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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Mike Davis should seriously be embarrassed with his play tonight. I just can't like him as a basketball player. So talented but such a p****.
  2. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 11:02 PM) That and these officials are brutal The one on the baseline when Illinois has the ball on offense right now is quite possibly the worst ref ever. Oh and how that one ball was off Tisdale when he wasn't within 5 feet of the ball when it flew off Stafford is beyond me.
  3. Mike Tisdale just got called for one of the weakest offensive fouls ever. I hate college officials they are clueless.
  4. The junior class for Illinois drives me nuts. Davis, McCamey, and Tisdale are talented players but my god are they lazy basketball players. Davis is particularly frustrated, a guy with his jump shot and leaping ability should be so much more.
  5. QUOTE (jphat007 @ Dec 22, 2009 -> 10:03 AM) A very good pitcher when the games don't matter. Unfortunately lots of games usually matter for the Yanks. He was great in September for the Braves last year and they were in the hunt for the playoffs. He definitely couldn't pitch for the Sox in big games though.
  6. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 07:55 PM) I thought there was a good chance I'd hate Avatar, or at least be let down a lot. It was one of the best movie experiences of my life. It's not the best movie I've ever seen, or even close, but it was like my mind was constantly being blown by the amazing visuals. You have to see it in Imax 3D. I just got back and I can honestly say I didn't really like it. Now the visuals are absolutely incredible and I think they could revolutionize movies going forward. However, the movie itself was hampered by an extremely mediocre plot, terrible love story and horrible dialogue. Plus, quite frankly I thought while the world Cameron created was amazing to look at, the story was really boring to follow (and very predictable). For me I almost have to give the movie two grades, the visuals are an A+ and really worth the price of admission alone. The story, dialogue, etc. I would give a C.
  7. So where does that rank amongst 2nd half blown leads in NBA history. It has to be near the top if not the biggest blown lead ever.
  8. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 10:19 PM) Did the Bulls just blow a nearly 30 pt lead? They were up 35 at one point in the 2nd half.
  9. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 07:50 PM) I'm seeing it in 3D on the IMAX tonight. I'll let ya know what I think. So am I, and after talking to a bunch of people who have seen it, the movie itself is average, but the visuals are supposed to be just incredible which makes it a much watch in IMAX 3D and probably not worth the money in 2D.
  10. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 01:36 AM) Well I don't think he'd be the most popular choice, and if he'd be the OC anywhere, I'd say it'd be back in New England, as those 2 need each other right now. Why on Earth would New England need Weis?
  11. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 07:59 PM) I gotta say.. if this is true from Jerry, then it gives most of us Bear fans some optimism. Angelo is the far bigger problem. As long as he is around I'm not sure it matters who is coach.
  12. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 03:00 PM) Avatar just wasn't good. The effects were pretty spectacular though. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it is actually a pretty boring movie. True?
  13. Looks like this season will be it for Scrubs. Can't say I'm surprised and I still maintain it shouldn't have ended with the perfect finale last season. http://tvbythenumbers.com/2009/12/18/repor...t=Google+Reader
  14. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 11:04 PM) If they had signed Gordon to the deal that he wanted to take last year, and they traded Hinrich(they had 3 chances to do so for expirings since last year), the Bulls would be plenty close. Instead, they need to hope Salmons opts out, still need to trade Hinrich or Deng, and then hope two of Bosh, Wade, Lebron and Joe Johnson want to come. The front office screwed this team. Not Vinny. You would have to be a complete dumbass to keep Hinrich and his contract or trade for that contract. He just isn't a good basketball player. But then again for some reason Paxson always loved him.
  15. Richmond struggling with his jump shot tonight. I wonder if his hand is bothering because it has been a while since I have seen him shoot that poorly from the perimeter. He definitely got outplayed by Barnes but the rest of Ames is just dramatically better than Richmond's supporting cast. More talented, bigger, and hey play much more intelligent basketball. I thought Richmond played good D on Barnes though, most of Barnes points were second chance points and in transition of really bad passes. Waukegan's guards drive me nuts and I think they are really poorly coached as a team. They really don't run any sort of offense.
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 08:24 PM) 25-8 Knicks... OK this would be a great day to fire VDN. Rose is the only player on this team worth a damn (well Noah is ok). You have to love our 10 million dollar backup PG/SG who can't shoot and has never been a good distributor. I will never understand the love Bulls fans gave Kirk Hinrich, a decent but not great defender who never was a good shooter and never a good distributor. The one thing I will give him is he defends Wade really well. Our wings thrive at taking 20 ft jump shots which are basically the worst shot in basketball. Brad Miller has no business getting more than 10 minutes a game for an NBA team at this point and he is starting, just awesome.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 02:22 PM) Absolutely the best situation possible. As I said before, let Zook be the recruiting coordinator with the title of head coach. Give these coordinators a ton of money (Petrino is 2 years at 495k, is that a lot for an OC in college?) and let them run the team. That is a very high salary for a college coordinator.
  18. Sounds like Vic Koenning will be Illinois's DC. Sounds like another really good hire, Georgia was actually targeting him as their DC. So basically, it looks like Zook is being made into a recruiting figurehead with some really good assistants around him to do the actual coaching. I hate getting even remotely optimistic about Illinois football but this may actually work.
  19. Illinois hires Paul Petrino as their OC. This actually sounds like a damn good hire, they must be shelling out the money.
  20. Unbelievably stupid challenge, well really the challenge itself was bad but challenging after the TO is what makes it truly indefensible. Also, Greg Olsen please make a difficult catch for once in your life.
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 9, 2009 -> 10:55 AM) It looks to me like 2 hours of a video game. I think as a film, it will be terrible. But it will look and sound cool. The early reviews are good so far but I'm just not at all excited about this. The plot just doesn't interest me at all and quite frankly isn't creative at all and has been done to death in science fiction movies. The entire plot seemingly has been lifted from other movies and I think the film is really just a vehicle to show off the new visual techniques that apparently Cameron came up with. And at the same time , while some of the visuals look cool I can't get over how terrible and fake the aliens look.
  22. QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ Dec 12, 2009 -> 12:36 AM) Welcome to my world... You guys aren't on the same planet of suck as Iowa. Also, can I just say that studying for finals on a Friday night freaking sucks.
  23. Iowa currently leads Craig Brackins 30-24. Unfortunately for Iowa, Iowa St. also has other players.
  24. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 11, 2009 -> 05:41 PM) I'll give him credit for the bball program, but it's not like it was in the tank and he resurrected it. The bball program has been consistently in the top 10-15 in terms of winning and getting to the tournament (hence the #6 all time ranking, *cough brag *cough). It wasn't in the tank, but Henson's last few years were really mediocre and the program appeared to be heading on the decline before he brought in Kruger.
  25. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Dec 11, 2009 -> 05:40 PM) My guess is that its just not economically feasible to fire Zook. The University of Illinois is in shambles in terms of budget, they are cutting everywhere right now. Im not sure how the athletic department is coping but they may not have the capital to cut loose Zook and afford a high price tag coach. I've heard that the RG had the money from boosters to buy out Zook and hire a new coach so I don't think that would have been a major issues. And even if it would hurt in the short term financially to fire him, if you think long term, keeping him around losing a ton of revenue from donations and a decline in season tickets next year it is very possible that you end up hurting your bottom line significantly by keeping Zook around. But that is the problem with the Illinois athletic department, they consistently think small.
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