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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Probably not which is why it would have been nice to have a coherent national plan. If you had consistent messaging coming from the government on social distancing and the need to wear masks to protect yourself and others you would probably have less objections to the requirements and you actually would have an easier time opening up the country.
  2. People should never side with the owners in these labor disputes.
  3. Good for who? Seems like this only benefits the billionaire owners of the MLB franchises.
  4. Sunday death total reports have been consistently lower across the country for whatever reason it seems like.
  5. If we are going to say these are inflated than you could just as easily say the flu mortality rate is inflated as well. H1N1 was only like .02%.
  6. Also how does this work if a player tests positive? Do you have to do an extended shutdown of the whole league for a couple of weeks?
  7. And Trump used the cover of the corona virus and fires the inspector general who passed on the whistleblower complaint on a Friday night.
  8. Some unfortunately much less positive news on hydroxychloroquine - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/a-new-study-questions-the-effectiveness-of-a-potential-game-changer-against-the-coronavirus/amp Another small anecdotal study so can hope that this one is wrong but if the drug was truly a complete game changer I think we’d be seeing better results with patients by now.
  9. Kemp should be thrown in to jail for being unconscionably stupid or maliciously ignorant.
  10. Worked out great for the Broncos giving up a 4th round pick for a mediocre at best QB making a lot of money who had a couple hot streaks in his career.
  11. Ja and Zion both have a chance to be elite NBA players. Really hope Zion stays healthy because he has a chance to be an all time great if he does (I really think he is that good if his body holds up). And Lauri Markkanen is injured. Bulls cannot keep players healthy
  12. I have it on really good authority that Jimmy G was tired of being a backup and while the Pats actually offered him a nice contract, his agent basically told him Brady wasn't going to hang them up in the next couple of years so he turned down the contract offer at which point the Pats basically knew they had to move him.
  13. Griffin needs 25 minutes (as long as he isn't in foul trouble). Starting him is irrelevant and bringing him off the bench actually probably works best for this team since they don't have a ton of shooters. If you start Griffin with Ayo and Frazier it makes it a lot harder to set the rotations such that two of those guys are always on the floor.
  14. He won't fall out of the first round unless his medical reports are a complete disaster.
  15. Lucas really didn't know where they were going in Episodes IV-VI. That is why you have stuff like Leia and Luke kissing and while done well, the retcon of Vader being Luke's father. It is pretty well known that wasn't planned out. I enjoyed the sequel trilogy and was satisfied with the conclusion. It definitely could have been better though and I think Kennedy and the story group at Lucasfilm lack a great vision of where to take Star Wars which is why while I've enjoyed all of the movies so far the spinoffs were both play it safe and the trilogy lacked some cohesion. That is the main difference between Marvel and Lucasfilm post-Disney acquisition. Marvel has great leadership in Feige and Lucasfilm seems to be lacking there. Ultimately I'll always love the main saga but I'm also kind of glad it is over. Star Wars is way to expansive of a universe to keep focusing on one time period and one family. Hopefully now they can move on and create original stories with new characters set in that universe.
  16. I haven't seen it yet but I'm honestly not sure that is possible.
  17. It definitely was the right call. Fox got it wrong, ref got it right
  18. By Mitch standards he wasn't bad yesterday. He isn't good at all but I agree that he was not the main problem with the offense yesterday. I think Nagy has been a complete disaster this year with his play calling. I think Mitch not being good drives a lot of that but it is inexcusable even with Mitch not being good for this offense to be no better than the Dolphins, Jets, etc. but here we are.
  19. USA lost, Scott Brosius was horrible and not sure why the USA went with a 35 year old guy with mediocre at best stuff as their closer.
  20. Rudolph isn't going to take legal action unless we find out he was injured by the hit to the head. Generally speaking people don't bring legal action when there are no damages and you were the one instigating the fight.
  21. I don't get why no one talking on this is paying attention to the fact that while Garrett's hit was definitely late and somewhat dirty, Rudolph escalated things both times and turned the situation into a fight. If he doesn't try to rip off Garrett's helmet first things end there and then after Garrett ripped off his helmet off in response and a couple of Steelers' offensive linemen had already pulled Garrett away Rudolph goes after Garrett again. Rudolph was no angel. Garrett deserves the rest of the year suspension he is getting plus more but Rudolph played a huge role in that incident becoming what it was.
  22. Yep, 3 good drives and the rest they picked up like 2 total first downs. And one of those drives needed a 4th down conversion in their own territory to extend it and the other was a 25 yard drive off a turnover. The offense is brutal. The Lions hadn't allowed less than 370 yards in a game this season before the Bears game. In fact, every QB who had faced the Lions this year threw for more yards than the Bears had total yards on Sunday. That was not an offensive performance that anyone should feel good about.
  23. You can still use him even if you are losing. Not using your best pitcher in the game 7 of the World Series is fucking dumb. Even if he wasn’t ready to go in the 7th he should have had the 8th and 9th.
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