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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 31, 2009 -> 01:59 PM) These refs must be proud that they are gonna help decide the outcome of Michigan/Indiana. Calling fouls on both sides that aren't even there. Sims didn't even touch Rivers on that drive. I know people like to complain about the reffing in the NBA but it is vastly superior to college officiating. There are times I wonder if college refs are even watching the game.
  2. QUOTE (hitlesswonder @ Dec 31, 2009 -> 12:22 PM) I'm no Illinois fanboy, but I think that the criticism of Davis and McCamey may have gone from justified to excessive at this point. They obviously don't play mistake free ball and both have defensive issues but they had good games last night: McCamey had 8 assists to 2 turnovers and while he only had 9 points it was clear that that his job was to feed the ball inside not shoot. I thought he did a good job handling the ball and pushing the tempo. And Davis...the guy has 20pts on 9-14 with 17 boards. It's true that both could/should have played better defense, but I think it's funny to see people (not just here) rip Davis and say things like if he had any intensity and desire he would easily have had 25 boards instead that 17. And at the same time I see posts about how great Bill Cole is. It's odd. I have a much bigger problem with lack of effort than lack of talent. Davis didn't play defense at all yesterday and had a bunch of mental lapses. And then to stand and watch NW grab a rebound that tied the game ? That just can't happen. My problem with Davis is that I think he can be an absolute star at this level and while he is a very good player his lack of intensity is keeping him from reach his potential.
  3. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 11:15 PM) Frustrating loss, they just took too many stupid, contested shots in the second half. Illinois played a lot better down the stretch, NU had no answer for them inside. NU is better than I expected and Illinois just didn't play defense in the first half, bad combination. NW really needed to not go to Mirkovic (Sp?) he was horrid.
  4. QUOTE (danman31 @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 11:10 PM) And Tisdale wasn't set. Clear foul. He wasn't taking a charge, Shurna jumped into him when he was on the side, you don't have to be set for there to be an offensive foul or no call. I don't know why people have that misconception.
  5. QUOTE (danman31 @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 11:07 PM) Nice blinders. NU playing in a high scoring game, not something I expected them to have a shot at tonight. LOL if you think that is a foul then you need to take off the NU blinders. Shurna created all the contact.
  6. And Tisdale's 5th foul is complete bulls***. Shocking that a crew with Burr and Hightower is incompetent.
  7. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 10:53 PM) Nice of Mike Davis to allow that tip in Yep didn't even move. I can't stand him. What a waste of ability.
  8. Also, Jim Burr really needs to retire. That dude is blind. Worst official in any sport at any level.
  9. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 10:03 PM) Weber start Cole over Paul tonight? No Paul started, had a bad half. Cole played ok and started the 2nd half.
  10. QUOTE (JDsDirtySox @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 09:59 PM) Illinois D will always be weak against the 3 until DJ Richardson learns how to back off his man. Watch the dribble drive kick out for three on every attempt. Richardson plays up too tight on his man and is easily beat to the paint every singe time. Dribble drive hasn't been much of an issue tonight. It has been mostly lazy D fighting through picks. And on that last 3 Richardson was still with Thompson, Davis can't help there. Make Thompson hit a tough contested two rather than giving up a wide open 3. I don't understand why Illinois continues to have guys help off of players that are only one pass away. Help form the weak side dumbasses.
  11. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 09:45 PM) Not the best defensive half for Illinois. NW shooting lights out from downtown it seems. This is a bad defensive team led by Mike Davis who would struggle to guard me. He is unbelievably lazy on D, it is really pathetic. And I hate Dominique Keller, I am so happy he was a JUCO recruit so this is his last year. Also, I love when terrible 3 pt shooters go off on Illinois. Shurna has been a horrible shooter from the arc this year and of course he can't miss tonight.
  12. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 29, 2009 -> 03:23 PM) There's a LOT of women out there who would disagree and see Titanic's love story up there with The Notebook. Women also think the Twilight movies are good. Enough said.
  13. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 29, 2009 -> 02:52 PM) Both movies had impressive visuals that carried mediocre love stories. People just freaked out at the ship sinking scene in Titanic Right, but to the tune of $600 million for Titanic and what looks like a possible $500+ million run for Avatar? I just don't get it.
  14. Can someone explain to me the appeal of James Cameron's last two movies? I mean not that Avatar was terrible but I just don't understand how Titanic and Avatar have been so captivating that they have set box office records. Sure Avatar has impressive visuals, but the movie itself was incredibly predictable and cliched and without the visuals is an average movie at best.
