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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 07:12 PM) Rose also didn't have the benefit of anyone worth a damn offensively this season though. I don't think he's taking more shots, and less quality shots, by choice. Williams averaged just as many assists last year when Boozer missed close to 50 games and his SG was Ronnie Brewer and his SF was Kirilenko, neither of whom can hit a jump shot. Rose wasn't really even a great distributor in college, maybe some of it is the players he has played with and the systems he has been in but he might always just be more of a score first PG.
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 07:08 PM) Well, of course LeBron is a better player, but Rose was right up there this year, and was the dominant player in the playoffs last year. I watched him clown Rondo a few times this year in person, and thats the guy ESPN cant stop knobbing. Fair enough on the pure PG stuff, still think at this point in their careers, Rose is the more dynamic player as a second year guy dropping those numbers. Derrick wasn't right up there with LeBron. LeBron shot 57%, 54% from 3 and averaged 32, 9 rbs, and 8 assists. Rose had a very good series averaging 27 and 7 while shooting 45% but that isn't right up there with LeBron. He wasn't the dominant player in that series though because his turnover rate was so incredibly high. Rose is a very good player and he will be a great one but he isn't at Williams level yet and I'm not sure comparing them will ever make a ton of sense since they are such different players. Rose is a better scorer than Williams was in his 2nd year in the league but even then Deron was a much better distributor than Rose.
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 07:06 PM) Thanks, finally some actual info. I agree that as far as being a pure PG, Williams is further along at this point than Rose is, but I see that closing the gap shortly, with Rose still being the superior scorer. Turnovers is def something he must improve. Rose isn't a superior scorer at this point in time, he scores about 2 more points per game but he does so less efficiently than Deron. I think he will eventually become more of a pure scorer than Deron but I haven't seen any indications that he will ever be a distributor the way DWill, Paul and Nash are (but that isn't necessarily a bad thing, just that his game resembles Wade much more than any of those guys).
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 06:32 PM) How so? Give me something to actually point out why everyone thinks they are so far apart. Frankly, I am surprised of the lack of appreciation for Rose on a chicago board. In the two years he's been in the league, he's been the best player on his team and basically the best player on the court in the playoff games he's played in. D Rose is 1st in scoring, Williams is 5th D Rose is 5th in FG%, Williams is 12th D Rose is 9th in assists, Williams is 3rd They are nearly even in Rebounds Deron averaged 10.5 assists to Rose's 6. That is a dramatic difference. Williams is also a much better shooter than Rose. 80% FT, 37% 3pt to 77% and 27% for Rose. Not to mention the fact that Williams TS% is .574 and Rose TS% is only at .532. Rose has a higher shooting percentage because he takes less jump shots, he isn't a better shooter. At this point in time Rose is a mediocre passer and distributor and I haven't seen him excel at running the pick and roll. He can score and likely at some point will surpass Williams in that area but he isn't even close to DWill when it comes to running the show. And he hasn't been close to the best player on the court in the playoff games he's played in. LeBron was by far and away the best player in that series this year.
  5. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 05:24 PM) I'll call my shot, I'm going with the Knicks, it makes LBJ irrelevant for the foreseeable future, but the lure of NY with LBJ's ego is too much for him. No team with LeBron on it is irrelevant, especially if they also have Amare.
  6. QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 05:16 PM) Evidently it's just a financial agency in Chicago that handles Lebrons taxes, meaning nothing. CV31: I'm just saying... LeBron will not be going to Chicago or Miami. I'm just saying, word on the streets. LOL. NY vs. NJ vs. CLE. I know where. RealJayWilliams: I am going to say this. I just heard from a little bird in his camp, King James and Spike Lee will be seeing a lot of each other next yr. Basically, no one knows a damn thing except for LeBron and maybe a couple of people in his inner circle.
