barney weren't funny.
  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 8, 2011 -> 11:44 AM) I agree with the above but after last night I started to feel like they are just going to try and smooth over those problems.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 8, 2011 -> 11:17 AM) How do we know she's not the mom?
  4. So after a run of pretty good episodes I thought HIMYM was pretty bad last night. It might be because I think the Zoey storyline is awful and pointless but I guess we will see where they go with it. She clearly is not the mother and I fail to see how Ted having yet another failed major relationship adds anything to the show.
  5. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 8, 2011 -> 12:31 AM) Well Boozer just doesnt understand how to defend the pick and roll. There are only 2 options, switch or dont switch. Every time him and Rose have gone to the same guy, while Deng could rotate over the end result would be a man being wide open with the next pass. Boozer/Rose cant take the same guy on a pick and roll. So very odd. Boozer is just completely worthless on the defensive end in general. His value comes from his rebounding and offensive game but against teams with legit big men he just kills you on the defensive end.
  6. How the f*** do people watch Glee? Wow is that show f***ing terrible.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 6, 2011 -> 08:36 PM) And I continue to say that penalties should be reviewable. Face masks sure, but most other penalties are too subjective to review.
  8. BTW fathom I think you will like two of the recent suggestions I've seen from fans in the event Weber is fired: Jeff Capel or Craig Robinson. Robinson I can at least see the possibility of him doing really well at Illinois because him and Howard would probably do extremely well recruiting Chicago but I'm not sold on his coaching whatsoever. If Capel is hired I would riot.
  9. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 6, 2011 -> 06:14 PM) As the game is about to start, I want the Steelers to win. It will kill me to see the jagbag Roethlisberger win another ring, but after seeing all these Packers fans still rubbing the Bears loss in my face today, people mind you that I have never said a word to, I want Pitt to win. I didn't care when my alarm went off this morning, but now I am biased. I hope Roethlisberger blows out his knee (and I seriously mean that) on the first series of the game and then the Steelers win it without Roethlisberger contributing.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 6, 2011 -> 05:23 PM) Link Three times face value is a freaking joke. For fans that traveled across the country is that even going to cover their airfare and hotel room? Plus most of those fans probably paid above face value for those tickets to begin with.
  11. Since I'm still pissed about the game earlier today, I think the most frustrating thing about this season is just how close it has been to being a great year. Illinois has not won a close game all year (I'm not counting the Maryland game where they won by 4 because Maryland never had a chance to tie or take the lead and Illinois missed 6 out of 8 Fts to even make it look close. Illinois is 0-5 in games decided by 3 or less points (or OT), and in two of their other games they were down by 3 or fewer in the last minute. Against Missouri they had the lead within the final 4 minutes and were within 1 when they didn't get back on D and the intentional foul was called. And against OSU they obviously had the ball down 3 with a chance to tie in the final minute and didn't get the shot off. The only loss where they didn't have a chance to win it late was against Wisconsin. And even more annoying is that 3 of the 8 losses are on freaking tip ins in the last 30 seconds. When it gets close this team just hasn't been able to get a bucket or stop when they need to and that was the case last year as well.
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 5, 2011 -> 05:09 PM) Grant is likely not leaving the south, as he has very strong ties there. He's also a lock to take over the Florida job when Donovan leaves. And yes 99, Drew is an awful coach. He gets the least out of the most. I don't think he would either, but I would offer him a ton of money and do everything in my power to get him if I was AD. I'm having trouble even coming up with other coaches I would go after (that are realistic anyways).
  13. QUOTE (He_Gawn @ Feb 5, 2011 -> 05:05 PM) If you hire Scott Drew, you might as well just have hired Bruce Pearl. I wouldn't root for Illinois to win a game until he was gone. And he sucks as a coach which would make it even worse.
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 5, 2011 -> 03:40 PM) Interesting reading that some of the big Illini boosters want to get Weber canned after this season. That would be a brilliant move by the Illini, as they could get some good candidates and recruiting will go nowhere but up as long as Howard stays. The candidates are really really underwhelming right now. Unless they were able to somehow steal a Jay Wright or Jaime Dixon (highly highly unlikely) you are left with a bunch of mediocre at best candidates. When fans are mentioning guys like Frank Martin and Scott Drew as good candidates you know the candidates just aren't very good. I would make a run at Anthony Grant personally, I think he would dominate recruiting at Illinois, he did a good job at VCU and is actually going a good job at Alabama so far.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 5, 2011 -> 03:23 PM) Definitely the winners of the "bad body language" team contest. Which is why I can't wait for the 2011 class to get to campus and why I wish Head would get a little playing time (although not a ton because he can't shoot at all, like he is freshman and sophomore year Chester Frazier bad). Abrams is a warrior (like having a Chester Frazier with talent), Shaw plays really hard at all times, Egwu has a constantly running motor. Henry doesn't play defense but he isn't going to back down from a challenge. Langford I don't know enough about but he seems to lack assertiveness at times but he has high upside and won't be counted on until he is an upperclassman anyways.
