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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Sigh, Trump already going with the they are trying to steal the election narrative. What a complete piece of garbage.
  2. And I'm out lol. Stop feeding the troll everyone.
  3. It’s the Republican way!! Attack everyone and play the victim at the same time.
  4. Not a silent majority. It’s a silent minority (and not very silent) that has gotten two presidents elected because of an archaic rule in our system despite losing the popular vote.
  5. More populated states wouldn’t pick the President. Every vote would count evenly. Republicans in California would get a voice and Democrats in Tennessee would get a voice. And I’d take Warren, Sanders and Schumer all day long over the Q anon clowns taking over the GOP
  6. Other than appealing a court decision, probably not. GOP’s only play is voter suppression. Just the worst people.
  7. The current Republican Party is complete trash part 5,000,000: https://mobile.twitter.com/mjs_DC/status/1322602843661021184 The Texas Supreme Court already ruled not to prohibit drive-thru voting.
  8. The current republican platform is nothing but voter suppression, racism, (fake) anti-abortion and xenophobia. They stand for nothing. This says everything about the modern GOP. Can’t campaign on any plans for making the future better since they have none so let’s try to get votes tossed out so we can maintain power to continue to grift. Also more evidence that the Hunter Biden story is complete bullshit is that Tucker Carlson claims damning documents he had vanished. Of course we all know those never existed because any normal person would have made copies and sent electronically.
  9. I think one of the big differences is that the bombshell stuff this time was basically bullshit and there are really no links to Joe Biden behaving badly. On top of that, there are very few undecided voters this time around versus there were quite a few last go around (if you are undecided on the president this late in the game you really should just sit this one out).
  10. Buckner is inexcusably bad. How on earth is he still a major league ump let alone getting playoff games.
  11. The flu death numbers are also just estimates and almost certainly vastly overinflated. The amount of actual verified flu deaths every year is way less than the CDC estimates. The last 4 years has really shown just how right George Carlin was about how stupid most people are.
  12. This is why Republicans in power don't care about changing the healthcare system in this country. The rich and powerful get unreal care and access to healthcare that is the best in the world. They don't give a damn if the average person doesn't have access or gets lousy care.
  13. So freaking stupid when you have guys like Anderson that do the same stuff and want to inject fun into the game. Hypocritical garbage
  14. Lol at the Lions, what a trash team and organization
  15. Yep, but to be fair, and as noted in the tweet, you need a national plan here. Restaurants need to all be bailed out so that they don't need to be open for indoor dining without people losing their businesses and livelihoods. It shouldn't be up to the states here.
  16. I've been once to a restaurant where we ate outdoors and tables were all more than 6 feet apart but I wouldn't even remotely consider eating indoors.
  17. Maybe masks work: https://www.kctv5.com/coronavirus/kansas-counties-with-mask-mandate-show-steep-covid-19-drop/article_3c413006-9f8b-5eb6-9bd6-d088976180a4.html?fbclid=IwAR3mZhV-zyedBtcC9E_LD_JyLTfXuOau_4JwoBZENoNwwP9R6bNlK8hV4ms
  18. lol. Makes posts making it a political issue. Then says it shouldn’t be a political issue.
  19. No there isn't. If you believe this stuff you are a dumbass plain and simple.
  20. People are outrageously stupid and ignorant. That is how clowns like these doctors get a voice.
  21. Start with the fact that the group is about 12 days old and not a real organization and the main doctor behind the group is a quack that has said that there is no scientific basis that the average American should be concerned about Covid.
  22. It is total and complete trash.
  23. I really hope that isn't the case. I'd quickly lose a lot of interest in baseball.
  24. Totally agree. This is the real issue for state and local governments and why I think Illinois moved to Phase 4 even without contact tracing fully in place. If businesses can't count on government funds to keep them afloat while keeping their doors shut you are doing a ton of long term damage if you make businesses continue to close their doors with no revenue coming in. Just an incredibly awful choice to make.
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