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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ May 5, 2010 -> 09:22 PM) The dribble drive spaces out four members of the offense, allowing the point guard to either drive or dish out to the perimeter. It requires a dynamic guard like Rose, Wall, Evans or Steve Nash to break the defense inwards and allow the ball to be cleared out. They’re not identical strageies, but they are similar. Mostly both are about attacking the basket constantly. It’s an up-tempo style that’s eek to maximize offensive efficiently. Spacing the floor and having a dynamic guard attack the basket doesn't make an offensive system similar. Almost all offenses do that when they have a playmaker like the ones you listed. Hell, the Cavs space the floor with Jamison, Williams, and Parker and then have LeBron attack. Is that offense similar to D'Antoni's? Also, Calipari's teams have never played that fast of pace. They play faster than the majority of college basketball teams but they don't play appreciably faster than the average college team and are well behind teams such as Carolina that really play up tempo basketball.
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ May 5, 2010 -> 09:21 PM) Calipari would only take the Bulls job if he knew LBJ was coming to Chicago, I can pretty much guarantee that. Good because that is the only way I would want him to coach the Bulls.
  3. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ May 5, 2010 -> 07:27 PM) I'm a huge Calipari fan. He's a bit of a slime ball but he runs a pro-style offense (Driibble drive is very similiar to the Dantoni Suns offense), is like a father to D-Rose, and has connections with all the boat load free agents. How on earth is Cal's offense anything like the Suns offense? The Suns run an incredibly high number of pick and rolls and have stressed the importance of driving to then kick it out for open 3's. I haven't seen any of that be an emphasis in Cal's offense. Bottom line is I want nothing to do with Calipari unless he guarantees the Bulls LeBron.
  4. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ May 5, 2010 -> 02:27 PM) I don't dislike the NBA because I like the NHL. I liked both leagues for a long time and co-existed easily. I dislike the NBA because it absolutely sucks. Well in the NBA and NHL, you have 16 of 30 teams making the playoffs, so there is no difference in that sense. It's just that in the NHL playoffs, it's a lot more wide open and everybody has a chance to make noise, whereas in the NBA only a few select teams have a shot. That's not really my issue with the NBA though. My issue is the product stinks, and in addition to the product stinking, the product often looks borderline fixed due to awful officiating. Laughable, there is as much talent in the NBA as there has been at any point in NBA history. There was a pretty big lull following the Jordan era but the talent and the style of play is terrific right now. And anyone who complains about NBA refs should also hate college basketball and HS basketball because refs at those levels are even worse. If you can't enjoy watching the Spurs, Suns, Jazz, Lakers, OKC, etc. play then you just don't like basketball. Edit: Also not sure why this is such a topic in a hockey thread but the complaints about the NBA are for the most part ridiculous especially since most people love college basketball which is a vastly inferior product outside of the excitement of a one and done tournament (but more exciting doesn't' mean a better brand of basketball, it is just more dramatic).
  5. Deron hasn't played well tonight but wow have the Jazz big men killed them tonight. Just getting manhandled on the glass, they Lakers grabbed a ton of offensive rebounds down the stretch.
  6. Awesome job walking a guy trying to make an out Gavin.
  7. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 4, 2010 -> 05:28 PM) A friend of mine worked at the same company, and he said there was a memo that any inter-office shennanigans could and would result in some form of severe discipline. It's just a sad example of "Cubbie lore" that he is singled out, Prior absolutely melted down, the double play ball was blown and to top it off it wasn't the close out game, Kerry Wood pitched and lost game 7. I had told my friends in the Atlanta series that the Cubs wouldn't go far that year because Wood and Prior would choke, then they pitched real well until game 6 or 7, so I was right!!! lol I will never understand why Steve Bartman rather than Alex Gonzalez has been made out to be the villain and the goat by Cubs fans. If Gonzalez makes a routine play on a double play ball the Cubs go to the World Series, I've never been convinced Alou catches that ball to begin with.
  8. Everytime I watch Carlos Boozer play against the Lakers I'm reminded of why I don't want him on the Bulls. He is a good player, but he sucks on D, and struggles to score on anything other than a jump shot because he isn't athletic and doesn't have the length to score against Gasol or Bynum in the post on a consistent basis.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ May 2, 2010 -> 12:09 PM) That's a record, it took Hawk one pitch to complain about the umpire. I'd much rather the ump have a bigger zone, as opposed to yesterday's. Agreed, Buehrle with a small zone against the Yankees would be a disaster.