  15. I have never seen a team have receivers stop on routes more than this years Bears team.
  16. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Dec 25, 2009 -> 02:36 PM) It's still unnecessary. It's not required by the state commission, so I don't know why Floyd's all for it all of a sudden. Because it is probably really easy to beat the testing required by the state commission. Really, if you don't have anything to hide there is no reason not to agree to the testing.
  17. QUOTE (zenryan @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 09:06 AM) I dont know how because I've never had to take blood tests but obviously Pacman thinks it hinders his performance by taking frequent tests up until fight time. Pacman said he's got no problem with a test a few weeks out and right after the fight so that should be good enough for Mayweather's camp. This style of testing doesn't hurt Olympic athletes who undergo it so why would it hurt Pacman?
  18. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 03:05 PM) The worst thing that ever happened to this thread was Mario Chalmers hitting that jumper. Well, Calipari stupidly not fouling and Douglas Roberts and Rose choking at the FT line contributed significantly as well.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 10:43 AM) Even in trying to remove the fan boy in me from the decision, I still see the Sox as the best team this decade, maybe even a few decades. Only team other than than the '27 Yankees to go wire-to-wire, AND lose 1 or fewer games in the postseason? 2005 Sox, without a doubt. They were not better than the 98 Yankees and it really isn't close. The 98 Yankees are easily the best team in the last 20 years. The 05 Sox were one of the top 2 teams of this decade though and the best team in 05 which is really all that matters.
  20. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 10:20 AM) I dunno if I would call it underachieving 12 games into the season. He's got 2 freshman with a world of talent but who continue to make bad decisions, a junior that has the skill set to play in the NBA but a physicality level of a 2 year old girl, and practically zero bench. On top of that he's stuck between letting his guys run (scoring 80+ a night) or focusing on defense (which they just can't do). One thing I noticed last night was that their defensive rotation was AWFUL. Everyone collapsed inside and then forgot about the guys behind them. In reality this team should be 10-2 right now with losses to Clemson and Mizzou. The really haven't looked outmatched at any time except the first half of the Clemson game. Their losses are from really bad decision making and giving up on games. They still have two first team all-big ten players in McCamey and Tisdale. And if McCamey gets it in his head that he's one of, if not the, best PG in the Big Ten, I think he can win PotY. He's got a Frank Williams ability to drive and score, he just has to do it more. I still think a sweet 16 run is an achievable goal, but not unless they grow some desire and play smarter basketball. Illinois's starting lineup is as talented as anyone's in the Big 10. My concern is that the JR class and Keller lack the intensity and fire you need to be great. You see it time and time again that they just don't play with intensity on D and they make a lot of really lazy plays on offense. I can live with the freshmen making dumb mistakes, all freshmen do, but there is no excuse for the JRs to be playing like that. And this is the first time that I can say an Illinois's team coached by Weber lacks effort on the court. Even the team two years ago that was terrible played hard every game, they just didn't have any offensive weapons. Last years team finished 2nd in the Big 10 based largely on effort.
  21. This years Yankees was probably the best team of the decade but at the same time I don't think any team in the last 10 years would have beaten the Sox with the way they pitched in the postseason.
  22. Also, this is the first year under Weber the team is underachieving significantly to their talent. There is way too much talent in the starting lineup for this team to have the losses it does. Part of it is coaching and part of it that while talented the JR class and McCamey and Davis in particular just don't play with intensity. They both are lazy on D and when their shots aren't falling it gets in their heads. Davis especially is just a very mentally weak player.
  23. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 11:35 PM) Davis plays like he's a video game character. He just jumps up and down in the same spot he started at. Never drives to the rim, and can't play defense. And it really doesn't make sense because he is obviously a really good athlete. And generally when you have a guy like that they are great shot blockers yet he never tries to block shots, he doesn't even attempt to play help defense and he never goes up strong around the basket.
  24. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 11:29 PM) BTW, awful coaching by Weber tonight. Illinois had all the momentum when they cut it to 6 points, and he decided to bring in the most unproductive hyped player in history, Alex Legion. The offense really never recovered the rhythm they had. It would also help if Mike Davis had a testicular implant. Because he is clearly missing his balls. Bringing in Legion didn't really hurt. He actually had a nice block shot in that stretch towards the end. What killed us was when Bill Cole came back in, lost English who drained a 3 and then English made the prayer on the next possession to seal it. But Legion is absolutely terrible.
  25. Missouri got away with an obvious goaltend on McCamey's drive to the basket by the way.
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