  16. This Illinois team is unlikeable. It is incredible how lazy the players are at times. Illinois lost the game because they got beat to loose balls and didn't fight through screens and that is simply unacceptable and it starts with the SR class which is made up of a bunch of p*****s and Weber.
  17. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 5, 2011 -> 02:32 PM) There's a reason. I'm assuming it isn't something you can share?
  18. I have never seen a player fall off the way McCamey has. He was an all-american through 19 games and has been the worst player in Illinois's rotation the last 3 and a half games.
  19. Jim Burr is so freaking bad...that wasn't an intentional foul on NW (although that does make up for the two ridiculously bad charge calls that went against Illinois). Also how does Tim Brando have a job?
  20. Can Jim Burr just go ahead and die. That guy gets more calls wrong than right these days. I still maintain that there isn't a profession in the world (except being an elected official) where you can suck at your job as much as college bball refs and never get reprimanded.
  21. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 4, 2011 -> 11:33 AM) Id argue that his assists should have increased playing with Lebron/Bosh as he should have a more reliable outlets when he passes. I just think when you look at Wade he is a depreciating asset. I like bigger guards, I thought that MJ was about the ideal size at 6'6, so Im not sure why Lebron at 6'8 cant play SG. Id also venture to guess that there have been definitely times that Lebron has been on the court and has played the 2. And it really doesnt matter, as I said I take scarcity into account. Whether Lebron is a SG/SF/PG he is still better than Wade. After that its pretty clear that the next 10 or so guys are just a matter of taste, so Im not sure why its so unbelievable that Wade is a top 10 player but not a top 5 player. Name your 5 players who are better than Wade at this moment. Wade might be a depreciating asset but that has nothing to do with whether he is a top 5 player in the league right now. If we were conducting a fantasy draft I wouldn't take him in my top 5 for building a team long term but I would take him 2nd or 3rd if I'm building a team for a single season.
  22. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 4, 2011 -> 05:52 PM) However, I fully understand that not everybody thinks that way, especially the people who actually vote for the MVP. Most sports writers are stupid.
  23. Voting for the MVP in the NBA is easy but people make it difficult for no reason. The best player in the NBA (and really all sports) is also the most valuable player (as long as he doesn't miss a bunch of games). It really isn't even debatable that James is the most valuable player in the NBA right now and will be for the foreseeable future.
  24. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 11:11 PM) I used to love Wade back when he was at Marquette and will never forget the day that he was drafted by Miami and the Bulls took Hinrich. Now you could say I hate Hinrich, that would be fair, but I loved Wade. He isnt what he used to be, and without his exception athleticism he is not a top 5 player. I hate to say it, but the injuries appear to be piling up. You can say Lebron cant be a SG, but that just isnt true, his skill set fits perfectly as a SG. Just because on most teams he plays SF due to that being the best match up, does not mean that his ultimate best position could not be SG. Against a team that has a bigger combination of SG/SF there would definitely be advantages in having Lebron be the SG. I guess I dont really compartmentalize players that are 2/3s unless they have some sort of size issue. If they are in the 6'6-6'8 range they really can play any position, especially if they are as good as Lebron. Sorry if that doesnt fit your criteria for how I rate my top 5 basketball players, but so be it. Wade is having either his first or 2nd most efficient year scoring in his career. He is averaging 25.7 pts while playing with the best player in the NBA on his team. His rebounding rate is at a career high and his steal and block rates are around his career norms. His PER is 3rd in the NBA behind LeBron and Paul and he was 2nd last year behind LeBron and Durant. How isn't he a top 5 player?
  25. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 09:38 PM) Zen, I wish I was still in Grad School so I could write a paper on the struggles on the court for minority coaches. Oh well...in the end, it's better for GT to lose every game. What is bizarre is that minority coaches have done very well in the NBA and NFL but have struggled immensely in college sports. Obviously part of that has to do with the fact that there haven't been very many minority coaches that have gotten the elite jobs but it still is surprising that it is difficult to come up with a minority coach in either college football of basketball that has actually built or maintained a powerhouse.
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