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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Pods is the worst base runner ever, and just an incredibly stupid play by Beckham. Unreal.
  2. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 11:29 AM) that was one of those years that with the pitching the White Sox had they really could of had any type of line-up and went far Pitching and timely HRs won the White Sox the WS that year. The Ozzie Ball myth really needs to end.
  3. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 11:21 AM) I think most people go to polar opposites when they talk about lineup construction. The reaction to our issues with offense is that we need to abandon power hitters completely. its really about a balanced lineup. You need a power core in the middle of the lineup to provide high OBP, power, and the ability to drive in runs wrapped around with more pure hitters. Guys who can make solid contact, don't strike out and can hit doubles are the pure hitters that can augment your lineup. Having 9 guys who swing for the fences is dumb, as is having 9 singles hitters. Agreed, the problem with out lineup the past few years was missing a couple guys like Beckham who are going to hit line drives to put around the heart of the order of Dye, Thome, and Konerko (except for this year where the entire team just stopped hitting). But people would always complain about those guys rather than the fact our 1+2 hitters have done a terrible job getting on base or that the bottom of the order was a disaster. With a few exceptions, every good lineup is built around sluggers in the middle of the order.
  4. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 11:04 AM) I don't think with the Sox Park that you really need so called HR hitters anyway. Its easy to hit em out that you could have more line drive hitters and still be able to knock em out. The softball team s*** hasn't worked and won't work. Worked just fine in 2005. And worked in 2006 from an offensive standpoint, it was just too bad the pitching staff sucked. Softball team s*** got us to the playoffs last year.
  5. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 01:20 PM) So you just skipped the "Everett OR THOMAS" part? Nope, thought I edited my post to include that but accidentally created a subsequent post instead. Fixed now.
  6. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 01:05 PM) You guys can disagree all you want, but I know I'd choose Everett or Thomas and Rowand over Thome and what ever trash we ran out there for the past 4 years. Thome had more extra base hits than Everett and Rowand combined in 2006 and Everett was out of baseball by 2007 (granted they both missed time that season, Rowand injury, not sure with Everett but it might have just been benching for sucking). Thome also walked more than Everett and Rowand combined, scored more runs, and drove in more runs. Everett at that point in his career was a below league average hitter and Rowand is basically a league average hitter for his career. So basically you are saying you would rather have Rowand over Thome because Thome outproduced both of them combined in 2006 and Everett was out of baseball after 2006. And Thome was a massive upgrade over Thomas as well. Thome OPS+ 2006 155 2007 150 2008 123 Thomas 140 125 97
  7. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 10:09 AM) Found this on another site: "To me, Thome symbolizes KW giving right back in to the urge to have the same offense he had from 01-04. On the WS video, he brags about dumping Maggs, Carlos, and Jose to become more versatile. The next season we become station to station again. This team needed to dump Thome. It needs speed and non-pull hitters. Get back to pitching and defense. " The Sox scored 127 more runs in 2006 than they did in 2005. Thome was the major reason for that but I guess it was station to station baseball that did the Sox in that year rather than the fact that the pitching staff gave up about 150 more runs than the previous season. It is Thome's fault Politte became a terrible pitcher, Cotts sucked, Buehrle sucked, and Contreras got injured. If only we had more speed and a less productive hitter we would have won it all that year. And this myth that the Sox won with speed that year really needs to end. That lineup included Everett, AJ, Dye, Konerko, Crede, Uribe none of whom could really run. Rowand had above average but not great speed, Iguchi had decent speed but nothing more. Pods was the one guy who could really run on that team that was an everyday player. The Sox hit 200 HR, as already pointed out most of the big hits in the postseason were HR. The 2006 offense with the 2005 pitching staff wins 100+ games with ease and just about any year your pitching does what the 2005 Sox did in the playoffs you win the WS. When the other team doesn't score you win.
  8. Contreras was fantastic in 2005, was a huge reason the Sox won the WS, and until he hurt his back he was lights out in 2006. I still wonder what might have been that year if he hadn't gotten hurt.
  9. QUOTE (knightni @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 11:36 PM) Dye DHing now, or Quentin? Tyler Flowers
  10. QUOTE (whitesoxmanager @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 09:07 PM) NOTHING? who replaced the competitiveness and confidence? interesting how Philly turned that corner. and now SF is doing the same. you folks may never understand how important the intangibles in life really are. Philly didn't win a playoff game in either of Rowand's years with the club and then won the WS immediately after he left. SF sucked last year with Rowand. They have improved dramatically this year because they have 2 starting pitchers who are among the best 5 in baseball and that never lose and then their bullpen has been outstanding. I'm sure Rowand contributing to the 3rd worst offense in the NL has had a lot more to do with SF's success this year than the fact that they have the 2nd lowest ERA in the NL and 2 Cy Young contenders. I'm sure Rowand's intangibles is what has led SF to drop their ERA by over 1 run per game this year. Yeah, that is exactly why they have improved so much.