  7. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:49 PM) Evidently a message board rumor going around is that a Detroit station is reporting that there has been talks of a 3 way deal with the Bulls/Blazers/Pistons which would move Deng &Maxiell to Portland, Bayless/Pyrz to Detroit, and Rip to Chicago. Take it for what it is worth. Personally I don't know how that is really that great of a move? I think we need a 2 guard that can shoot long range and I don't see Rip being that guy. That trade gives you future cap flexibility but is awful from a basketball perspective. Deng was a significantly better player than Hamilton last year and Hamilton appears to be on a pretty sharp decline and really doesn't give you 3 pt shooting.
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:55 PM) David Aldridge's article says 5/80... who knows. It's all good. $1 million per year is basically irrelevant anyways so long as there is enough room for a max contract this year.
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:28 PM) Boozer, in 44 playoff games has averaged 23.5 points and 12.5 boards. His numbers are still good but its actually 20 and 12.5. He had a great run in the playoffs in 06-07 and since then has been extremely in the mediocre in the playoffs. He was awful in 07-08, good in 5 games against the Lakers last year, good against the Nuggets this year, and awful against the Lakers.
  10. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:15 PM) Guys. How could LeBron say no to joining our stacked roster? I don't see it happening! Clevelend + mommy banger? New York + Danillo + Amare? Miami + Wade + Bosh? Chicago + Rose + Boozer + Noah? New Jersey + 12 wins? Miami with LeBron is the best of those teams, followed by the Bulls. But with the Bulls there is no doubt this is LeBron's team. Rose is good but Wade is a top 3 player in the league and he would get almost as much credit for Miami winning a title as LeBron. New Jersey actually has a little going for them with Lopez, Harris, and Favors but if you are LeBron you would be putting a ton of faith in Lopez and Favors developing into a really strong interior force and they would likely be at least a year away from being a title contender. New York doesn't make any sense if you want to win titles.
  11. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:02 PM) Guy just remember even if we don't get Lebron, the following two lineups are still probably a top 3-4 seed in the East. Rose Allen Deng Boozer Noah Rose Reddick Deng Boozer Noah. So like I said earlier we would basically be the Atlanta Hawks. A solid team that makes the playoffs and 2nd round but with no chance to win a title. Not a great position to be in.
  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 03:53 PM) I've been wanting Boozer since last off-season. But after all this, I didn't want him THAT much... I don't like Boozer and I really don't like him for that much money, but he is a good piece if you have Noah, LeBron and Rose next to him. If you don't get LeBron I will despise even looking at Boozer though.
  13. This contract is going to be laughably bad by the end of the deal. Hopefully they land Lebron.
  14. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 01:13 PM) I know. And 2 seasons ago he put up stats very similar to what Chris did this season. It's not too big of a stretch to think he can get back to those numbers as a member of the Bulls. Yeah, I realized that after I re-read your post.
  15. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 01:09 PM) Al Jefferson is someone I'd be all about if that's a realisitic possibility. Dude pretty much was Chris Bosh a few seasons ago. He is only 1 year younger than Bosh. I would love to get Jefferson, I just don't see how the Bulls have the pieces to make a deal work. Edit: I think I misinterpreted the point you were making.
  16. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 01:00 PM) I meant to say, aren't completely screwed. It definitely isn't pretty and our rebuilding will last longer. The team will have to be very creative and find another way to eventually find a 2nd guy. Basically, now, they need to hope Rose is the guy and than you can find the 2nd fiddle guy, hopefully a little easier. Maybe they can pull a Horford out of Atlanta in time or work some huge deal with the Clippers for Blake Griffin? I have no idea, just throwing s*** at a wall but quite frankly that is what the Bulls will need to do after this. Short term they can go Lee or Boozer + Allen and be alright. I happen to actually think Reddick would be a great fit in Chicago, especially next to LBJ. I'd be happy with LBJ/Reddick/Haywood. We'd have a deep team with enough star power and nice balance, imo. If you get LeBron you are automatically a contender just by pairing him with Rose and Noah. LeBron took a bunch of garbage to the NBA finals a few years ago. He certainly is capable of winning a title with Rose as his #2. The problem is that without LeBron, the Bulls basically have no hope of winning a championship for at least the next 5 years and probably longer unless they luck into a superstar in the draft again or a team decides to give them a star for nothing in return like Memphis giving the Lakers Gasol.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 12:34 PM) considering a lot of us were arguing that trading noah for bosh would be a bad idea, this isn't true. What exactly was the context of this argument because Bosh is so vastly superior to Noah as a player that it would be ludicrous not to trade Noah for Bosh if that is the only way you could get him.
