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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Fix is in on this one. NFL clearly wants the Bucs to win
  2. Yeah, nobody should be downplaying a sitting president actively trying to undermine electoral results and inciting violence.
  3. Sean Payton with some of the worst coaching in football history thus far
  4. Sean Payton with two awful decisions already on his 4th down calls. No idea why you kick a FG there
  5. The Republican Party is a legitimate threat to American democracy and it is being driven by social media and right wing “news”. People underestimate how stupid other humans are.
  6. Meaningless. He’s a coward with no morals and no backbone. That goes for pretty much the entire Republican Party. These speeches don’t mean a fucking thing when you haven’t done a thing to stop this for 4 years and in fact enabled it. Fuck these people
  7. Even Trump’s message is total garbage. Go fuck yourself you piece of garbage.
  8. Even if he wasn't in hiding he wouldn't do anything. Every Republican (other than Romney) gave full throated support to Trump for 4 years and completely debased themselves. They reap what they sow.
  9. The Republican Party is compete and total garbage and the single greatest threat to America since the Civil War.
  10. This is what you get when you have true fake news (Fox, OAN, Newsmax) preaching conspiracy theories and lies to the masses being given legitimacy by people with no morals that are complete pieces of shit (basically the entire GOP with a few exceptions).
  11. It is absurd it hasn't happened already.
  12. We can use tear gas on peaceful protestors but not on these fools. About right for the GOP.
  13. When the Bears haven’t shown any actual ability to stop or even slow down the Packers offense for two games and insist on covering Adams and other WRs with Trevathan, yes.
  14. It really wasn’t, if Scantling catches an easy ball that game is never competitive and the Bears have showed zero ability to even slow down the packers offense.
  15. The Republican Party is a disease
  16. Easier to handle the stress when you don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself
  17. Pretty sure it was as simple as the NFL making an example of the Broncos and what will happen to other teams if they let the same thing happen and it was convenient and easy to do since the Broncos aren’t any good.
  18. It’s amazing how bad this team’s offensive stats would be if it wasn’t for 4th quarter offense down double figures. The only time they can move the ball is when opposing defenses get passive.
  19. Those fluke wins to begin the year were just delaying the inevitable. This is not a good football team and isn’t even close to being one.
  20. This is a bad team that has been incredibly lucky all year long. Being dominated again tonight but in it because of a couple of big plays.
  21. It’s a symptom of Mitch McConnell being a piece of trash prioritizing a Supreme Court judge and humoring Trump’s asinine election complaints to drive the base to vote in Georgia for the special elections rather than actually giving a damn about Americans.
  22. I’m sure some people use it to say police should be abolished but it’s really referring to taking money from police departments and reallocating them to non-policing forms of public safety and other reforms.
  23. Democrats are horrendous at marketing. Defunding the police is actually a popular policy but it is the worst branding in history. And unrelated to your post, I’m getting very concerned the Republican Party, Trump and Fox News are doing irreparable damage to the country. Hard to see a way back from a huge amount of people legitimately believing crack pot conspiracy theories over actual news and a party pushing election fraud with zero basis whatsoever. Ideally that party would be burned to the ground and have a new Conservative party that is complete trash take it’s place.
  24. If they do this I hope they are ready for an armed revolt because there is no way that doesn’t end up in mass chaos and violence.
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