  10. Awful play by AJ but at least Vizquel got the run home.
  11. Can we please get rid of Pierre? Wow is he awful.
  12. Well at least he didn't give up a run but not the most promising start for Danks.
  13. Wow Danks needs to get it together or it is going to be a long day. Both those balls were crushed.
  14. Spurs v. Suns in Round 2. That should be a fun series and those teams have a long history of bad blood between them.
  15. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 08:39 PM) Awesome, Habs Win!!! Hawks have home-ice in the Stanley Cup Finals! Jaroslav Halak might be the 2nd most popular player in Canada right now. Unreal performance by Halak in the last 3 games of that series. Washington dominated each of the last 3 games but he stopped 37 of 38 shots in game 5, 53 out of 54 shots in game 6 and 41 of 42 tonight.
  16. Wow Atlanta with a huge choke tonight blowing a solid late and what once was a 2-0 Atlanta series lead is now 3-2 Milwaukee. And it made me a little happy to see Jamal Crawford play a huge role in Atlanta losing tonight.
  17. Lol at the refs in the OKC game. Lakers getting away with murder.
  18. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 07:13 PM) Craziest rumor of the day? Harrison Barnes possibly reconsidering Iowa State. Also about the dumbest rumor ever considering he signed a LOI with Carolina.
  19. Is there any better evidence about how much the NL f***ing sucks than the success of Silva and Livan Hernandez this season?
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 08:45 PM) Damon, Matsui, and Vlad...just seeing those three names pisses me off. How much better would this lineup be with Vlad replacing Pierre and just playing Jones, Rios and Quentin in the outfield everyday. But of course we have to have a garbage leadoff hitter so we can have "speed" and not be one dimensional.
  21. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 07:52 PM) Compared to James, Rose hardly even attempts threes so to compare them like that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, the 3 is not a part of Rose's game, at least not yet. In any case that's not really where I was going with that. I was talking more generally about Rose getting better as a shooter, it's not like it's unheard of, it just takes a few years of practice. Jordan was a terrible 3 point shooter in the mid 80s mostly because he just didn't need to, he could average 35 ppg without attempting more than about 50 threes in a season since he could just penetrate and drive on anyone (similar to Rose although obviously Rose is a far inferior player, and I'm not comparing him to MJ, my bad for that, it's just MJ was the first one I could think of with that career trend). Then he developed an outside shot out of necessity thanks to the Jordan Rules and things like that and he got harder to defend, since you block his lane to the basket and he'd just step back and take the open shot, and if you contest the shot, he'd drive around you. I see no reason why Rose can't or won't do that. That is why I brought up Wade who I think is a much better comparison. Wade is and always has been a bad 3 pt shooter. Early in his career he took very few 3's and sucked at them. Now he takes about 3 a game and still is only a 30% 3 pt shooter. His early career shooting both from 3 and the FT line is similar to Rose and they are both guards who excel at attacking the basket so Wade is the closest comparison. It is also important to note that with Jordan 3 pt shooting was not a big part of the game when he was growing up and college basketball didn't even have a 3 pt line nationally until 1986 so he wouldn't have worked on that aspect of his game that much growing up.
  22. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 07:13 PM) I think the Bulls would be unstoppable with LeBron. Rose, right now he scores most of his points by driving and slashing because he's so fast, and he doesn't have much of a long-range shot yet (and I'm sure he will, he's only 21, LeBron couldn't shoot for s*** at that age and now he is lights out when he's hot). Do you think the Cavs are a .500 team without LeBron? Less? LeBron still isn't a good 3 pt shooter and almost certainly never will be a really good one but except for his first year in the league he was always a dramatically better 3 pt shooter than Rose is. LeBron shot 35% from 3 his 2nd year in the league and has basically been about a 33% 3 pt shooter since then. Rose has been well under 30% from 3 each of his first two years and has been hesitant to even take 3's. He could certainly develop a long range shot but there is no evidence to support it. LeBron at 21 was shooting the 3 at the same percentage he is now. It is just as likely if not more so that Rose is like Wade where he always struggles from 3 but as he gets more comfortable shooting from the outside he at least becomes a bit of a threat.
  23. After winning 17-3 tonight the Brewers have now outscored the Pirates 53-4 in their 4 meetings this year.
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