  18. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 12:19 PM) What will be funny is when the Wade, Lebron, Bosh team doesnt win any Championships. They may all be great, but its not the best line up construction. Lebron/Wade should be looking for a team with a great pg and a great defensive center. I also wonder how they are going to find enough shots to appease them all. The Bulls were the perfect situation, whatever they did/didnt do, cost them. People asked the same questions about shots when the Celtics got Allen and Garnett, if the three of them are going to willingly play on the same team I'm guessing they will be fine giving up some shots to win championships. As for not having a great PG or great defensive C, the Chicago Bulls won their last 3 titles with Ron Harper as their PG and Longley as their C. Solid players no doubt but hardly great. Of course I don't think Wade and LeBron will be quite as good of a duo as Pippen and Jordan but it is close.
  19. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 12:04 PM) And that's the worry in those 2nd round matchups in the playoffs he'd be up against the likes of KG, Howard a little bit etc. But TT can probably improve Boozer's overall defense a little by playing him next to Noah. The Celtics had Perkins for instance who's an excellent post defender. Maybe, but the Celtics had at the minimum solid defenders at every position. Perkins helps make the Celtics a great defensive team but it isn't like KG, Pierce, Allen and Rondo needed Perkins to turn them into competent defenders.
  20. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 12:02 PM) Wouldn't Noah be taking over those duties though? He still has to guard someone and Boozer can't move his feet laterally worth a damn so if you put him on someone with any sort of perimeter game he is going to get torched. Against the Lakers if Odom was in the game he got taken off the dribble constantly and when he was guarding Bynum or Gasol he got dominated in the post. Okur generally drew the opposing teams C with Boozer guarding the PF and he still couldn't guard anyone.
  21. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 11:57 AM) It depends a lot on whether TT wants a pick and roll type of offense, or whether he wants more of a low post guy to go through with outside shooters on the perimeter. I think you make a good argument for Lee over Boozer though, but you never know how Lee is going to play in a different system, which is the risk. Boozer has been running the pick and roll as much as any big man in the NBA the last few years so Boozer could play in either system with ease. My problem with Boozer is that he is one of the worst low post defenders I've seen and he has a really hard time finishing against big men with length. He missed some incredibly easy shots against the Lakers because of his lack of length and athleticism. He has also missed 30+ games 3 of the last 6 years and he is turning 29 so he will almost certainly be on a major decline by the end of the contract he signs.
  22. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 11:49 AM) Seriously, with the overreactions. The Bulls were the 5th seed and a possible 50 win team last year before Noah and Rose got banged up towards the end of the season. If you add Boozer alone, we're a 50 win team. With no real chance to win an NBA title though. How would that roster really be a whole lot different than say the Atlanta Hawks in terms of talent?
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 11:41 AM) AdamZagoria "I'm a winner. Dwyane's a winner and we're gonna bring winning to Miami." -- CBosh Chris, you are f***ing over 100 games under .500 on your career. I'm actually pretty glad we didn't get this turd. Give me Boozer and a solid SG and we'll see what happens. Yeah this isn't sour grapes at all. Bosh isn't a superstar but he is still a top 10 player in the NBA and is clearly a vastly superior player to Boozer. Hell ,Kobe was 10 games under .500 in the three years between Shaq leaving LA and Gasol arriving in LA.
  24. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 02:47 PM) Apparently he could officially be on his way to Iowa State very soon. The Mayor isn't f***ing around. Yeah only to be kicked out of school within months for doing something else ridiculously stupid.
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