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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Taxpayers should never agree to help finance a stadium. It does nothing but serve as yet another subsidy for the ultra rich. Let them pay for their own fucking stadium as taxpayers basically never see any benefit from these.
  2. I don’t get why people respond to him. Either a troll (always been my guess), intentional ignorant or remarkably dumb. Either way, if everyone ignores him he goes away.
  3. Giving stupid people treatment doesn’t stop the spread. Getting them vaccinated does
  4. It made sense for a pretty short period of time but it wasn't that long before there was good data showing it wasn't effective and you still had nut jobs swearing by it, that is more what I was referring to.
  5. And for which there is literally zero evidence of it being effective. These people are fucking morons. All over hydroxychloroquine last year and now Ivermectin but not over proven successful vaccines. It's too bad this stupidity didn't impact other people or I'd be perfectly content that we just have a bunch of Darwin award winners.
  6. Yes, that is correct. This is a black and white issue. Laughable to say otherwise. Vaccinations are good, the arguments against them are entirely bullshit.
  7. Good second half but that was an unfathomably bad game plan and formation for the first half. We have good players now, put them in a position to succeed.
  8. Berhalter is an absolute joke who has zero business ever being considered for the job. Yay nepotism
  9. Berhalter needs to be fired. Completely asinine that the USA has its most talent group ever and the coach is a guy who got the job solely because of nepotism.
  10. It is unfortunate, at this point we need vaccine mandates from all employers and governments with the sole exception being for medical reasons (there shouldn’t be religious exemptions for vaccines). And if someone still doesn’t want the vaccine then they can be ostracized from society and not get to take part in the benefits provided by it. I have zero sympathy for people who won’t get vaccinated unless there is a medical reason for them not to. Years ago people in this country would sacrifice for the greater good (and getting a vaccine isn’t even a sacrifice) but thanks to Fox News and social media one side of the aisle has decided science is bad and owning the libs is more important than public health or the country.
  11. Yep. Had 4 world champions in the sprints at 2019 world championships but Coleman suspended, Brazier banged up so didn’t make team, Holloway blew a big late lead and Lyles just wasn’t quite the same guy this year. The sprinters that made team are actually really young though so I’d expect them to be set up really well in 2024.
  12. Just completely destroyed Brazil that whole match. Was never really particularly competitive. And USA finishes with most golds, most silver and most bronze. Despite a number of disappointments before and after the games the USA still finishes on top.
  13. Just absolutely horrendous officiating down the stretch of this Suns/Clippers game
  14. This is really going to harm people’s desire to get the vaccine. Anyone on the fence is going to be far less likely to get the vaccine now and those who were already not planning on getting it will double down. Really bad news given that people don’t understand statistics or probability at all.
  15. I mean the Angels are squaring up everything. 8 balls in play at over 100 mph exit velocity. Super lucky to have only allowed two runs.
  16. Does Will Wade do any coaching? He obviously does a great job buying players but man that defensive scheme is total garbage and on offense he has a great team solely because of talent. Cam Thomas, Watford and Smart are awesome in isolation.
  17. I think it’s as simple as Loyola executed exceptionally well on offense and Illinois didn’t make good adjustments today (on the coaching staff) and the blueprint against this Illinois team defensively is that if you get really physical with them and are disciplined you can get them out of their stuff since only Curbelo is truly a plus ball handler. Most games they still were able to make enough plays or their D carried them but the D wasn’t there today. Very similar game to Missouri and MSU on offense where the other team was extremely physical, not much was called early and then mentally they just don’t seem to recover well.
  18. Agreed. If Curbelo develops a jump shot he is completely unguardable with how well he handles the ball, how creative is and his court vision. As good as Ayo is it is crazy how unable he was to handle a hedge on a screen today. Either just retreated and let the D recover or turned it over. Never made a quick pass or looked to Dump it to Kofi being guarded by tiny guards. If a team tried that against Curbelo a year from now he’d absolutely torch them.
  19. He was awful today but you don’t go 31-9 in the Big 19 over the last two years being a bad in game coach. This Illinois team had two stars and one who will be a star in Curbelo and basically role players around them. They played lights out D against Michigan and Wisconsin without Ayo but guys like Frazier, Damonte and Grandison are incredibly limited. Not a team well positioned to survive one of its two all Americans being the worst player on the floor.
  20. Underwood got worked by Moser today. He made zero adjustments the entire game. Of course it doesn’t help that your all American was the second worst player on the floor (behind your senior 4 year starter).
  21. This Bears staff also heavily worked with Foles and thought he was worthwhile to bring in. Just saying
  22. The Pelicans actually need depth. That bench is horrendous. That should be their biggest priority along with getting their young guys to buy in on D.
  23. It also didn’t help that Reid and Bieniemy decided to never try to block with more than 5 guys yesterday despite their offensive line being destroyed. Outrageously bad coaching job by the Chiefs yesterday. And with how the Bucs dominated on the lines on both sides of the ball it may not have mattered but the Chiefs staff put their team in a position to fail.
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