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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Almost no one in this administration should ever be given the benefit of the doubt. Just across the board terrible human beings and grifters.
  2. Judges should start issuing sanctions for filing these lawsuits.
  3. Very very few republicans are condemning this bullshit which is an attack on our democracy. Lindsey Graham just said that Republicans win because of their ideas and democrats win because they cheat. The Republican Party has lost its fucking mind and if we do end up with people having no faith in our system or the country ends up embroiled in turmoil and violence it is 100% on that side of the isle.
  4. Almost without exception the current Republican Party is just complete and total garbage.
  5. The Republican Party is doing irreparable damage to our country right now. There might not be any coming back from this. https://mobile.twitter.com/KLoeffler/status/1325892918700290048
  6. Biden doubles lead in Nevada. That ones done too.
  7. It’s actually once they do call the race for Biden that they are saying not to use that term.
  8. Yep, I think when Biden officially has one more vote than Trump there every network calls it.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/OxfordDiplomat/status/1324335412865863682 It is amazing what has happened to the Republican Party in the last 12 years. And Trump is a symptom not a cause. Thank you Fox News and social media for ruining this country.
  10. For sure, thought you were implying Trump would have a good chance coming back based on those and was just raising provisionals would likely prevent a Trump comeback.
  11. But also provisionals too and those will lean Democrat.
  12. That was actually a decent result for Biden. Trump below pace he needs to catch up.
  13. Those on the ground are incredibly confident that the types of ballots left in Maricopa after this batch for Trump won’t be as favorable to Trump and he won’t be able to hold the 17 point lead the rest of the way through he needs to win.
  14. Context for when those go Trump: https://mobile.twitter.com/djquinlan
  15. I always thought this country was full of dumb people but never knew just how widespread it was until the last 4 years.
  16. That doesn’t include provisionals either which will be majority dem votes.
  17. So a little less confident in Pennsylvania this morning as seem to be conflicting reports as to how much of the vote is left to be counted.
  18. It is extremely probable. He has been blowing that away consistently.
  19. Not entirely sure. https://mobile.twitter.com/Nate_Cohn/status/1323958418177142792
  20. Sounds like it has been 78-21 thus far in Pennsylvania. If that trend holds Biden wins Pennsylvania.
  21. Provided he holds Nevada which is fairly close (although only mail in votes left to count which favors Biden). Looking like Michigan will flip to Biden. Hoping Pennsylvania or Georgia does so we don’t have to worry about Nevada.
  22. Trump must think bad news is coming based on his speech tonight. The fact so many people support this wanna be dictator that could destroy American democracy is just insane
  23. There are like 2-3 million votes to still count there, mostly from Dem strongholds and early votes have consistently leaned very heavily democrat.
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