  11. QUOTE (b-Rye @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 09:20 PM) He could DH/lead off and play some OF.. he's done a good job this year at the plate.. the pickoffs/defense have been bad though. it's nice having a leadoff man who could steal a base and get on base.. too bad the guys in front of him cant hit. If Scott Podsednik is the Sox DH next year than Kenny failed miserably. That would be absolutely pathetic.
  12. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 06:24 PM) I'd be willing to bet that Dye and Thome leave tonight. Why shouldn't a team take a chance on Linebrink too? Some teams "Coop" might be able to fix him... Let the rebuilding begin... Linebrink is signed through 2011 and will make more than $5 million each of the next 2 years. Not a lot of teams are going to want to pay him that.
  13. QUOTE (Nixon @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 04:12 PM) According to the conference calls the parks east of the Mississippi will continue to operate as is. Meaning Marvel characters will probably get some play in Disney in Ca. Whatever money Marvel was earning out of these agreements go to Disney but Disney can't break these deals. Fox & Sony still own the rights to the movies they're currently producing, from an article I read there will be one more movie after The Avengers. Pixar is already working on a movie based on John Carter of Mars and apparently there's something else that's in the pipeline. I am f***ing stoked. The Wolverine/Xmen licenses can't be free of Fox soon enough for me. Sony has Spiderman and Fox has Fantastic Four and X-Men. Marvel had a distribution agreement with Paramount to distribute Avengers, Iron Man, etc. but they were producing those on their own. Paramount still will be distributing the next 5 non FF, Spidey, X-Men films and then that agreement runs out. Fox is freaking terrible, I would love for those characters to go to Disney.
  14. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 09:21 AM) Wow. Huge Disney fan that I am, I absolutely hate it when they do this stuff. You know the impact on Universal Islands of Adventure has to be among the key considerations from the standpoint of Disney parks. Out of the four rides at Marvel Island, Fearfall, Storm Force and The Hulk Coaster can all be re-themed without too much difficulty. But there's no way to re-theme Spider-Man virtual ride (great damn ride — easily my favorite non-coaster attraction ride). Universal probably has a pretty long licensing agreement and will be able to keep the Marvel themes in their parks as long as that licensing agreement is in existence.
  15. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 01:03 PM) I should say innings pitched. If you're going to limit him to this extent it is dumb to even start him.
  16. QUOTE (b-Rye @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 02:27 PM) Hudson started the season in A ball, I don't consider that top pitching prospect. Peavy is hurt btw and blocked a trade to the Sox before. Why does it matter where you started the season? Hudson had more success than Poreda ever had and simply has better stuff. I would be surprised if Poreda is ever anything other than a solid reliever or mediocre 5th starter and Richard likely won't ever be anything other than a 4th starter and its not like he has pitched well with San Diego.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 01:55 PM) Out of our entire pitching staff I think we only have 5 guys worth keeping for next year, not counting Glass Joe in the minors. Floyd Danks Buehrle Carrasco Thornton Jenks?
  18. QUOTE (b-Rye @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 01:25 PM) I quit watching for 10 min.. who made the errors?? I'm still thinking its gonna be 20-1 game. Contreras and Nix
  19. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 12:45 PM) Jose is already getting pounded He wasn't exactly helped by Nix, the 2b ump, and Pods today in the field.
  20. QUOTE (whitesoxmanager @ Aug 28, 2009 -> 08:50 PM) #1. Frank Thomas #2. Harold Baines #3. Carlton Fisk #4. Chet Lemon #5. Tim Raines #6. Lance Johnson #7. Ozzie Guillen #8. Paul Konerko #9. Robin Ventura #10. Tom Paciorek Is this list serious and in order?
  21. The Yankees sure aren't having a hard time hitting the ball hard against Buehrle so far. It would be huge and pretty lucky if he comes out of this inning only giving up the one run.
  22. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 07:22 PM) thats the fustrating part. awesome offensivley this year, but the pick offs and defense is atrocious. i wanted pods back for next but forget it. He has been respectable offensively, and certainly better than I expected but he has been far from awesome. He is a below average for a leadoff man, and a below league average hitter overall. He is certainly better than Wise and Anderson though. Unfortunately he is quite possibly the worst base runner in baseball.
  23. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 08:52 PM) I've seen enough of Garcia. Can we PLEASE just stop avoiding the promotion of Hudson and have him pitch a few games? His stuff is terrible as expected. No reason to throw him out there again. Hudson could not be any worse than Contreras and Garcia and at least has the possibility of being good.
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