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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. That is exactly what is happening in our presidential elections anyways and people from smaller states are already ridiculously over represented in the Senate anyways.
  2. Manchin was going to vote whichever way Collins did.
  3. There isn’t a time for a verdict. It is whenever the jury reaches one.
  4. Great. I agree. That is completely irrelevant to wrathofhahn's hysterically inaccurate post.
  5. That is a fantastic article and the sad thing is that this criminal is going to be on the Supreme Court. Edit: Criminal in that he committed perjury, no way of knowing if the assault allegations are true or not
  6. Or many of the republican senators and representatives? Or Fox news? Or the Republicans attending Trump's rallies?
  7. This is one of the funnier things ever written on this board.
  8. She was widely criticized for that but there’s also a pretty big big difference between calling Trump a faker and calling out the fact he didn’t turn over his tax returns and spouting off conspiracy theories and attacking an entire political party.
  9. He lied about not drinking on weekdays during the summer. There is not a single bit of evidence of the existence of a drinking game called devil's triangle, while there are mountains of evidence about the sexual meaning of the phrase. We have accounts from a college friend of his about how he used the term boofing. His statement on this was obviously bullshit. We have third party accounts of Kavanaugh drinking heavily and throwing up. We have the Renate limerick written elsewhere in his yearbook, plus a basic knowledge of what HS boys talk about. Meanwhile his accounts of all of these cases are somewhere between implausible and ludicrous, and have no supporting evidence. Edit: And that is just based what he said during the most recent hearing alone. He was also evasive and refused to answer questions on numerous occasions which is also evidence of someone lying/hiding the truth.
  10. I'm done with discussing this with a willfully ignorant person.
  11. Not sufficient to convict in a court of law most likely (maybe if they actually investigated) but enough to cast serious doubt as to Kavanaugh (although his blatant lies under oath should be disqualifying by themselves). https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/will-the-fbi-ignore-testimonies-from-kavanaughs-former-classmates
  12. Except for you know, a judge repeatedly lying under oath. Which if he was a Democrat would lead to impeachment charges but, again go team GOP.
  13. Yes, because they didn't actually investigate anything.
  14. Yes, that line of questioning was grandstanding to show people that he didn't want an investigation to imply he didn't want the truth found out and they called for an investigation, which there absolutely should have been. A stall tactic only works if you are the one who gets to do the stalling though. Republicans set the parameters for the investigation and the coward Jeff Flake is ultimately the one who got the investigation going so he could have cover for his upcoming yes vote.
  15. The FBI investigation with a one week time frame and of limited scope was a stall tactic by the Democrats even though it needed to be ordered by Republicans and they set the parameters. Got it. Fantastic critical thinking. This FBI investigation was cover for Jeff Flake, Murkowski and Collins who are all cowards and were scared to vote yes. Nothing more. There is corroborating evidence about Ramirez's allegation against Kavanaugh. The FBI just was prohibited from looking into it and the GOP wouldn't let her testify before Congress. Plenty of evidence Kavanaugh has lied under oath repeatedly. The Ford allegation is absolutely a he said/she said situation but let's not act like that is the only allegation facing Kavanaugh or that he hasn't broken the law repeatedly by lying under oath. Kavanaugh has clearly demonstrated he is not suited to be a supreme court justice but go team GOP I guess. Party before country. Let me also say that Kavanaugh is not under trial, there is no presumption of innocence when you are on a job interview. My company would never have hired this guy in a million years under these circumstances but he is going to be on the Supreme Court without a real investigation. Amazing.
  16. Absolutely hilarious. Of course you can't find any one to attest to any of the allegations when you are actively refusing to interview third parties with information.
  17. I love that Trump isn't even denying the New York Times' report.
  18. The sham FBI investigation ordered by Republicans because Jeff Flake is a coward who wanted cover for his cowardice is a Democrat stall tactic. Got it.
  19. Hahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaahahahaahah That's my response to your partisan nonsense.
  20. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/dozens-potential-sources-information-have-not-been-contacted-fbi-kavanaugh-n916146
  21. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/will-the-fbi-ignore-testimonies-from-kavanaughs-former-classmates I’m shocked that this is a sham allegation being conducted by the FBI. V
  22. Super lucky there. I thought Gore would just keep the bat on his shoulders and he would have been on.
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