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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 28, 2010 -> 01:01 PM) I also should point out that I'm not concerned with the issues you were and I agree with what the Bears have been doing. And look at Jennings, the coaches made a quick adjustments with Bowman struggling and put in the guy they identified durding practice who was playing well. Touche for the coaches. Jennings was awful last night
  2. Usually I root against the Twins in the playoffs this year I wouldn't mind seeing them win so that Thome can get a WS championship.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 23, 2010 -> 01:58 PM) He was not a terrible hitter. He swings at everything much like Tank. He was a decent hitter and a good baseball player. He's also a damn good manager. Whatever team he goes to I will start to follow and root for No. 2 behind the Sox. Guillen is very likeable. I don't know why I'm even bothering since you clearly have no clue what you are talking about but what made Ozzie not a terrible hitter? He didn't hit for average. He didn't walk. He had no power whatsoever.
  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 23, 2010 -> 02:06 AM) he hit better than average. This is the most incorrect statement that has ever been posted on this message board. Ozzie Guillen was an incredibly bad hitter. In fact he was such a terrible hitter his career OBP was .287 and he never posted an OPS as high as Mark f***ing Kotsay's OPS is this year. And the guy also sucked at stealing bases yet tried to steal a ton early in his career anyway. Ozzie played good D and sucked at everything else on the baseball field.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 05:25 PM) I'm not sure that I believe this 100% yet. Melo didn't screw over a city...but he hasn't had the chance. And even if it is true how does that factor into winning basketball games? Michael Jordan was about as much of a dbag as a person can be and he is still my favorite athlete of all time and he won six championships.
  6. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 04:51 PM) Makes perfect sense. Melo is the better pure scorer. And I said he's a better fit because of that. He's better at outside shooting, he has an excellent post up game, and he can pretty much hit it from anywhere with consistency. LeBron had all the freedom in Cleveland's offense because they never surrounded him with any sort of scoring talent outside of Mo Williams who is not really a scoring talent. 'Bron made a great living off of fast break points, alley oops and the FT line(as well as crab dribbles). Now in terms of the other thing, I really won't dispute because I can't. I'm not sure there is a single in this post that is true. Carmelo is a far more inefficient scorer than LeBron and shoots a lower percentage from 3. The fact that his TS% is so much lower and his 3 pt percentage is lower indicates in fact that LeBron is the far better scorer and that he can't hit from anywhere with consistency. LeBron made a living off of alley oops? Get the f*** out. He might get one a game at most. Also, Melo got to the line 9 times a game LeBron 10 last year. Guess what, great players get to the FT line. LeBron>>>Melo at everything on the basketball court.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 04:31 PM) There's nothing wrong with the high pick and roll if you have the horse to finish on the "roll" part. Ideally on the pick and roll, the guy setting the screen is the guy who should get open for the shot; his man has to take the penetrator and he's matched up against the smaller defender. No one on the Bulls could handle that job though. Rose had to be the scorer because even if both defenders involved collapsed on him, he could beat them while the uncovered guy couldn't do anything. That is simply ridiculous because if you get the ball to Noah uncovered he will score or at least take the jumper if he pops rather than goes to the basket. Rose was not great at running the pick and roll last year, I do agree Noah isn't the ideal big man to run it with but Rose also was not adept (and this was probably Noah's fault as well) at reading the defense and angles and creating easy opportunities for Noah the way premier PGs do when running the pick and roll.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 04:22 PM) One other thing worth noting...Thibodeau supposedly clinched the job with his discussion of how he would employ a Drive and Kick style of offense with the DR1 field and Brush Mower. VDN, on the other hand, as we all know, employed an offense heavily reliant on the pick and roll. In particular, it used the high pick and roll, with Noah usually heading out front to set a screen for Rose. Rose was fast enough that from the outside if you gave him separation he could still break down into the lane, but the fact that you're starting high and taking Noah out away from the basket meant that the only guy left down low who could be an option to dish the ball was Taj Gibson/Brad Miller/whoever else was in the game. ON top of that, the guys that were outside of the lane (Deng, etc.) weren't either outside shooters nor were they in position to take advantage of Rose's penetration with an open shot if he did break down the defense (This is why Deng's hanging out by the 3 point line without moving was so frustrating). Without an outside threat, the high pick and roll basically gave Rose 1 option; drive and try to score. He needed to be better about drawing contact, everyone ought to be able to agree on that, but it's worth stressing that ball movement wasn't going to be a practical result of VDN's offense. The Drive and Kick style combined with some level of (less formulaic) pick and roll, along with a better set of outside threats and a legitimate inside scoring threat ought to improve those assist options substantially. And yet Boozer's entire offensive game the last few years has been the high pick and roll with Dwill.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 04:13 PM) 9 in a row, here we come!! Yep, these boys haven't quit. I really hope we lose out.
