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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 12:43 AM) You do understand that Freshman are important with the way NCAA Bball is set up right now. It is very rare to see a Junior or Senior star player these days. Oh I know, but freshmen are going to have bad games and early in the season they can be terrible and your other players need to step up. We have a talented group of JRs but Davis played terrible. Please tell me you remember how bad the Chalmers, Wright, Rush, etc. group looked early in their freshmen years at time and how good they were by the end of the year? That is all I am saying.
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 12:38 AM) I completely agree with you on this. As much as I respected Frazier as a person, Weber's motion offense works so much better when all 5 players on the court can shoot the ball. When Jordan's in the game, it's shades of Frazier on offense all over again. Well Frazier was at least a great defender and rebounder and could also distribute the ball fairly well by his SR year. Jordan can only dribble with his left hand, is as bad of a shooter as Jordan, is average on defense, doesn't rebound and really doesn't do a good job distributing the ball. This is why once Bertrand is healthy I would play him. I'm still excited about the potential of this team but this is what happens when you rely on freshmen who aren't Derrick Rose, Kevin Durant, Greg Oden, etc. they are going to have struggles and need to learn how to play in tight games at the college level. But I still would rather have a struggling Brandon Paul on the court than Jordan even at his best.
  3. Also, Weber needs to stop playing Jordan. The guy is f***ing terrible at basketball and while the whole team sucked tonight, he was the direct cause of the loss by not rotating back on D after McCamey shot the ball a little too early on Illinois' last possession.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 12:30 AM) Did they review it? Yeah, but it was in some terrible venue so they couldn't tell especially if they had a similar feed to what I was watching. But the pass down the court was thrown with about 2 seconds left and the guy caught it took a dribble jumped and then shot. Just very unlikely he actually got it off.
  5. Illinois Loses. Freaking pathetic and a horrible day of sports for me. I'm pretty sure Utah didn't actually get their last 2nd shot off but we deserved to lose.
  6. Illinois playing an unbelievably poor basketball game today. Davis having one of his disappearing acts and Paul and Richardson have played like freshmen.
  7. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 27, 2009 -> 02:14 PM) They split, but I still thought the team that gets into the bowl gets a larger chunk of the revenue? Am I mistaken? From what I understand all the bowl payouts are put into basically a common pot that is split equally but I do believe that the teams that go to the better bowl get a bigger budget for travel and other expenses so I guess a team could make slightly more if they stay under budget.
  8. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 27, 2009 -> 01:01 PM) Aren't most of the experts saying Penn State is going to get selected before Iowa? Either one will be the first at-large BCS team selected because of the draw (both teams travel exceptionally well) but Penn State has Joe Pa and a better lore than Iowa so in the end I think the Hawkeyes are gonna get the short-end of the stick, unfortunately, despite the fact that Iowa won @ PSU. I hope I'm wrong though, cause that money would be great for the program. In the Big 10 it doesn't matter much who makes what game since they split the revenues from the bowls. Iowa will get basically the same amount of money if they go to a BCS bowl as if Penn State does. I think the only difference is how big of a budget the school gets depending on what bowl they are invited to.
  9. Iowa hanging with Texas in the first half. I still say Rick Barnes is one of the worst in game coaches in America.
  10. Refs cheated UConn out of two go ahead TDs late with weak ass holding calls. Quick edit, make that one complete BS holding call and one somewhat questionable one.
  11. The Big 10 SUCKS. Which makes it even worse that Illinois can't even get to a bowl but wow is this conference painful to watch. These offenses are embarrassments to the game of football.
  12. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Nov 20, 2009 -> 08:54 PM) UNC getting exposed. UNC is built like little school girls compared to the Syracuse players. I'm expecting a Sweet 16 berth at best this season, you just can't win a lot with no PG, and two senior leaders with gigantic holes in their game. Oh well, in no way fathomable are Ed Davis or Tyler Zeller ready for the NBA unless they want to flounder like Brandan Wright. I just don't see it with UNC this year. I still love their frontcourt but that backcourt is just terrible for a top 25 team, let alone a top 10 team. But of course it isn't surprising they are down when you lose Lawson, Green, Ellington, and Hansbrough. They should be right back to the top next year with the class they have coming in.
  13. For f***s sake...New Moon just broke the box office record for a midnight opening. Our country is full of dumbasses.
  14. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 20, 2009 -> 10:29 AM) I love that NEW MOON is getting ripped in reviews, but won't stop it from having it make a billion dollars and won't stop the teen girls from thinking it is great. I'm just going to say it, women in general have unbelievably horrible taste in movies.
  15. Anyone who sees this Twilight bulls*** is dead to me.
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 20, 2009 -> 12:01 AM) I keep saying this, but the curse of the 2nd year player in Chicago lives on. I don't know if the players get celebrated too much in the offseason and just don't stay in shape, but it's a disturbing trend of late. Of course it doesn't help that the Bulls don't have a single guy who can make a jump shot.
  17. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 19, 2009 -> 11:42 PM) I can't find a fricking torrent all day for yesterday's episode. I usually download them the next morning but so far...nothing Go to surfthechannel and just watch a stream of the episode.
  18. It is weird watching Carolina get such terrible guard play. They aren't a legit title contender unless Strickland and Drew get a lot better.
  19. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 17, 2009 -> 12:27 AM) The UCLA-Fullerton game is very entertaining for all the wrong reasons. UCLA's roster and talent level is not impressive at all.
  20. QUOTE (knightni @ Nov 15, 2009 -> 09:25 PM) All mp3s are in the posts. Very cool feature of this make a list. Thanks for those.
  21. Rumor Royce White has been expelled from Minnesota. That sucks. http://twitter.com/Fox9Sports
  22. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 13, 2009 -> 10:09 PM) I noticed Legion was playing in garbage time. Not sure if that is a good sign that Paul will be starting, if he didn't tonight. It's odd seeing Paul wear #3 in blue and orange after watching him wear #23 for the last 3 years in the blue and gold. Great start for him. Paul is starting, he and Richardson are awesome. Legion is going to just be a scorer off the bench. He will have some huge games and be a completely non factor in games as well.
  23. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Nov 13, 2009 -> 10:53 AM) If the leak is true, Duke is going to be ridiculous next year. They finally got a PG in Irving, Curry is coming in, plus Barnes? Damn. I'm not sold at all on Seth Curry being an impact player in the ACC but I guess we will see.
  24. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Nov 13, 2009 -> 12:40 AM) +1 When you lead the NFL in INTs,call me crazy but at some point you GOT to blame the QB for bad decision making. When everyone was tearing Rex a new ahole for throwing picks,he also was playing behind subpar O lines and his reciever weren't TO or Randy Moss. I love Cutler and I see he is supertalented but his mechanics are awful and he missed some easy passes. Turner needs to man up and resign. Rex's offensive line was vastly superior to this offensive line. It isn't even remortely close. The Bears were also really good at running the ball which obviously opens up the field a lot more for the passing games. And say what you want about Mushin Muhammad and Berrian but those guys are a much better receiving combo than anything Cutler has to work with. Those guys at least could run proper routes and had some size to help out Grossman on bad throws.
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