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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. They better get a top 2 pick in the NBA draft this offseason or I don't see it happening soon, especially if they are going to keep this clown of a coach for an extended period.
  2. I hope people understand just how bad that offensive rating is in the modern NBA. About 4 points worse than the next worse team in the league per 100 possessions. That is astonishingly bad and while this roster is trash it is no worse than the other garbage teams around the league.
  3. In an era where scoring is pretty much as easy as it has ever been in NBA history the Bulls have one of the worst offensive teams in its history from an offensive rating standpoint. Well done all.
  4. Blatantly false. He had top 5 defenses in the NFL his entire time in San Francisco (if you want to point to points his last defense finished only 10th in points but they were top 5 in takeaways and yards allowed despite Willis missing most of that year and Aldon Smith missing most of the year).
  5. Why would you want to blitz all the time when you are getting pressure with your front consistently? The Bears were 4th in the NFL in sacks and were by far the best pass defense in the NFL. The Bears were also 4th best in the NFL against the run.
  6. Bill O'Brien is doing decent in Houston but other than him Belichick's coaching tree is pretty much a disaster at the NFL level.
  7. The Bulls have so many talented players not getting minutes right now. And to be clear I don’t like Parker and though it was funny anyone was excited about him but the guys on the bench who will be getting his minutes suck.
  8. Well good start tonight getting destroyed by the Kings and turning the ball over a million times.
  9. OSU played one great game all year. They got absolutely destroyed by a mediocre Purdue team and Maryland had them beat if their backup QB could hit a wide open receiver on a game winning 2 pt conversion attempt. How is OSU more deserving than ND (and I despise ND). ND beat Michigan and NW and didn't lose a game this year (let alone a 30 point loss to a 6-6 team). Clemson scheduled Texas A&M and South Carolina out of conference. Not world beaters but certainly better than the trash teams OSU played this year in the non-conference (they can't help that TCU sucked but still). This is just like last year when OSU fans were upset they didn't get in over Alabama when they were dominated by Oklahoma and got absolutely destroyed by Iowa. Don't lose by 30 points to 6-6 teams. End of story.
  10. So how many coaching hires does Paxson get to be involved in before he is moved out the door?
  11. I don't think there is a mass shooting that will move the needle on this at this point. Look how little discussion or shock there is in this thread. If Sandy Hook didn't lead to change I don't see what will. This is America, just have to hope that you or people you know aren't victims of one of these.
  12. The way to make America safe is for everyone to be carrying their own gun at all times
  13. Early reports are it is a white male, per usual with these shootings.
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/11/02/trumps-new-immigration-ad-was-panned-racist-turns-out-it-was-also-based-falsehood/?utm_term=.643eecb4753c
  15. The current version of the GOP is basically the party of white nationalism, racism and fear mongering. And the sad part is that it is working.
  16. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/caravan-lie-sparked-massacre-american-jews/574213/
  17. https://www.businessinsider.com/explosive-device-bill-hillary-clinton-home-ied-chappaqua-2018-10
  18. At 23 or 27? She will dominate in 2020 barring injury and it’s become much more common for women to compete into early 20s. Late 20s is still uncommon but she is so much better than anyone else’s it wouldn’t shock me if she is still able to destroy everyone at that age.
  19. Terrible call in the Astros game. Since when can fans be called for interference in the stands?
  20. Or your know, you could actually enact a tax plan that makes the super rich pay taxes. But no, can't do that. Have to screw over the little guy.
  21. Yeah and I think he played really well yesterday. That is a good sign. Torching a Tampa D that wasn't covering anyone is meaningless but hopefully yesterday is a sign of things to come.
  22. I thought Trubisky played really well in the second half yesterday other than the pick. The Bucs game is meaningless for evaluating him though. That defense looks like it might be one of the worst in NFL history. Giving up nearly 35 ppg, QBs are completing over 75% of their throws against them and have a 16-1 TD to int ratio through 5 games and averaging 8.6 yards per pass attempt (for reference only Fitzpatrick and Goff are higher than that number so far this year).
  23. Rex Grossman under center for the super bowl appearance unfortunately. They win the Super Bowl with Cutler or any not complete trash QB.
  24. Yes I understand that. My point is it’s ridiculous that people from smaller states are both insanely over represented in the Senate but then also extremely over represented in electing the president.
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