  10. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 03:28 PM) Melo would be a better fit than LeBron. The reason for that is, the Bulls need someone who can take the reigns and score at will when it comes down to it. The only team Melo can't really figure out is the Lakers. Rose will play that LeBron role, Boozer, that low post scorer role, and Melo that "take over, get me the damn ball and watch me score" role. How does this make any sense at all when LeBron has been a much better scorer than Melo not to mention being the much better passer, ball handler, rebounder, and defender.
  11. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 03:44 PM) I believe our first round pick is always protected. The other team would get a pick or two in the compensation round. Your first round pick is protected if it is within the first 15 picks.
  12. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Sep 21, 2010 -> 10:34 PM) Lol, Hawk just randomly starts making ominous comments about Delmon Young.... out of no where.... "I guess we will have to take care of this Delmon Young situation next year" "We play them 19 times a year. His time will come. His time will come." "We let Torri Hunter slide a few years ago, but Delmon Young won't slide this time. His time will come" umm.....ok Hawk.... Ozzie's teams have never retaliated when that type of stuff has happened. Unless he isn't coming back why would they suddenly start to retaliate?
  13. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 21, 2010 -> 12:19 PM) If he doesn't botch that up, he'll fill that need only to make another hole elsewhere. Getting a career DH sure cost a lot of money to fix that hole made in CF. Aaron Rowand has had one good season since he left the Sox and is making a ton of money. I'm thrilled he isn't on the Sox.
  14. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 19, 2010 -> 03:47 PM) It really hurts that Chris Williams, who was for all intents and purposes the right pick at the time, is looking like a bust now. When you leave the game due to injury and you are replaced by FRANK GOD DAMN MOTHERf***ING OMIYALE and there is no dropoff in play that's a searing indictment against you. The OL play actually got significantly better after Williams went out. Granted Martz's adjustments had a lot to do with it but Williams has been awful so far this year.
  15. QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 19, 2010 -> 03:16 PM) sam thompson to ohio state His athleticism is incredible but I have seen him play 10-15 times and I have never seen him have an impact on a game. Hell the only noticeable thing he did in the state semifinals this year was get dunked on by Richmond. But with his athleticism he has a chance to be special down the line.
  16. QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Sep 19, 2010 -> 02:52 PM) Is this line better without Chris Williams? Kevin Shaffer looks good at RT. It sure seems like it. Of course Chris Williams hasn't blocked anyone through 2 weeks.
  17. Great catch by Hester. Cutler playing an amazing game today.
  18. Great adjustment by Martz and great throws by Cutler on those two plays.
  19. This is pathetic, everyone on the OL should give their paychecks back and please fire Angelo.
  20. Dumbasses, 94 is one of the best players in the NFL you might want to block him.
  21. Jerry Angelo should be fired for putting this OL together. Embarrassing
  22. The Bears Oline is unbelievably bad. Thanks for valuing that position Angelo.
  23. Not a great performance today by Illinois but at least they won. Scheelhaase struggled throwing the ball today but again the OL has not shown any ability whatsoever to pass block. The ground game was dominant though. The defense had a few huge lapses today but played well for the most part.
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 18, 2010 -> 12:29 PM) Reverse psychology That was an incredible collapse by UMass to end the half.
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