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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Cutler held that a little too long but Omiyale is terrible.
  2. Kevin Durant is incredible in international basketball (not that he isn't in the NBA). Derrick Rose looks awful shooting the ball. I haven't seen any signs whatsoever of an improved jump shot.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 12, 2010 -> 12:49 AM) You guys are all second guessing deluxe. Nobody knew Thome would succeed this year, just as nobody knew Crede would suck last year. One man did not ruin our season. Our pitching has failed us on MANY occasions. We have many holes in our lineup, not just the absence of Thome who many Sox fans wanted to run out of town. Second guessing is easy but not always right. Considering Thome has been a successful hitter every single year since 1993 (except for when he was hurt in 2005) it was a safe bet Thome would be successful this year. And considering Crede clearly was having back problems it was very likely he wouldn't produce last year. We have other holes in our lineup but the biggest one is at DH where the only requirement for the position is being a good hitter. Instead we go with a below league average hitter, with no wheels, who can only play first base so he doesn't even give us flexibility or any production at the plate. Unbelievably dumb decision and plenty of people were saying that before the season began. And frankly it is hilarious that anyone would want to run out of town a guy who was arguably the Sox most productive hitter last year.
  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 11, 2010 -> 11:56 PM) How do you know he'd have done this with the Sox? WIth Thome you think we win this division? I don't. We actually were in pretty good shape but the Sox refused to make a move and again it was the wrong decision. We were doing just fine w/out Thome. Sox had a chance to improve and passed on it. The Sox were supposed to dominate on the mound. I wouldn't call what our starters have done as domination. It is impossible to say whether the Sox would win the division with Thome but we certainly would be in a much better position to win it with Thome than without him. With Thome this team likely has 3 or 4 more wins than they do right now and if you take Thome off the Twins they are probably a couple of games worse which obviously would put the Sox in great position to win the division.
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 11, 2010 -> 11:10 PM) Like half of Soxtalk didn't want to get rid of Thome. Get real. It's not Ozzie. It's just NOT OUR SEASON again. If you can sleep better blaming a great manager like Ozzie, more power to ya. Half of Soxtalk is also stupid and thinks Thome wasn't a great player for the Sox so I don't give a damn what they think. If you sign a competent DH then letting Thome go is fine. Deciding to go with Mark f***ing Kotsay when there were better option available for basically nothing is one of the dumbest decisions imaginable and the fact that Ozzie thought this was a good move makes me really question his ability to determine what a good baseball player is.
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 11, 2010 -> 11:17 PM) All I have to say is that the Sox not signing Jim Thome was the best idea ever...for the Twins. Deciding to go with Kotsay and Jones as a rotating DH over signing Thome for basically nothing has to be among the dumbest personnel decisions in baseball history and it pretty much cost us the division.
  7. I know its early and who knows if it keeps up, but Illinois just seems so much more prepared and well coached this year. Koenning appears to be a great hire.
  8. LOL at Virginia Tech going down to James Madison. Say goodbye to Boise's national title hopes.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 6, 2010 -> 10:39 PM) Worst playcall of the night was VT throwing on 3rd and long with a little over 2 minutes left. They should have let Tyrod run with it, and at least milk 40 more seconds off the clock. I'm thrilled Boise won....hard to root against them. The play before that was worse IMO. On that drive they were dominating Boise running it right up the gut, you gain 4 or 5 yards on first down so give it to Ryan Williams twice, you probably pick up the first down and if you don't you punt with like a minute to go. Instead you roll out Tyrod Taylor on 2nd down? Horrible. Also kick the ball out of bounds on that last punt, no reason to give a return there. Coaching failure by VT.
  10. Boise is a solid team, still think they would lose 3-4 games in a major conference. They had a bunch of calls go in their favor down the stretch which took away from the game significantly IMO. Also, not surprisingly those were Big 10 refs tonight who are routinely horrible.
  11. Two huge calls go in Boise's favor down the stretch. Looked like a block in the back on the punt return but the officials overruled the call and then a really questionable personal foul call on Va Tech.
  12. Awful play calling by Va Tech on that last drive. 2nd and 5 how do you not give the ball to Ryan Williams twice when you were dominating with the running game there.
  13. Va Tech up now and has completely dominated since the first quarter.
  14. QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 6, 2010 -> 08:03 PM) Ehhh Boise is absolutely dominating the trenches. Don't get me wrong, Boise is a good team but Va Tech has gift wrapped them pretty much all 20 pts this half.
  15. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Sep 6, 2010 -> 07:53 PM) Boise looks good. It has been more Va Tech sucking than Boise playing really well so far. A missed assignment on special teams results in one touchdown for Boise and a roughing the punter resulted in the other TD. That has a lot more to do with Va Tech making huge mistakes than Boise playing well.
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 6, 2010 -> 11:14 AM) How do you figure SIU doesn't win? We are the top team in 1-AA, Illinois is garbage. I would say SIU by 10 at least. Basketball, it will be the other way around, big time. The top 1-AA team still doesn't have near the size or athleticism as a BCS conference team and Illinois should be able to run the ball all day against SIU with Leshoure. SIU can certainly win but I wouldn't count on it.
  17. Some promising things from the Illinois defense, Leshoure is a stud. Scheelhaase needs to get a lot better but the major concern has to be the offensive line which was a freaking joke today.
  18. And Illinois back to looking like Illinois to start the 2nd half, key drop pass on third down, offensive line not blocking anyone, etc.
  19. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Sep 4, 2010 -> 01:42 PM) UF looks great. They got bailed out by a pretty weak personal foul call on the goal line or they would be in real jeopardy of losing this game.
  20. Wow great half of football for Illinois. Knock on wood but the defense is actually tackling well and although he has made a couple of mistakes Scheelhaase has played very well for his first ever collegiate game.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 06:41 PM) Well its going to be the case of teams in one division beating up each other perhaps. It really makes zero sense to me the way they split it. You have 3 out of the 4 top programs on one side while the other IMO has only one real good program. Michigan is a ways off from being relevant again and the others are second tier teams. Is the split necessary in basketball? Because then its even more lopsided. Split is supposed to be only for football. And I don't think Wisconsin is a better program than Iowa or Nebraska.
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